Friday, January 30, 2015

Go Ahead! I Dare You! - Family Plus PS

Hi Parents and Grandparents!

Jesus loves me. That’s the Bottom Line for this month. It’s what we want our kids to know. We throw that phrase around a lot, don’t we? Songs have been written about it. Cards have been created that say it. However, have you ever looked into a mirror and said those words? Try it. I dare you. Look at your reflection and sincerely say, “Jesus loves ME.”
Jesus loves YOU. He loves you with a passion that you can never comprehend. He loves you so much that He died for you—for you. He loves you. He loves you when you’re at your best. He loves you when you’re at your worst. He just loves you.
Jesus’ love is similar to the love you have for your preschooler. But it’s more—oh, so much more. It’s wider and longer and higher and deeper than anything you can fathom. Jesus loves you. Savor that thought during this month of love. Every time you see a heart, say to yourself, “Jesus loves me,” and then remind your preschooler of the very same thing

This Sunday, February 1, 2015, your preschooler will learn that:
Jesus tells the story about the lost sheep so we will know that God loves us and will always look for us. Luke 15:3-7

 -  How wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ. Ephesians 3:18
BASIC TRUTH -  Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
KEY QUESTION - Who loves you?
BOTTOM LINE - Jesus loves me.
Upcoming Events
Valentines Party February 11 - no cost - bring 24 valentines - 6pm
Pajama Party February 27 - $5 - 6pm-9pm - Wear your pajamas - deadline February 22

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.  

Bridget :)

Friday, January 23, 2015

Band-aids Don't Heal! Family Plus PS

Hi Parents and Grandparents!

Recently a preschooler was showing me a picture of a man that he colored in class. The preschooler had put a band-aid across his body. I asked him, "Why is the band-aid across his body." He said, "Because the man was healed." I said "The band-aid healed the man?" With great enthusiasm he said, "NO! Band-aids don't heal! God does!" Just when you think our little ones are not paying attention they say the smartest things.

Here is a sweet activity to do with your preschooler to help with the Bible Story:
Cuddle up with your preschooler and pray.. “Dear God, thank You for giving me [name of child]. I am so glad he’s mine. I need help as a parent to know what to do and what to say. Help me to love [name of child] and take care of him. I pray that he always knows that he needs Jesus more than anything and that he will stay close to Him all of his life. We love You, God. In Jesus name, amen.”

This Sunday, January 25, 2015, your preschooler will learn that:
Jesus heals ten lepers and only one comes back to say “thank You.”
Luke 17:11-19

MEMORY VERSE - You are everything I need. Psalm 119:57
BASIC TRUTH -  Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
KEY QUESTION -  Who do you need?  
BOTTOM LINE -  I need Jesus!  

Upcoming Events
FX - A Family Worship Experience January 30 details coming to you soon.
Pajama Party February 27 deadline for this event is February 22.
Father/Son Camp-In March 27

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually. 


Friday, January 16, 2015

What Did You Say? Family Plus PS

Hi Parents and Grandparents!

Can preschoolers really worship? My answer is always yes. I have always thought so. It is the reason why we started Wee Worship. Wee Worship is every Sunday at 10:45 in our Wee Back Yard and is designed for ages 3 - Kindergarten. It allows preschoolers to worship like preschoolers. It brings Bible stories to life and brings the day’s Bible truth home in ways preschoolers will understand. We sing songs that have motions to lift hearts and hands to God.

Jesus said, “Let the children come to me and don’t hinder them!”(Matt 19:14), and “Unless you receive the Kingdom like a child, you’ll never enter it,” (Luke 18:16).

I did a little research on the question, Can preschoolers really worship?
Jenna Kuykendall says
            "We have so much to learn from these cute and tiny theologians, and Jesus was
             completely aware of that. Yes, preschoolers can worship, and we need to allow
             them to be who they are! They’re wiggly and squirmy, and have no filter!
             Preschoolers are also sponges whose brains need repetition, and that’s why we
             repeat the bottom line and memory verse over and over and over again!
             So, with a resounding and loud YES, I believe that preschoolers CAN and  
             with a resounding and loud YES, I believe that preschoolers CAN and  
             WILL worship as we allow them to be who they are, and model for them what it
             means to worship Jesus with our lives. As we introduce and encourage it along
             the way, it’ll be a natural part of their lives. We are providing an environment
             and atmosphere where children can come boldly, wildly, passionately, just as
             they are, and childishly to the throne of God, and that’s exactly how He
             designed it to be! Teaching them to worship at such a young age will set the
             stage for a life-long journey of faith—a journey that, as leaders, we’ll have a
             front-row seat to! As they continue on this journey, they’ll learn that worship is
             not about them, but rather a chance to focus on a holy God, despite their
             circumstances or feelings.”
To read more of Jenna’s blog post click here.

I am looking forward to worshiping with your little one this Sunday in the Wee Back Yard at Wee Worship. You don’t want them to miss the worship service that is designed just for them.

This Sunday, January 18, 2015, your preschooler will learn that:
Jesus heals a deaf man’s ears so he can hear. Mark 7:32-37

MEMORY VERSE - You are everything I need. Psalm 119:57, NIrV
BASIC TRUTH -  Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
KEY QUESTION -  Who do you need?  
BOTTOM LINE -  I need Jesus!  

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.  

Bridget :)

Friday, January 9, 2015

I Am So Needy! You? Family Plus PS

Hi Parents and Grandparents!

I think it is hard for preschoolers to recognize the difference between needs and wants. Here is an easy activity to help them grasp the difference.
As you drive, name things that you see along the way and decide together if it’s a need or a want. Food? Need. Sunshine? Need. Trees for oxygen? Need. Fancy car? Want. Balloon? Want. It may help to discuss why it is either a need or want.
Remind your child that Jesus is all we need. He has the power to help us with anything.

This Sunday, January 11, 2015, your preschooler will learn that:
Jesus heals a man so he can walk after his friends bring him to Jesus. Mark 2:1-12

MEMORY VERSE - You are everything I need. Psalm 119:57, NIrV
BASIC TRUTH -  Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
KEY QUESTION -  Who do you need?  
BOTTOM LINE -  I need Jesus!  


Pajama Party February 27th  for ages 3 year old - Kindergarten

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.  

Bridget :)

Friday, January 2, 2015

HELP! I Need You! Family Plus PS

Hi Parents and Grandparents!

Did you know that Jesus cares about you? He does! He cares about you, and He cares about that little one you love so much. In fact, having that little one may just give us a small inkling of how much He cares about us. Because, as much as you love your little bundle of joy, God loves you more—infinitely more. We can’t even measure how much He loves us. That love is just a little bit easier to understand when we try to quantify how much we love our little ones. We can’t do it.
Because God loves you so much, He sent His Son, Jesus, to die for you, to save you, and to care for you.
Jesus performed many miracles while He was here on earth. Spend some time this month reading about them. Just as He cared for the blind man, the deaf man, the lame man, and the lepers, He cares for you. While He is not physically here for us to see, Jesus is with us always, loving us and caring for us.

This Sunday, January 4, 2015, your preschooler will learn that:

Jesus shows He has the power to help people when He heals a blind man so he can see. John 9:1-7

 - You are everything I need. Psalm 119:57
BASIC TRUTH - Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
KEY QUESTION - Who do you need?  
BOTTOM LINE - I need Jesus!  

Wednesday night January 7th Preschoolers will have a night at the Drive In preschool style. It will be a fun night for your preschooler. We will watch a movie in our very own car that we will be building. Don't let your little one miss out on this fun time. We will be eating chicken nuggets and chips. There will be no cost for this event.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.  

Bridget :)