Friday, February 28, 2014

Work Matters! Family Plus Preschool

Hi Parents and Grandparents!!
Sometimes it can be tough to carve out time to spend quality time with our children, especially the smaller ones in our families. Here's an idea that might help bring you together as a family while helping your little one feel like a part of something important. Sit down with your preschooler and brainstorm about some projects that you could do together as a family. It might be as simple as
donating their gently used books and DVDs to a local children’s hospital or decorate the brown grocery bags that our church gave out last week and fill them for our food pantry at church. Once you have your list together, cut some strips of paper to write down the ideas - then fold them up and put them in a basket. Have your preschooler reach in and pick out one of the ideas. Make sure you have them shut their eyes REALLY tight!

After they have pulled out a strip of paper - read the activity and then complete it as a family. You could pick out another one on each day this week or throughout the weekend as you have time. The main thing is making a big deal out of the help your preschooler is bringing to the project. Make sure you empower THEM to be the heroes of your working time together!

You can use this opportunity as a way to encourage your child to have a good attitude during work. You can model a good attitude by thanking God with your preschooler for the ability to spend the time together and to complete such an important project for and with your family. Two main things: 1 - Have fun and make it fun for your preschooler, 2 - Look for and maximize on the opportunities to connect your time to your faith in God.

This week, Sunday, March 2, 2014, your child will hear this story:

God’s Plan for People
  Based on Genesis 2:4-24
God had created a beautiful world. He planted a lovely garden with trees and plants that gave food. A river ran through the garden to water all the plants and trees.
God placed Adam, the man He created, in the garden. He told Adam to watch over the garden and care for it. God said, “You may eat from any tree in the garden, except for one tree in the middle of the garden.”
God brought every wild animal and every bird He had created to Adam. When Adam saw each kind of animal, he gave it a name. Adam named all the animals and the birds. He named the horses and cows, lions and crocodiles, rabbits and ostriches. God looked at everything He created but did not see a helper for Adam. God made Adam go to sleep. God took a rib from Adam and made it into a woman. God brought the woman to Adam. Adam called the woman Eve.

Christ Focus: Jesus came to do God’s work.
Life Point: God expects us to work.
Life Verse: Work together with a good attitude. Ephesians 6:7


What work did Adam do?
What is some important work we do in our family?
Upcoming Events and Announcements

  • March 28-29 Father/Son Camp In 3 year olds- Kindergarten
  • Your preschooler will not want to miss any of the wonderful events we have planned for them. Please make sure you pick up your 2014 calendar for events at any of our information centers.
Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.  
Bridget :)

Friday, February 21, 2014

Be Careful Who You Listen to Family Plus Preschool

HI Parents and Grandparents of Preschoolers!

Just about every time I am with your preschooler we talk about making good choices. I will ask them questions like... "If your mom or daddy ask you to pick up your toys and you don't, is that making a good choice?" or "When mom or daddy tells you it is time for bed and you come up with all kinds of excuses of why you shouldn't, is that a good choice?" They know what good choices are. We even go a little further and discuss why or why not we should make good or right choices. I think it's a good idea to remind them, especially when they do make the right choice. This week remind your child that God made them and they are able to make choices. Help your preschooler think about and name right choices and wrong choices. Point out that God wants us to make right choices.

This week, Sunday, February 23, 2014, your child will hear this story:
Adam and Eve Based on Genesis 2:15–3:24
God made a man and a woman. The man was named Adam, and the woman was named Eve. Adam and Eve lived in a beautiful garden. God told the man and woman to take care of the garden. God said, “You may eat any of the fruit of this garden except from this one tree in the middle of the garden. Do not eat from this tree. It is a wrong choice.”  
One day Eve was in the middle of the garden. Eve chose to eat the fruit from the tree in the middle of the garden. Then she offered some to Adam. He also ate the fruit. Adam and Eve disobeyed God. Disobeying God is sin.
God was unhappy when He learned that Adam and Eve disobeyed Him. He made Adam and Eve leave the beautiful garden. God told them, “You will have to work hard to make food grow from the ground so you can eat.” Adam and Eve had to leave the garden because they made the wrong choice and disobeyed God.

Christ Focus: Jesus wants us to do what is right.
Life Point: God wants us to obey Him.
Life Verse: I will do what God says. Psalm 119:34

What wrong choice did Adam and Eve make?
What did God do when they disobeyed Him?

Upcoming Events and Announcements

  • March 28-29 Father/Son Camp In 3 year olds- Kindergarten
  • Your preschooler will not want to miss any of the wonderful events we have planned for them. Please make sure you pick up your 2014 calendar for events at any of our information centers.
Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.  
Bridget :)

Friday, February 14, 2014

Wonderful Creation - Family Plus

HI Parents and Grandparents of Preschoolers!

God made the world for us to enjoy and care for. Use an opportunity spent outside to praise God for His wonderful creation. Whether you are enjoying grass, water, the weather, the sunshine, or animals, emphasize to your child that God created these things. Thank God for His wonderful creation.

This week, Sunday, February 16, 2014, your child will hear this story:

God’s Wonderful World - Based on Genesis 1
In the beginning only God existed. God decided to create a wonderful world. On the first day God created light. God called the light day and the darkness night.
On the second day God made the sky. God saw that what He had made was good.
On the third day God made the dry land appear and gathered the water together. He called the dry land earth and the water seas. God saw that the earth and the seas He had made were good.
On the fourth day God made the lights in the sky. He made the sun to shine in the daytime and the moon and stars to shine at night. God saw that everything He had made was good.
On the fifth day God filled the waters and skies with living animals. He made different kinds of fish to live in the water. He made many kinds of birds to fly in the sky. God saw that everything He had made was good.
On the sixth day God made land animals and creeping things. Then God made His most important creation. God made people. He made a man and a woman. God told the man and woman to take care of the earth. God saw that everything He had made was good.

Christ Focus:
Before the world was created, Jesus existed.
Life Point: God made the world and everything in it.
Life Verse: There is no other God. Isaiah 45:22

Name your favorite part of God’s creation.
What was the most special thing God made?

Upcoming Events and Announcements
  • February 21- Pajama Party ages 3 years old - Kindergarten  Deadline February 16th
  • Your preschooler will not want to miss any of the wonderful events we have planned for them. Please make sure you pick up your 2014 calendar for events at any of our information centers.
Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.  
Bridget :)

Friday, February 7, 2014

Who Gave Us The Bible - Family Plus Preschool

Hi Parents and Grandparents of Preschoolers!

During Wee Worship we have been talking about praying and how important it is to pray. I have asked them these questions... What is prayer? Where can we pray? What can we pray about? Who are we talking to when we pray? What does God think about us praying? We also talk about what the Bible says about praying. I am very proud of their answers.

Bring the lesson home this week by helping your child think of his or her favorite books. It is okay if they didn't put the Bible on the list, just suggest to them to add it. Once it is on the list, talk about things that make the Bible the most wonderful book that has ever been written. Just like the answers I get to the questions I have been asking, you too will be very proud of your preschooler. It is such a joy for me to watch them learn about God weekly.

This week, Sunday, February 9, 2014, your child will hear this story:
A Job for Jeremiah Based on Jeremiah 36
Jeremiah was a prophet who told people about God. One day, God spoke to Jeremiah. "Write the words I have spoken to you on a scroll. I want the people to read the words and remember Me."
Jeremiah called his friend Baruch to write the words on the scroll as he told him what to write. "These are the words God spoke to me," Jeremiah said. Baruch wrote all the words on the scroll.
When they were finished, Jeremiah sent Baruch to the temple to read the scroll to the people.
Baruch went to the temple and read the scroll to the people. Later Baruch was called to read the scroll to the king. The king did not like to hear what was written on the scroll. The king cut the scroll with a knife and threw the pieces into the fire until all of the scroll was burned up.
After the king burned the scroll, God said to Jeremiah, "Take another scroll and write all the words I said before." Jeremiah called Baruch and told him to write down the words God told him. He wrote all the words he had written before and more words God had spoken. Today the words God spoke are part of our Bible.

Christ Focus: The Bible is the story of Jesus.
Life Point: The Bible is God's Word.
Life Verse: There is no other God. Isaiah 45:22

Questions you can ask your preschooler:
Who told Jeremiah to write the scroll?
What did the king do when he heard the words on the scroll?

Upcoming Events and Announcements
  • February 21- Pajama Party ages 3 years old - Kindergarten  Deadline February 16th  
  • Please make sure you pick up your 2014 calendar for events at any of our information centers.
Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.  
Bridget :)