Saturday, March 31, 2012

FAMILY PLUS Preschool - March 31

Dear Parents and Grandparents,

Thank you for sending schedules of your preschoolers events. If you have not sent me their schedule please send them to me. I would love to show up to one of their events.
 You can help your child learn important Bible truths every week. Use the parent challenge and activities below as you teach your child the Bible truths. Keep the weekly take home pages handy for a valuable reference. If possible, invest in a Bible for your child. Also making sure they see you read your Bible, this will also be very valuable. 
This Sunday, April 1, 2012, your preschooler will hear this story -
(The stories are the same this week. I have simplified it for you.)

3's - Pre-K through Kindergarten and Wee Worship
People Welcomed Jesus (Matthew 21:1-11,14-16)
•  Jesus and His disciples were walking along the road to Jerusalem. When they came near to the town called Bethphage (Beth FUH jee), Jesus said to two of His disciples, “Go into the town. You will find a young donkey and its mother. Bring them to Me.”
•  The two disciples went to Bethphage and brought the donkeys to Jesus. The disciples spread their coats on the young donkey to make a soft place for Jesus to sit. Jesus climbed on the donkey. He began riding to Jerusalem.
•  Along the way, many people were waiting to see Jesus. Some people spread their coats on the road. Others cut branches from palm trees and spread them on the road. As Jesus passed by, the people praised Him. They shouted, “Hosanna! Hosanna!”
•  When Jesus entered the city, everyone was talking about Him. People asked, “Who is this man?” The crowds answered, “This is Jesus.”
•  When Jesus came to the temple, He healed the people who were blind and people who could not walk.
•  Children were in the temple, too. “Hosanna! Hosanna!” the children called to Jesus. He listened to the sound of their happy voices.
•  Some men were upset when they saw the things that Jesus did and heard the children praising Him. “Jesus,” they asked, “do you hear those children?”
•  “Yes,” Jesus answered. “Haven’t you read what the Bible says? God planned for children to praise Him.” Jesus knew the children were doing what God wanted them to do.

Bible Verse -  This is Jesus. Matthew 21:11
Bible Truth - People knew Jesus was special.
Life Application -  I can thank God for Jesus.
Your parent challenge this week is to talk with your child about the picture on the weekly take home page. Ask: “What is happening in this picture?” Read the Bible story from the page. Ask: “How can we thank God for Jesus?"(pray)  Say a prayer together, or lead your child to pray and thank God for Jesus.

* Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, April 7th 10a.m. don't forget your bucket
* Kids Night Out April 27th 

Send me those schedules. I would love to show up at your childs event. 

If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.           
Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.

Bridget :)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

FAMILY PLUS Preschool - March 22

Hi Parents and Grandparents,

I really enjoyed going to New Orleans with the high school mission trip last week. Exciting things happened while on our trip. The children in the school, where I have the privilege of serving, still seem to have some hostility and low self esteem of themselves. A lot of them are being brought up by their grandparents. I have seen our students make a difference in the lives of those young children by telling them how important they are and by simply playing and paying attention to them. Our students asked them "Did you know you are important?" We were overwhelmed on how many children said that they didn't think they were. Our students built relationships with them and are excited about the Kidzdays camp that we will do there in July. Each time we come to this city, that is still so broken, we have always left there with the city shinning a little brighter. I am very proud of our high school students and it was an honor to serve next to them.

This week the the 3 year old - Pre-K and the the Kindergarten stories are different. I have simplified them for you.
This Sunday March 25, 2012 your preschooler will hear these stories -

God Made People (Genesis 1:26-31; 2:7,15-24; 4:1-2)
Bible Story Brief -• God had made a beautiful, wonderful world! He made daytime and nighttime. God made water, plants, trees, and grass. God made all kinds of fish, birds, and animals. But God knew there was one thing the world still needed. God knew the world needed people. God said, “People will be more important than the birds, fish, and animals.” • First, God made a man. God named the man Adam. God had made a beautiful garden where Adam could live. God told Adam to take care of the trees and plants in the garden. • God did not want Adam to be alone. So God made a woman to be Adam’s special helper. Adam named the woman Eve. • Adam and Eve were the first family. They were happy in the garden. They worked in the garden taking care of the plants and animals. • Later God planned for Adam and Eve to have children in their family. First, they had a baby boy. Adam and Eve named him Cain. Later they had another son and named him Abel. Now there were four people in the first family. God loved Adam, Eve, Cain, and Abel.

Bible Verse - God made people. Genesis 1:27
Bible Truth - God made people.
Life Application - I will discover that God made me and all people.
This weeks challenge - Look with your child at family pictures. Together, say the name of each person in your family. Ask, “Who made people?” When at a restaurant, sports event, or other well-populated place, ask, “Who made all of these people?”

Kindergarten and Wee Worship
The people Crossed the Jordan River (Joshua 3:1-5,12-17; 4:1-11,18-24)
Bible Story Brief -
• Joshua and the people of Israel went to the Jordan River and camped for three days. Then Joshua’s helpers told the people, “Watch for the ark of the covenant. When you see the priests carrying it, move from where you are and follow it.”
• So the people took down their tents and got ready to cross the river. The priests who were carrying the ark of the covenant went in front of the people. The priests came to the river. When their feet touched the edge of the water, the river stopped. The priests walked to the middle of the river on dry ground! They stood there until all the people walked across on dry ground.
• God told Joshua to choose 12 men. God said to Joshua, “Tell each man to get a big stone from the bottom of the river where the priests are standing and take it to the other side.”
• So Joshua chose 12 men and said to them, “Go back to the middle of the river where the priests are standing. Pick up a stone and carry it on your shoulders and place it where we will camp.”
• The 12 men followed the directions Joshua had given them. Next, the priests carried the ark of the covenant out of the river. As soon as they stepped out of the river, the water began flowing again.
• Joshua stacked the 12 stones that the men had brought from the middle of the Jordan River. He said the stones would remind them that God took care of them.  

Bible Verse - God can do all things. Job 42:2
Life Application - I can know God can do anything.
This weeks challenge - If time allows, drive to a river in your town. As you look at the river with your child, tell the Bible story. Say the Bible verse together. Thank God for the Bible and how it teaches us that He can do anything.

* Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, April 7th 10a.m. don't forget your bucket
* Kids Night Out April 27th

Send me those schedules. I would love to show up at your childs event.

If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.

Bridget :)

Friday, March 9, 2012

FAMILY PLUS Preschool - March 9

Hi Parents and Grandparents,

I have been preparing this week to go on the High School Mission trip. We will be leaving the 10th for New Orleans. I am very excited!  We will have teams that will be in 5 schools.  In the schools we will play character building games to two thousand plus children. We will be building relationships with the children as well. The High Schoolers will return in the summer to do a day camp much like our Kidzdays in the Glade. We will also have several teams rebuilding homes. Please pray for the students and leaders this week for safe travels and lives that will be touched by The Glade. I love hanging out with our high school students but look forward to being back with your preschoolers on the 18th.

This week at bedtime include the Bible story from the weekly take home page. Look up together the Bible verse from Psalm 100:3 and say it together. Your preschooler will love being able to recite the verse by the end of the week.

*Don't forget to set your clocks forward Saturday night March 10th.

This Sunday, March 11th your preschooler will hear this story -  

Adam and Eve Made a Choice (Genesis 2:7-23; 3:2,6,20-23; 4:1-2)
Bible Story Brief -
•  God created man and put him in a garden called Eden. God told the man, “You may eat the fruit of any tree that is in the garden except one tree. Do not eat the fruit of that tree.”
•  God created a woman to help the man. The man and woman were Adam and Eve.
•  Eve looked at the fruit on one tree, the tree that God told them not to choose. Eve knew what God had said. But she chose to disobey God. She took some of the fruit and ate it. She gave some to Adam. Adam chose to disobey God, too. He ate the fruit.
•  God made Adam and Eve able to choose. They chose to disobey. After Adam and Eve chose to disobey, God made them clothes out of skins. They had to leave the garden of Eden. But God still loved Adam and Eve. He showed them where they should go to live.
•  After Adam and Eve left the garden, they had two sons, Cain and Abel. Cain grew food for animals and his family. Abel took care of sheep. God loved Adam and Eve. God loved Cain and Abel.

Bible Verse - God made us, and we are His. Psalm 100:3
Life Application - I can remember God always loves me.
Bible Truth - God always loves us.

* Save the date for the Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, April 7th 10a.m.
* Kids Night Out April 27th
 Send me those schedules. I would love to show up at your childs event.
Please let me know if there is anything I can pray about for your family.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.

Bridget :)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

FAMILY PLUS Preschool - March 1

Hi Parents and Grandparents,

It is so hard to believe that March is here already. Soon the flowers and trees will bloom in full color. This Sundays Bible story will be "God Created the World". I love starting this story right before spring starts. Spring is a perfect time to have conversations about God's Creation. God is the perfect artist.

Your parent challenge this week is to take a walk with your child outdoors. Say: “Do you see some things God created?” Listen as your child responds. Point out all the different colors He created. Later in the day, take time together to review the Bible story from this week. You can find the story on the take home page your child receives on Sunday or from the Bible story brief below. 

This Sunday, February 26, 2012 Your preschooler will hear this story -

God Created the World (Genesis 1:1–2:3)
Bible Story Brief - 
• In the beginning, God decided to create a beautiful world. 
•  On the first day, God said, “Let there be light.” God called the light day. Then He said, “Let the darkness be called night.” 
•  On the second day, God took some of the water on the earth and created the clouds and sky. God left the rest of the water on the earth. 
•  On the third day, God said, “Let the waters on the earth gather together, and let the dry land appear.” God called the dry land earth and the gathered water the seas. That day, God also made every kind of tree and flower. 
•  On the fourth day, God created the sun, moon, and stars. The moon and stars shone at night. The sun shone in the day. 
•  On the fifth day, God said, “Let the waters and the sky be filled with many kinds of living things.” So God created the animals of the sea and birds that fly. 
•  On the sixth day, God made all of the earth animals and crawling creatures. Then God made people! He made a man and a woman. God gave the man and the woman choices. He planned for them to care for the plants and animals. God wanted them to use and enjoy all the things He had made. At the end of the sixth day, God looked at everything He had made. He was very pleased with what He had created. 
• On the seventh day, God chose to rest from His work. 

Bible Truth -  God created the world and everything in it. 
Life Application - I can discover God created everything. 
Bible Verse - In the beginning God created the world. Genesis 1:1 

* Save the date for the Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, April 7th 10a.m. 
* Kids Night Out April 27th
 Send me those schedules. I would love to show up at your childs event. 

If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.

Bridget :)