Thursday, January 31, 2013

FAMILY PLUS Preschool - January 31, 2013

HI Parents and Grandparents!
I hope you were able to get started with reading God's word in a year. If you have not started, I really want to encourage you to do so today. It is so easy. If you were thinking it's just to late, it is not! Start today. Because one year from today is a year. Another great reason that helps me stay up to date, is knowing that this weeks message will be on the stories I just read the week before. The messages are so much more clear. I also encourage you to find a friend to hold you accountable to finish. I promise it will help motivate you to stay with it. If you need any help at all with getting started or just need an accountability reading partner, don't hesitate to contact me. I would love to help. Have a great week and happy reading! 
This Sunday, February 3, 2013, your preschooler will hear this story -
 Jesus Chose Disciples Matthew 4:18-22; 10:2-4
Bible story brief -
* One day Jesus walked beside a big lake called the Sea of Galilee. He saw two brothers, Simon Peter and Andrew, fishing.
* "Come, follow Me," Jesus said. "I want you to be My disciples." Simon Peter and Andrew immediately stopped fishing and went with Jesus.
* Jesus saw two different brothers, James and John, mending nets in their father's boat.They were fishermen, too. Jesus said, "Come, follow Me." James and John stopped working and went with Jesus. Simon Peter, Andrew, James, and John became Jesus' first disciples. They went with Jesus to help Him.
* Jesus chose Matthew, a tax collector, to be a disciple. He also chose Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, another man named James, Thaddaeus, Simon, and Judas.
* Altogether, Jesus called twelve men to be His disciples.These men learned from Jesus and helped Him.

Bible Verse -  Jesus chose twelve disciples. Mark 3:14
Life Application - I can learn how and why Jesus chose disciples.
Bible Truth - Jesus chose people to help Him.

Your weekly parent challenge/activity - Look for sets of 12 items. Items might include 12 miniature marshmallows, 12 raisins, 12 cotton balls, 12 small rocks, or 12 socks. Say: "The number 12 reminds me of your Bible story this week." Use your Bible to tell the Bible story to your child. Help your child understand that Jesus chose 12 disciples.

Save these dates:
*February 15 Preschool Pajama Party 3 year olds to Kindergarten 6pm-8:30pm $5

If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.
Bridget :)

Thursday, January 24, 2013

FAMILY PLUS Preschool - January 24

Hi Parents and Grandparents!

I have really enjoyed getting "Into the Word" with our church; Reading God's Story: One-Year Chronological Plan. I have four individuals keeping me accountable to the reading plan I committed to being a part of.  They do this by both challenging me and encouraging me. If you have not started, I challenge you to start today. If you need me to help you or encourage you to get this done on a daily basis, I would be more than happy to help you. Just let me know. I know you have days just like I do where it seems to hectic to read. It only takes me ten to fifteen minutes to read daily. I also love how our messages on Sunday follow along with our reading. If you have not started, I am encouraging you today to start, it's not too late. To learn more on how you can get into the word click here. The website has made it very easy for you to start. If you have already started, how is it going for you? Do you have a testimony that I can share to encourage others to start? I hope you have a blessed week. Happy reading!

This Sunday, January 27, 2013, your preschooler will hear this story -
A Woman Gave an Offering Mark 12:41-44       
Bible story brief -
• Jesus was at the temple. He had been teaching a crowd of people who were at the temple. Jesus sat down beside the offering boxes. He saw many people come by and drop money into the boxes. Many rich men threw valuable coins into the offering boxes.They had a lot of money and could bring large offerings to the temple.
• A poor woman walked up to one of the boxes.The woman did not have much money. She could not bring a large offering to the temple. Jesus heard a tiny clink, clink as she dropped two small coins into the box.
• Jesus called His disciples to come to Him. “Let me tell you something,” He said. “That poor woman has given more than anyone else.”
• The disciples wondered what Jesus meant. Jesus said, “The rich men gave a lot of money. But they have more money at home. They gave some of their money. The poor woman had only two small coins. She gave all the money she had.”

Bible Verse - Bring an offering to thank God. 1 Chronicles 16:29
Life Application -  I can discover that people at church give offerings.
Bible Truth -  People at church give money to help others.

Save these dates:
*February 15 Preschool Pajama Party 3 year olds to Kindergarten 6pm-8:30pm $5

If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.

Bridget :)

Thursday, January 17, 2013

FAMILY PLUS Preschool - January 17

Hi Parents and Grandparents!
I hope you plan on coming to our Church's Winter Conference this Sunday night. We will start by having a light dinner at 5:15pm, which means delicious soup made by our own Chef Chris Cox. The conference will start promptly at 6:00pm. You will hear more details about our Vision 2020 and a couple of stories of what has happened in the past six months. We have childcare babies - Kindergarten in the 105 hallway during the conference. These conferences are always informative. I hope to see you there.

This Sunday, January 20, 2013, your preschooler will hear this story -

Paul Told Lydia About Jesus Acts 16:11-15             
Bible story brief -
• Paul and his friends Silas,Timothy, and Luke were missionaries. They traveled to many different places, telling people about Jesus. Paul and his friends sailed in a boat to Macedonia. They were going where God had told them to go.
• They arrived in Philippi, a big and important city. Many people lived there, but many people did not know about God. Paul and his friends went to tell the people about God and Jesus.
• On the Sabbath Day, the special day to rest and worship God, Paul and his friends left the city and walked along the river. They were looking for a place where people met to pray.
• A group of women had gathered by the river outside the city.
• Paul and his friends sat down and began to talk to the women who had gathered together. They were happy to tell the women about Jesus. One of the women who listened to Paul was named Lydia. She had a business selling purple cloth. Lydia listened and believed what Paul was saying about Jesus.
• Lydia invited Paul and his friends to stay at her house. And they did.

Bible Verse - Go and tell others about Jesus. Matthew 28:19-20
Life Application - I can discover ways people at my church tell about Jesus.
Bible Truth - People at church tell about Jesus.

Weekly Parent Challenge - At bedtime on Sunday, talk with your child about ways people at church tell about Jesus. Mention ways you have personally seen people tell about Jesus. (in Sunday School classes, during choir rehearsal, during the worship service, through singing, creating bulletin board displays, and so forth).

Save these dates:
*February 15 Preschool Pajama Party

If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.

Bridget :)

Thursday, January 10, 2013

FAMILY PLUS Preschool - January 10

Hi Parents and Grandparents!

Below you will find the Bible story, verses and a parent challenge that your preschooler will learn this Sunday. I want to let you know what your preschooler learns on Wednesday nights as well. Last night we started a new series called Lil' K, BIBLE SUPERHEROS. In Bible Superheroes, we will discover the qualities that Superheroes are made of! God's super power transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary! Come along with us on Wednesday nights and find out about these wonderful adventures with Lil' K. I am sure your preschooler will love it! Dinner starts at 4:30 and preschool classes start at 6:00. I hope to see you there.

This Sunday, January 13, 2013, your preschooler will hear this story -
Ezra Read the Bible Nehemiah 8:1-12
Bible Story Brief -
• The people of Israel gathered in an open area in the city in front of a large gate. A priest named Ezra carried the Bible scroll with the laws God had told Moses. 
• Ezra climbed upon a high wooden platform where all the people could see him. He opened the scroll, and all of the people stood up.
• Ezra, the priest, read the words from the scroll from early in the morning until noon.The men and women listened carefully to the words that Ezra read.They raised their hands, said “Amen, amen,” and bowed down to worship God.
• Other teachers helped the people understand what Ezra was reading.The people
listened to the words on the scroll.They knew that they had not been doing what
God wanted them to do.They felt sad.
• Nehemiah, the governor, and Ezra, the priest, talked to the people. “Do not be sad,” they said. “Today is a special day to worship God.”
• Nehemiah told the people, “Eat good food. Drink something sweet. Share your food with those who do not have anything to eat.Worship God. Do not be sad.” Nehemiah told the people to be happy and celebrate.
• The people did what Nehemiah told them to do. They ate and drank. They shared their food with others.They were happy and celebrated. They had heard the words from the Bible scroll. Ezra and the teachers taught them what God wanted them to do, and they understood God’s words.

Bible Verse - I will not forget God’s words. Psalm 119:16
Life Application -  I can discover ways we read and use the Bible at church.
Bible Truth - People at church learn from the Bible.

Weekly Parent Challenge - On the way home from church, ask each family member to tell a way he or she used the Bible today at church. Talk about other ways the Bible can be used at church. (as a gift for baby dedications, graduation, promotion, etc.)

Save these dates:
*February 15 Preschool Pajama Party

If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.

Bridget :)