Friday, July 3, 2015

You Need To Read This! - Family Plus PS - July 3

Hi Parents and Grandparents of Preschoolers-

Our basic truth for this month is “God loves me.” Say that out loud. Is that something that rings true to you? Or, is there a moment of doubt. Our preschoolers accept the fact that God loves them with ease. Of course God loves them. They’re wonderful. They have no reason to doubt His love.

We adults on the other hand; we can think of many reasons God shouldn’t love us. That decision we made a decade ago that hurt so many. That choice we made last year. That thing we said yesterday. All of those things haunt us until we question God’s love for us. Here’s the thing. We don’t need to question it. God’s love will always be there. Always. No matter what.
So, as you tell your child that God loves him this month, don’t forget to say it to yourself too. God loves you. And, His way is perfect.

This Sunday, July 5, 2015, your preschooler will learn that:

Moses’ mom and sister hide him among the reeds along the bank of a river in an effort to save him from the evil Pharaoh.
Exodus 1:21-2:10

MEMORY VERSE - “God’s way is perfect.” 2 Samuel 22:31, NIrV
BASIC TRUTH -  God loves me.
KEY QUESTION - Whose way is perfect?
BOTTOM LINE - God’s way is perfect

- Promotion Sunday - July 26th. Watch your mail for details.
- Back At It - August 5th Wednesday nights will start back and we will have a fun night planned.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.  

Bridget :)

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Not Your Ordinary F+ - Family Plus Preschool June 20

Hi Parents & Grandparents of Preschoolers, 

This Sunday is a special day.... Fathers Day! We will have breakfast and tons of activities for all ages. 
8:00am - 9:45 Breakfast in the fellowship hall $5  and.....Activities for all ages outside  including Craft, Air soft shooting, Firetruck/rescue/ambulance (no not because of the air soft), putt putt, golf, police dog demonstration and inside self fun photo booths

One Worship Service at 10am. Our Worship leader,  Phillip Hardy has called all men to sing in the choir. All you have to do is show up 10-15 before the service starts.
Activities for children's babies - two's during the service. I hope you and your family plan to attend. 
A word from Jesse McKay, NG Intern:

Hey parents!
If you have not heard yet, our church now has a subscription to Right Now Media. Right Now Media is a streaming service like Netflix, but with Christian based content. It has a lot of great Bible studies and other videos for adults, but did you know that there is an entire section on the service just for kids? It has lots of great programs that are all safe for little ears, and all have a Biblical message. One show on Right NowKids that you might not be familiar with is Gerbert. I watched Gerbert on VHS tapes when I was the age of your preschooler, and I am excited that your kids have the chance to watch it and other shows on a modern platform! 
Click here for video This episode is a good 1st episode for your preschooler, because the lesson is that God notices the little things, including little ones! 

If you have any questions about the Right Now Media contact Grady Pfahl at If you have not signed up for it he will be happy to get you started. It's free and super easy to navigate.  

July 6th - 10th Preschool Day Camp $60 3 year olds-completed Kindergarten This camp is filling up fast. Contact me soon to register.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.  

Bridget :)

Friday, June 5, 2015

Perfect! Don't You Think? - Family Plus Preschool - June 5

Hi Parent’s and Grandparents of Preschoolers,

I hope to see you this Sunday in service. Sunday, June 7, we will hold a special Installation Service for our new Senior Pastor, Mark Marshall. Pastor Bruce will bring a special charge to our new Senior Pastor. Pastor Mark will respond to the charge and will be presented with symbols of the Pastoral Office and Role. We will have one service at 10:00 a.m. and no groups that day. All Preschoolers WILL have their regular group time at 10am. Sign in as usual and take them to their normal room.

God’s way is perfect. It is. Always. That doesn’t mean it’s always easy to understand, but His way IS perfect. And, He tells us what His way is through His Word. By spending time reading the Bible and conversing with Him, you will learn God’s way.

Sometimes His way is hard. Saying “no” when “yes” would be so much easier. Turning down the road less traveled rather than merging onto the highway everyone else seems to be on.
Often, it’s not easy to see the perfection of His plan for months, years or even decades. Other times, you see it almost instantly. Whether it takes minutes or months to see, God asks us to trust Him that He has a plan, and that it is perfect.

Spend some time in the Word this month studying God’s way. After all, it’s perfect.

This Sunday, June 7, 2015, your preschooler will learn that:
God tells Noah to build a huge boat because He is going to cover the entire world with water. Genesis 6:8-22; 7:1-24

MEMORY VERSE - “God’s way is perfect.” 2 Samuel 22:31, NIrV
BASIC TRUTH -  God loves me.
KEY QUESTION - Whose way is perfect?
BOTTOM LINE - God’s way is perfect

July 6th - 10th Preschool Day Camp $60 3 year olds-completed Kindergarten

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.  

Bridget :)

Friday, May 22, 2015

Never Give Up! Family Plus Preschool

Hi Parent’s and Grandparents of Preschoolers,

Jesse Mckay will be helping me write a few of our Preschool Family Plus over the summer. Jesse has been Interning and serving with our team for almost six years. He doesn’t just intern over the summer.  He primarily serves with our Children’s MInistry all year long but can sometimes be found helping in any of our age level work. He has a huge servant’s heart. I am grateful that he sticks around with us. Here is his first Preschool - Family Plus communication. Enjoy!

 Doesn’t it feel great when someone helps us? I know that personally I am not a person to ask for help much. However, the reality is that at times I need help getting everything on my to do list done. I’m sure that all of you feel the same whether it be something at work or at home. This week in class your preschoolers will be learning about a time when Moses needed help. This story comes from Exodus 17:8-13. The Israelites were fighting a battle and God commanded Moses to hold his staff in the air to have the upper hand in the battle. As the battle went on, Moses was tired of holding his arms in the air and started to slip them down to rest. Whenever Moses lowered the staff, they started losing the battle. Aaron was Moses’ brother, and decided to help when he saw Moses was in need. Aaron and his friend Hur found a rock for Moses to sit on to rest, and each man helped Moses hold up one end of the staff so it would stay in the air.
Ephesians 4:32 tells us to “Be kind and loving to each other.” Even when it is inconvenient for us, sometimes we have to realize that God wants us to either ask for help or be free to help out other people. This is a way that we can show the love of Christ to others! This week, ask your children to find an opportunity to help out a friend or family member with something that they look like they could use a hand with. You never know when going out of your way for someone is really being Jesus in disguise! 

Jesse Mckay

This Sunday, May 24, 2015, your preschooler will learn that:
Aaron and his friend help Moses by holding his arms up when they get tired. Exodus17:8-13
MEMORY VERSE - Be kind and loving to each other. Ephesians 4:32
BASIC TRUTH -  God made me.
KEY QUESTION - Who can help others?
BOTTOM LINE - I can help others.

June 3rd - Schools Out Cook Out 
July 6th - 10th Preschool Day Camp $60 3 year olds-completed Kindergarten

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.  

Bridget :)

Friday, May 8, 2015

Distracted Much? Family Plus Preschool - May 8

Hi Parents and Grandparents of Preschoolers!

I don't know about you but lately I get distracted a bunch. Especially this time of year. Graduations, weddings, showers, parties, recitals, ball games and so on. You get the picture. 

I have been trying really hard to read the Bible in a year. But with all these obstacles and challenges of every day life it tries to knock me off my course. Sometimes it is 11:30 at night when I finally sit down to focus on scripture. Sometimes I goof up and things get in the way of staying on course. Then I will spend the next couple of days to catch up. But I have to say its almost the middle of May and I am doing well so far.

This week join me to focus on not getting distracted. Especially the things that God needs or wants us to do. If you have not joined in on reading the Bible in a year, start today! Because guess what? If you start today, a year from now you will have completed it. I already feel accomplished in the four and half months but I know God will be proud of me for being so determined to finish what I started.  If you need help getting started I will be happy to help you. 

This Sunday, May 10, 2015, your preschooler will learn that:
Nehemiah helps lead his people to rebuild the wall around his home town. Nehemiah 1-6 

MEMORY VERSE - Be kind and loving to each other. Ephesians 4:32
BASIC TRUTH -  God made me.
KEY QUESTION - Who can help others?
BOTTOM LINE - I can help others.

June 3rd - Schools Out Cook Out
July 6th - 10th Preschool Day Camp $60 3 year olds-completed

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually. 

Bridget :)

Friday, May 1, 2015

I Can Help! Family Plus Preschool

Hi Parents and Grandparents of Preschoolers!

This month, our preschoolers can help. All month long, they will do different activities and be asked to “help” complete them. Do you ask your preschooler to help at home?
We often think our littlest friends can’t help, but they can and they want to! In fact, they enthusiastically cry, “Me help! or Can I help?” over and over again. Encourage this great helping attitude by giving them small tasks with which to help. Have the bagger at the grocery store put one box of cereal in a bag and let you child carry it to the car. Teach your child to put all the towels in one pile while you’re sorting laundry. Encourage him or her to carry their plate to the sink after dinner. Show them where their toys belong and how to clean them up after play time.
Inviting your child to help may increase the time needed to complete the task, but the payoff comes later when helping is a natural part of their lives. There are no sweeter words than your child asking, “Can I help?”

This Sunday, May 3, 2015, your preschooler will learn that:
Ruth moves with Naomi to help her and ends up being helped by a man named Boaz. Ruth 1&2

MEMORY VERSE - Be kind and loving to each other. Ephesians 4:32
BASIC TRUTH -  God made me.
KEY QUESTION - Who can help others?
BOTTOM LINE - I can help others.

May 10th Parent/Child dedications during both services. Contact me If you are interested in participating in this sweet service.
June 3rd - Schools Out Cook Out
July 6th - 10th Preschool Day Camp $60 3 year olds - completed Kindergarten

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually. 

Bridget :)

Friday, April 24, 2015

Shaken or Composed? Family Plus Preschool - April 24

Hi Parents and Grandparents of Preschoolers!

Would you be shaken or composed? How do you react to hard times, or unfair treatment? Our story this week teaches us that we could be both shaken and composed. Paul and Silas reminds us that sometimes we are treated unfair and we do have hard times. But even in these times that we are shaken God is always in control.

Remember to be bold about our Lord and Savior and tell others that He loves them even when it feels like the darkest of times. 

This Sunday, April 26, 2015, your preschooler will learn that:
Paul and Silas praised the Lord while in jail. God caused an earthquake that freed them, but they stayed to tell the jailer about Jesus. Acts 16: 16-34

MEMORY VERSE - Go and make disciples of all nations. Matthew 28:19
BASIC TRUTH -  Jesus wants to be your friend forever. 
KEY QUESTION - Who wants to be your friend forever?
BOTTOM LINE - Jesus wants to be my friend forever. 

May 10th Parent/Child dedications during both services. Contact me If you are interested in participating in this sweet service.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.  

Bridget :)

Friday, April 17, 2015

When Will Your Garden Grow? Family Plus - Preschool-April 17

Hi Parents and Grandparents of Preschoolers,

I love my granddaughter and I love more than anything talking to her about Jesus. I might not have gotten everything right when my children were little. But I have been convicted and more equipped to shape young disciples today. I have an app on my phone that I recommended to you all a year or two ago. It is called The Bible App for Kids. My granddaughter LOVES this app. As a matter of fact she calls it "My Bible App". Every time she sees me she will ask to see it. She loves to try to get to a new "level" (Bible story).
  Click here if you are interested in learning more about this app.

Her name is Taryn. Last weekend she face timed me to let me know she had lost her fifth tooth in a month. She was so excited to show and tell me all about it. I asked her if she had any other news to tell her Nana B. She said,  "I helped daddy plant a garden today". Me- "What do you mean plant? How did you plant?" She said "I put seeds in the ground and covered them up with dirt. They will grow into plants and be tomatoes.." Then she preceded to tell me what all she planted. I said "Oh those are all Nana B's favorite things. I can not wait til they grow!" Then I asked her, "Taryn how long do you think it will take to grow the plants?" She said with all the enthusiasm she could muster up, "Nana, I have no idea." Then she held up her little finger and said, "Wait! I know the answer, it will take three days. God made the plants on the third day!" I giggled and thought she is in our her way of being a disciple for Jesus. Because of this app I had the opportunity to have a wonderful conversation about our Lord and Savior. 

This Sunday, April 19, 2015, your preschooler will learn that:
God sent an angel to help Peter get out of jail so he could tell others about Jesus. Acts 12:1-17

MEMORY VERSE - Go and make disciples of all nations. Matthew 28:19
BASIC TRUTH -  Jesus wants to be your friend forever. 
KEY QUESTION - Who wants to be your friend forever?
BOTTOM LINE - Jesus wants to be my friend forever. 

May 19th Parent/Child dedications during both services. Contact me If you are interested in participating in this sweet service.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.  

Bridget :)

Friday, April 10, 2015

Not For Just The Good Kids - Family Plus PS

Hi Parents and Grandparents of Preschoolers - 

It’s amazing to know that there is ONE person that will never leave you, hurt you, lead you in the wrong direction, or cause you to do anything you shouldn’t do. Jesus is your forever friend, and He will always be there for you! He loves you, and there is nothing you can do to make Him love you less! That is a pretty big deal, isn’t it? It’s what we’re teaching our preschoolers this month. Jesus wants to be their friend forever.

Jesus wants to be your friend forever, too. Did you know that? No matter what you’ve done in the past, He loves you, and He died for you—you. If you haven’t read it recently, open your Bible to the Easter story (Mathew 26-28). Jesus suffered greatly and ultimately gave the most supreme sacrifice—His life—to save us. He didn’t do that for just the “good” kids. He died for ALL of us. He died so He could be our friend forever.
Take some time this month to pray with and remind your preschooler that Jesus wants to be his or her friend forever. If appropriate, share when you asked Him to be your friend forever. 

This Sunday, April 12, 2015, your preschooler will learn that:
Jesus gave His friends the very special job of telling others about Him before He left. Matthew 28:19-120

MEMORY VERSE - Go and make disciples of all nations. Matthew 28:19
BASIC TRUTH -  Jesus wants to be my friend forever. 
KEY QUESTION - Who wants to be your friend forever?
BOTTOM LINE - Jesus wants to be my friend forever. 

April 17 Mother/Daughter Princess Party 3 year olds - 1st grade. $15

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.  

Bridget :)

Friday, April 3, 2015

Be Bold!! Family Plus PS

We will not have our regular groups this week. I hope you can join us for one of the six services that are being offered. 
Click here for times of services and egg hunts. 

Since we are not having our regular classes this week I thought I would share what I call a God whisper. 

I have been trying to be bold with sharing my faith in Jesus. 

I was in line at the Dollar store on 109 a few weeks ago. I was getting ready to go out of town for the weekend. When I arrived at the store I heard a man talking on his cell phone trying to figure out which phone card to purchase. I fill my little basket full of snacks for the trip. I get in line behind two other people. The man is still on the phone contemplating on getting the right card. He finally makes a decision and gets in line behind me. I insisted that he get in front of me. Apparently he had been in the store several minutes before I arrived. He continued a conversation with the cashier of why he was buying the phone card. He told the cashier his dad was in the hospital and wanted a trac phone to have in the hospital with him. This is where I wanted to be bold but just could not muster up a conversation with him. 

I checked out and sat in my car. I was so mad at myself for not asking the man questions about his dad. I prayed for his dad and asked God to forgive me for not talking to this guy. I had more errands to run. I was running late to pick up my daughter from the high school. I needed to pick her up first then get gas and then run to the bank and pick up a friend. Something kept telling me to get gas first. I kept thinking I need to get Shelby first. Nope I was feeling the need to get gas first. Back and forth, I just could not understand the reasoning of why I should get gas before my other errands.

I was about to pass the gas station. I have to make a decision. But why? Okay! I pulled into the gas station circled around picked a pump. I got out and low and behold that same guy is pumping gas in his truck. He said “You following me?” I wanted to say not on purpose. I love when God whispers to me maybe this time he was not just whispering. :) I asked him his dad’s name and why was he in the hospital. His name is Grady Sr. He is 68 years old. Grady Sr. was released from the hospital several days of head injuries after a serious auto accident. When he got home a few days after he started having abdominal pain. His son, Grady Jr. said he was not doing well and the family has been worried sick about him. I asked him if the family knew that Jesus was the answer. I told him that I would pray for him and his family. He was taken back and thanked me for being bold in my faith. 

Jesus was very bold dying for you and me. So join me in being more bold. Maybe next time I will be able to pray on the spot with a stranger.  

Loving you!

In His Service and Love,

Bridget :)

Friday, March 27, 2015

Cheerful Welcome! Family Plus PS

Dear Parents and Grandparents of Preschoolers -

Hopefully by now you have heard about our weekend Easter services and our egg hunts. If you would like to have more information about this special weekend click here to find out about the details. Looking forward to seeing you there.

This Sunday, March 29, 2015, your preschooler will learn that:

The people cheer and wave palm branches as Jesus enters Jerusalem
riding a donkey. Matthew 21:1-16

MEMORY VERSE - Love one another. John 13:34
BASIC TRUTH -  Jesus wants to be my friend forever. 
KEY QUESTION - How can I love?
BOTTOM LINE - I can love like Jesus.

April 17 Mother/Daughter Princess Party 3 year olds - 1st grade. $15 per family

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.  

Bridget :)

Friday, March 20, 2015

Serve And Love Others - Family Plus Preschool

Dear Parents and Grandparents of Preschoolers - 

 Jesus washed the disciples feet to show them how much He really loved them. He wanted His disciples to learn to serve and love others too. Jesus wants us to serve and love people, just like His disciples did. We can show love by serving and helping others.
We have the perfect opportunity for you and your family to serve. Make sure you come by the serve table to sign up for the many choices to serve Easter weekend. The table is located in the foyer outside of the Worship Center. There is even a way you can sign up on March 29th after our Worship Service. I will look forward to seeing you there.

This Sunday, March 22, 2015, your preschooler will learn that:

Jesus washes the disciples’ feet to show His love for them. John 13:3-17

MEMORY VERSE - Love one another. John 13:34
BASIC TRUTH -  Jesus wants to be my friend forever. 
KEY QUESTION - How can I love?
BOTTOM LINE - I can love like Jesus.

Father Son Camp In March 27th There are a few spots open. Call me today to get details.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.  

Bridget :)

Friday, March 13, 2015

What Is A Penny Good For Anyways?

Hi Parents and Grandparents of Preschoolers -
I had a wonderful discussion with your preschoolers last week about giving money to Jesus. The conversation came up when we were learning more about the woman that did not have a lot of money but gave generously. One of our preschoolers asked, "How do I give my money to Jesus?" I never underestimate their comprehension. I think a lot of times they get it way before us adults do.  On top of learning about loving your neighbor on Sunday, we will also discuss more about how we can give our money to Jesus. This week I will be giving them 10 pennies. We will count the pennies together. We will take one penny out of the bag and drop it in a bucket. We will talk about giving so little will mean a lot to Jesus. We will also start letting them give their money to Jesus on a regular basis. We will be doing that every Sunday in Wee Worship. I am looking forward to teaching them about giving as an additional way to worship.

This Sunday, March 15, 2015, your preschooler will learn that:
Jesus tells a story about what it means to truly love your neighbor. Luke 10:25-37

 - Love one another. John 13:34
BASIC TRUTH -  Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
KEY QUESTION - How can I love?
BOTTOM LINE - I can love like Jesus.
*Father/Son Camp In - March 27th time is running out - sign up today!!

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually. 

Bridget :)

Friday, March 6, 2015

She Impressed Him! Family Plus PS

Hi Parents and Grandparents of Preschoolers - 

During Wee Worship last Sunday I asked our preschoolers if it was hard to love like Jesus? They all answered me with “No, Mrs. Bridget! It’s not.” It made me wonder at what point in our lives does that somehow get harder? Truly think about those words, love like Jesus. John 13:34 says Love one another. Jesus tells us to love each other. Wouldn’t it be nice to have that sweet innocent thought of no it is not hard to love like Jesus? I asked them the key question that we will ask all month, “How can I love?” Their answer back to me was “I can love like Jesus” 

Okay let’s be honest here. Do we love like Jesus all the time? How selective is our love? 

The woman at the well impressed Jesus on how much she loved Him by giving all she had even if it was just a small amount. Let’s start right now on today to be more mindful about loving like Jesus. Loving like Jesus every where we go and in every thing we do. 

This Sunday, March 8, 2015, your preschooler will learn that:

Jesus talks about a woman who gave generously even though she had very little. Mark 12:41-44

MEMORY VERSE - Love one another. John 13:34
BASIC TRUTH -  Jesus wants to be my friend forever. 
KEY QUESTION - How can I love?
BOTTOM LINE - I can love like Jesus.

****Don't forget to SPRING forward before you go to bed Saturday night. 

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.  

Bridget :)

Friday, February 27, 2015

How Can I Love? Family Plus PS

Hi Parents and Grandparents of Preschoolers - 

This month, preschoolers are learning that they can love one another. Wow! What a hard concept for a little person! Or is it? What are we teaching preschoolers when we teach them to share? to take turns? to take care of those who are hurt? to help? to show affection? Aren’t we teaching them to love one another?
We’re teaching them, yes. But are we modeling it? Children learn more by observation than we ever realize (or want to admit). Do they see us loving one another as they watch us? Do they see us sharing? taking turns? caring for those around us? helping? loving? Do they see us loving one another?
Take advantage of a few opportunities this month to love one another with your preschooler. Deliver a meal to a sick friend. Send a card to a grandparent. Let the person with fewer groceries go in front of you in line. Whatever you do, know that you are a making a lasting impression on your preschooler, and he will learn to love one another, too.

This Sunday, March 1, 2015, your preschooler will learn that:
Jesus tells a story about a man who builds bigger barns to hold all of his extra food rather than sharing it with people who need it. Luke 12:16-21

 - Love one another. John 13:34
BASIC TRUTH -  Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
KEY QUESTION - How can I love?
BOTTOM LINE - I can love like Jesus.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually. 

Bridget :)

Friday, February 20, 2015

Are You More Like Martha Or More Like Mary? Family Plus - Preschool

Hi Parents and Grandparents of Preschoolers -
This week's story is about Mary and Martha. I think about this particular Bible story a lot. I think it's important to sometimes be Mary and other times to be Martha. I love to serve Him and also love to sit and hear Him. My prayer for my own kids is for them to have a little bit of both in their life. Pray this simple prayer with your little one sometime this week  “Dear God, thank You for sending Jesus to be our friend forever. I hope (child’s name) takes time to listen and talk to Jesus every day. Nothing is more important than spending time with Him. You are so good, God. We love You. In Jesus name, amen.”

This Sunday, February 22, 2015, your preschooler will learn that:
Mary and Martha learn how important it is to spend time with Jesus when He comes to visit them. Luke 10:38-42

 -  How wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ. Ephesians 3:18
BASIC TRUTH -  Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
KEY QUESTION - Who loves you?
BOTTOM LINE - Jesus loves me.
Upcoming Events
Pajama Party February 27 - $5 - 6pm - 9pm - Wear your pajamas - deadline February 22

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually. 
Bridget :)

Friday, February 13, 2015

Love! Family Plus - Preschool

Hi Parents and Grandparents of Preschoolers -
Every month we have a new Bible verse that we try to memorize. In Wee Worship we go over every verse that they have learned in the past  months. I am always amazed when I ask them to tell me November's, December's, January's or this month's verse. This month's verse is a little more difficult to remember. Even the three year olds are always so eager to try. Please ask your preschooler to try to tell you the Bible verses. Usually if you tell them the first word or sometimes just the letter they will recite it for you.
November - I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart. Psalm 111:1
December - God loved the world so much that He gave His only Son. John 3:16
January - You are everything I need. Psalm 119:57
February - How wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ. Ephesians 3:18
I love seeing them each week in Wee Worship. I am always so very proud of them learning these verses and participating in worship every week. I know you are too.

This Sunday, February 15, 2015, your preschooler will learn that:
Jesus helps a Centurion by healing his sick friend. Matthew 8:5-13

 -  How wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ. Ephesians 3:18
BASIC TRUTH -  Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
KEY QUESTION - Who loves you?
BOTTOM LINE - Jesus loves me.
Upcoming Events
Pajama Party February 27 - $5 - 6pm-9pm - Wear your pajamas - deadline February 22

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually. 
Bridget :)

Friday, February 6, 2015

Squirrel! Family Plus Preschool

Hi Parents and Grandparents!

Here is a fun activity to remind your preschooler that Jesus loves them...As you drive, play a game where every time you see an animal you say, “Jesus loves me!” Bird in the
air? Jesus loves me! Horse in a pasture? Jesus loves me! Dog? Cat? Squirrel? Jesus loves me! Remind your child that God loves us and watches over us just like a shepherd does his sheep, and that’s why He gave us Jesus to be our friend forever.

This Sunday, February 8, 2015, your preschooler will learn that:
Jesus tells the story about the son who leaves his father and comes back so we will know that God loves us no matter what.
Luke 15:11-24

MEMORY VERSE -  How wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ. Ephesians 3:18
BASIC TRUTH -  Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
KEY QUESTION - Who loves you?
BOTTOM LINE - Jesus loves me.

Upcoming Events

Valentines Party February 11 - no cost - bring 24 valentines - 6pm
Pajama Party February 27 - $5 - 6pm-9pm - Wear your pajamas - deadline February 22

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.  

Bridget :)

Friday, January 30, 2015

Go Ahead! I Dare You! - Family Plus PS

Hi Parents and Grandparents!

Jesus loves me. That’s the Bottom Line for this month. It’s what we want our kids to know. We throw that phrase around a lot, don’t we? Songs have been written about it. Cards have been created that say it. However, have you ever looked into a mirror and said those words? Try it. I dare you. Look at your reflection and sincerely say, “Jesus loves ME.”
Jesus loves YOU. He loves you with a passion that you can never comprehend. He loves you so much that He died for you—for you. He loves you. He loves you when you’re at your best. He loves you when you’re at your worst. He just loves you.
Jesus’ love is similar to the love you have for your preschooler. But it’s more—oh, so much more. It’s wider and longer and higher and deeper than anything you can fathom. Jesus loves you. Savor that thought during this month of love. Every time you see a heart, say to yourself, “Jesus loves me,” and then remind your preschooler of the very same thing

This Sunday, February 1, 2015, your preschooler will learn that:
Jesus tells the story about the lost sheep so we will know that God loves us and will always look for us. Luke 15:3-7

 -  How wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ. Ephesians 3:18
BASIC TRUTH -  Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
KEY QUESTION - Who loves you?
BOTTOM LINE - Jesus loves me.
Upcoming Events
Valentines Party February 11 - no cost - bring 24 valentines - 6pm
Pajama Party February 27 - $5 - 6pm-9pm - Wear your pajamas - deadline February 22

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.  

Bridget :)

Friday, January 23, 2015

Band-aids Don't Heal! Family Plus PS

Hi Parents and Grandparents!

Recently a preschooler was showing me a picture of a man that he colored in class. The preschooler had put a band-aid across his body. I asked him, "Why is the band-aid across his body." He said, "Because the man was healed." I said "The band-aid healed the man?" With great enthusiasm he said, "NO! Band-aids don't heal! God does!" Just when you think our little ones are not paying attention they say the smartest things.

Here is a sweet activity to do with your preschooler to help with the Bible Story:
Cuddle up with your preschooler and pray.. “Dear God, thank You for giving me [name of child]. I am so glad he’s mine. I need help as a parent to know what to do and what to say. Help me to love [name of child] and take care of him. I pray that he always knows that he needs Jesus more than anything and that he will stay close to Him all of his life. We love You, God. In Jesus name, amen.”

This Sunday, January 25, 2015, your preschooler will learn that:
Jesus heals ten lepers and only one comes back to say “thank You.”
Luke 17:11-19

MEMORY VERSE - You are everything I need. Psalm 119:57
BASIC TRUTH -  Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
KEY QUESTION -  Who do you need?  
BOTTOM LINE -  I need Jesus!  

Upcoming Events
FX - A Family Worship Experience January 30 details coming to you soon.
Pajama Party February 27 deadline for this event is February 22.
Father/Son Camp-In March 27

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually. 


Friday, January 16, 2015

What Did You Say? Family Plus PS

Hi Parents and Grandparents!

Can preschoolers really worship? My answer is always yes. I have always thought so. It is the reason why we started Wee Worship. Wee Worship is every Sunday at 10:45 in our Wee Back Yard and is designed for ages 3 - Kindergarten. It allows preschoolers to worship like preschoolers. It brings Bible stories to life and brings the day’s Bible truth home in ways preschoolers will understand. We sing songs that have motions to lift hearts and hands to God.

Jesus said, “Let the children come to me and don’t hinder them!”(Matt 19:14), and “Unless you receive the Kingdom like a child, you’ll never enter it,” (Luke 18:16).

I did a little research on the question, Can preschoolers really worship?
Jenna Kuykendall says
            "We have so much to learn from these cute and tiny theologians, and Jesus was
             completely aware of that. Yes, preschoolers can worship, and we need to allow
             them to be who they are! They’re wiggly and squirmy, and have no filter!
             Preschoolers are also sponges whose brains need repetition, and that’s why we
             repeat the bottom line and memory verse over and over and over again!
             So, with a resounding and loud YES, I believe that preschoolers CAN and  
             with a resounding and loud YES, I believe that preschoolers CAN and  
             WILL worship as we allow them to be who they are, and model for them what it
             means to worship Jesus with our lives. As we introduce and encourage it along
             the way, it’ll be a natural part of their lives. We are providing an environment
             and atmosphere where children can come boldly, wildly, passionately, just as
             they are, and childishly to the throne of God, and that’s exactly how He
             designed it to be! Teaching them to worship at such a young age will set the
             stage for a life-long journey of faith—a journey that, as leaders, we’ll have a
             front-row seat to! As they continue on this journey, they’ll learn that worship is
             not about them, but rather a chance to focus on a holy God, despite their
             circumstances or feelings.”
To read more of Jenna’s blog post click here.

I am looking forward to worshiping with your little one this Sunday in the Wee Back Yard at Wee Worship. You don’t want them to miss the worship service that is designed just for them.

This Sunday, January 18, 2015, your preschooler will learn that:
Jesus heals a deaf man’s ears so he can hear. Mark 7:32-37

MEMORY VERSE - You are everything I need. Psalm 119:57, NIrV
BASIC TRUTH -  Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
KEY QUESTION -  Who do you need?  
BOTTOM LINE -  I need Jesus!  

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.  

Bridget :)

Friday, January 9, 2015

I Am So Needy! You? Family Plus PS

Hi Parents and Grandparents!

I think it is hard for preschoolers to recognize the difference between needs and wants. Here is an easy activity to help them grasp the difference.
As you drive, name things that you see along the way and decide together if it’s a need or a want. Food? Need. Sunshine? Need. Trees for oxygen? Need. Fancy car? Want. Balloon? Want. It may help to discuss why it is either a need or want.
Remind your child that Jesus is all we need. He has the power to help us with anything.

This Sunday, January 11, 2015, your preschooler will learn that:
Jesus heals a man so he can walk after his friends bring him to Jesus. Mark 2:1-12

MEMORY VERSE - You are everything I need. Psalm 119:57, NIrV
BASIC TRUTH -  Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
KEY QUESTION -  Who do you need?  
BOTTOM LINE -  I need Jesus!  


Pajama Party February 27th  for ages 3 year old - Kindergarten

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.  

Bridget :)

Friday, January 2, 2015

HELP! I Need You! Family Plus PS

Hi Parents and Grandparents!

Did you know that Jesus cares about you? He does! He cares about you, and He cares about that little one you love so much. In fact, having that little one may just give us a small inkling of how much He cares about us. Because, as much as you love your little bundle of joy, God loves you more—infinitely more. We can’t even measure how much He loves us. That love is just a little bit easier to understand when we try to quantify how much we love our little ones. We can’t do it.
Because God loves you so much, He sent His Son, Jesus, to die for you, to save you, and to care for you.
Jesus performed many miracles while He was here on earth. Spend some time this month reading about them. Just as He cared for the blind man, the deaf man, the lame man, and the lepers, He cares for you. While He is not physically here for us to see, Jesus is with us always, loving us and caring for us.

This Sunday, January 4, 2015, your preschooler will learn that:

Jesus shows He has the power to help people when He heals a blind man so he can see. John 9:1-7

 - You are everything I need. Psalm 119:57
BASIC TRUTH - Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
KEY QUESTION - Who do you need?  
BOTTOM LINE - I need Jesus!  

Wednesday night January 7th Preschoolers will have a night at the Drive In preschool style. It will be a fun night for your preschooler. We will watch a movie in our very own car that we will be building. Don't let your little one miss out on this fun time. We will be eating chicken nuggets and chips. There will be no cost for this event.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.  

Bridget :)