Thursday, March 31, 2011

FAMILY PLUS Update - March 31

This month we will focus on Jesus' love for children. This Sunday's story has to be one of my favorites. I can visualize this weeks story. People in the streets and Jesus comes down the road and children rushing to see Him. How excited they must have been. How eager they were to meet Him. Jesus disciples telling the parents Jesus does not have time for them. I can't help but think Jesus was a little upset with them and sad. Then, Jesus says "Let the Children come to Me. Do not send them away. Children are very important in God's plan. Everyone should love God the way these children do." Does Jesus love children today? YES! How do we know? The Bible says so and the Bible is true!

The month of April we will be focusing on Jesus' love for children. They will begin to learn that Jesus loves children. Jesus helps all people. Jesus is God's son and Jesus is ALIVE!

This Sunday April 3, 2011
Each age group's story this week is the same. I have simplified each age level.

Kindergarten and Wee Worship
Bible Story: Jesus and the children Mark 10:14
One day Jesus was teaching the people, some parents brought their children to see Him. They wanted Jesus to touch their children and bless them. Jesus disciples thought Jesus was too busy to talk with the children. The disciples told the parents, "Stop! Jesus is to busy for the children." Then, Jesus said, "Let the children come to me. Do not send them away. Children are very important in God's plan. Everyone should love God the way these children do." With excitement the children went straight o Jesus. They talked with him. Jesus blessed the children and told them how much God loved them.

Level of Biblical Learning - (JESUS) Jesus taught people what God is like.

Bible Words of the week: Children- boys and girls

Bible Verse:
Jesus said, "Let the children come to me." Mark 10:14

Bible truth:
Jesus loves children.

With this Bible story and verse your preschoolers will begin to learn and understand:

-Jesus loves them
-They are important to Jesus
- That the Bible is true

*See below upcoming events

3's-Pre K 
Bible Story: Jesus and the Children Mark 10:13-16
One day some parents brought their children to see Jesus. The moms and dads wanted their children to see Jesus and hear His kind words. Some of Jesus' helpers saw them trying to get near Jesus.  Jesus helpers told the parents that Jesus was too busy to see the children. Jesus saw  what His helpers were doing. Jesus said to His helpers, "Let the children come to Me. Do not send them away."
Jesus took the children in His arms. He gently put His hands on them and talked to them. Jesus showed His helpers that He loved children.

Bible truth:
Jesus loves children.

Bible Verse: Jesus loves you. John 15:12
Level of Biblical Learning - (JESUS) Jesus loves all people.

With this Bible story and verse your preschoolers will begin to learn and understand:
-That they are special to Jesus
-Jesus loves them

1's and 2's 
Our Friend, Jesus

Bible Story: Jesus and the Children Mark 10:13-16
Many people went to hear Jesus teach about God. Moms and Dads took their children to see Jesus. They wanted Jesus to love and pray for their boys and girls. But Jesus' helpers stopped them. The helpers told the mom and dads, "Go away. Jesus it too busy to see children. Jesus has more important things to do." Moms and dads were sad. Jesus saw the the families. He heard what His helpers said. Jesus told the helpers: "Let the children come to Me. Don't keep them away." Jesus loved the children. He held them in His arms. 
Bible truth: Jesus loves children

Bible Phrase: Jesus loved the children Mark 10:16

With this Bible story and verse your preschoolers will begin to learn and understand:
-Jesus loves children

Easter Egg Hunt -  April 16th - ages birth-5th grade 10am
Kids Night Out - May 6 - ages birth-5th grade - deadline for this event will be April 27
Preschool day camp - July 11-15 - ages 3 - completed Kindergarten time - 9am-3pm
If you would like any details pertaining to any of these events please do not hesitate to contact me.

Please continue to send me their schedules or upcoming events. I want to celebrate with your family!

Bridget :)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

FAMILY PLUS Update - March 24

Spring is a wonderful time to get outside and play with your preschooler.. Take a big blanket and some lunch and go right in your back yard and enjoy your time together. It is a perfect opportunity to teach them about God's big world and what He made.
Please let me know if  your child has any extra activities. I would love to go see them receive an award, see them in a play, or a sport that they are excited about. Please email me their schedules or upcoming events. I want to celebrate with your family!

We will continue to talk about creation this week.
This Sunday March 27, 2011
This week each age group's story will be slightly different. I have separated each age group for your convenience.

Bible Story: God Took Care of Noah and the Animals Genesis 6:9-10, 14-22
Noah was a good man who obeyed God. One day, God told Noah there would be a flood over the earth. God told Noah to build an ark to protect Noah's family and many animals. When the ark was finished Noah gathered and stored food in it. God sent two of every kind of animal to the ark.
God told Noah to take his family on the ark. When the animals and the people were on the ark, God shut the door. It rained for 40 days. Water covered the tops of the mountains. The rain finally stopped.  God sent a wind and dried up all the land. Noah built an alter and thanked God for taking care of this family. God promised to never flood the earth again. God put a rainbow in the sky to remind us of His promise.

Level of Biblical Learning - (Creation) God provides for His creation

Bible Words of the week:
Animals - Living things, different from plants, with the ability to move about
Rainbow - Sunlight shining through tiny drop of rain to make row of colors

Bible Verse: God cared for Noah. Genesis 8:1
With this Bible story and verse your preschoolers will begin to learn and understand:
-God takes care of people and animals
-Will be able to repeat and remember simple Bible verses

*See below upcoming events

3's-Pre K 
Bible Story: God Made Adam and Eve  1:26-29
God Made a beautiful, wonderful world!He made daytime and nighttime. God made water, plants, trees and grass. God made all kind of fish, birds and animals. But God knew there was one thing the world still needed. God knew the world needed people. God said, "People will be more important than the birds, fish and animals."  First, God made a  man. God named him Adam. God did not want Adam to be alone. So God made a woman to be Adam's special helper. Adam named the woman Eve. God loved Adam and Eve.

Bible Verse: God made man and woman. Genesis 1:27
With this Bible story and verse your preschoolers will begin to learn and understand:
-God made people different from the other things He made
-God made people and loves them
-Will be able to repeat and remember simple Bible verses

1's and 2's 
God Made Us!
Bible Story: God Made People Genesis 1:26-29
God made the sun, moon and stars. God made flowers, grass and trees. God made fish to swim in the water. He made birds to fly in the sky. he made animals to walk and run and crawl on the earth. God was happy with the many things He made. Then God made the first man. His name was Adam. God did not want Adam to be alone. So God made a woman. Adam called the woman Eve. God looked at Adam and Eve. God was happy He made people.

Bible Phrase: God made animals Genesis 1:25
With this Bible story and verse your preschoolers will begin to learn and understand:
-God made people
-God made them and loves them

Easter Egg Hunt -  April 16th - ages birth-5th grade 10am
Kids Night Out - May 6 - ages birth-5th grade
Preschool day camp - July 11-15 - ages 3 - completed Kindergarten time - 9am-3pm
If you would like any details pertaining to any of these events please do not hesitate to contact me.

Bridget :)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

FAMILY PLUS Update March 10

I hope that over the past few weeks these emails have given you and your family an opportunity to talk about the stories and verses together.
If your preschooler receives any awards or achievements I would like to know about them. It doesn't matter even if its a perfect attendance or a gym award. I want to celebrate these accomplishments with them.  I would also like to know their schedules if they are in any kind of extra curricular activity, soccer, baseball, dance, dance recitals, graduations, plays... etc. I would love to try to go to something they are excited about.

We will continue to talk about creation this week.
Its warming up, take this opportunity to go to the park as a family and have some fun. Its a perfect setting to talk with them about all the beautiful things that God has made.

This Sunday March 13, 2011
This week each age group  will have a little difference in the Bible stories.  I have separated each age group for this week.


Bible story: God created man and woman Genesis 2;15-17; 3:2, 6 ,20-23
God created man and named him Adam. God placed Adam in a garden called Eden to care for it. God told Adam "You may eat the fruit of any tree in the garden except one tree, the tree of good and evil. Don not eat the fruit of that tree."
God also created a woman. Adam named her Eve. Eve knew what God had said. Eve chose to disobey God. Eve gave some fruit to Adam and he chose to disobey God too.
God created Adam and Eve with the ability to choose good choices and bad choices.

Bible Verse:
God made man and woman  Genesis 1:27

With this Bible story and verse your preschoolers will begin to learn and understand:
-God created people to be able to make choices
-God still loves each of us when we choose to make wrong choices.
-Will be able to retell this familiar Bible story
-Explore  the world God made and thank Him for what He has made
-Will be able to repeat and remember simple Bible verses

*See below upcoming events

3's-Pre K

Bible Story: God made Land and Plants Genesis 1:9-13
God was making a beautiful world. God had made daytime and nighttime. Next God made the sky and water. Water was everywhere. God said "let there be dry ground." And that is exactly what happened. The water was put into lakes, rivers, mountains and oceans. God called the dry ground land. God had looked at everything He had made and thought it was good.

Bible Verse:
God made plants and trees to grow on the land. Genesis 1:11

With this Bible story and verse your preschoolers will begin to learn and understand:
-God made everything
-God wants us to thank Him for people, animals, plants and things in the world

1's and 2's

Food for Everyone
Bible Story: God Made Food Genesis 1:11-12, 29,-30; Psalm 104:14; 136:25
God made dirt and water. Then God made plants. He made plants with seed. He made grass. He made tall trees and leafy bushes. God made trees with fruit. God made plants and trees, grass and fruit, so that  people and animals would have food to eat.

Bible Phrase: God gives food to us. Psalm 136:25

With this Bible story and verse your preschoolers will begin to learn and understand:
-God made food for people and animals.
-God wants us thank Him for the things He made


Easter Egg Hunt April 16th ages birth-5th grade 10am
Kids Night Out May 6 ages birth-5th grade
Preschool day camp July 11-15 ages 3 - completed Kindergarten
if you would like any details pertaining to any of these events please do not hesitate to contact me

Bridget :)