Thursday, May 31, 2012

Hi Parents and Grandparents,
Summer Jam starts next Monday, June 11th. I hope you have plans for your child to attend. It is a very exciting week of games, crafts, worship and new this year is drama in Bible story time. Having characters acting out the Bible story is a great way for your preschooler to learn about Bible truths. All of this for no cost AND we will be serving lunch every day by Chris Cox. It's sure to be a fantastic week that your child will not want to miss.

This Sunday, June 3 , 2012, your preschooler will hear this story -
God Gave Rules to the People  (Exodus 19:1–20:20)
Bible Story Brief -
• Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt. God showed Moses where to go and what to do. God led them to camp at the bottom of a mountain.
• Moses went up the mountain to talk to God. God said, “Moses, remind the people how I helped them leave Egypt. Tell them to do what I tell them to do. Tell them to wash all of their clothes and set up boundaries around the mountain. Tell them to look for a thick cloud and to listen for the sound of a trumpet.”
• Moses told the people what God had said. They replied, “We will do what God tells us to do.” Moses went back up the mountain. God told Moses and the people to obey these ten special rules, or Commandments.
• Do not worship anyone but God. God is the only God. • Do not worship anything you have made. • Always say God’s name in a respectful way. • Work on six days. On the seventh day, rest and worship God. • Honor and respect your mother and father.
• Do not kill anyone. • Husbands and wives should keep their wedding promises. • Do not take something that belongs to someone else. • Do not tell lies about other people. Always tell the truth. • Do not wish for things that belong to other people.

Bible Verse - Obey God. Deuteronomy 6:17
Life Application - I can do what the Bible says.
Bible Truth - I can do what the Bible tells me to do.

Your parent challenge this week - At dinnertime, talk about rules your family follows at the table. (pray and then eat; don’t talk with your mouth full; etc.) Say: “I noticed your Bible story for this week is about rules God gave us to live by.” Briefly retell the Bible story. Pray, thanking God for rules that help us know what to do.

Save these dates:
* Summer Nights For Families - June 10 (Cook out and fun for all ages 6:30pm)
* Summer Jam - June 11-15 (Sign up at any information center)
* Summer Nights For Families - July 8 (Movie Night)
* Preschool Day Camp -  July 9 - 13 (Sign up at any information center)

Send me those schedules. I would love to show up at your child's event.

If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.   
Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.

Bridget :)

Friday, May 25, 2012

FAMILY PLUS Preschool - May 25

Hi Parents and Grandparents,

We will continue to talk about the importance of family this week. Family is about loving and caring for one another no matter what. Preschoolers need, wants, and thrives on our love and care. Help them identify ways family members show love to one another and to others.

 Summer Jam is in a few weeks. I am looking forward to seeing you there. Contact Jared or I if you would like to serve at our single largest outreach to the community. If you haven't already pre-registered your children, you can do that at any of our information centers.

This Sunday, May 27, 2012, your preschooler will hear this story -

Abram and Lot Worked Together (Genesis 13:1-12,14-18)
Bible Story Brief -
• Abram loved God very much. He took his wife, his helpers, and all his animals to live in the desert. His nephew, Lot, went with him. Lot also had a family, helpers, and animals. Abram’s family and Lot’s family lived in tents so they could move from place to place.
• It was hard to find enough grass to eat and water to drink for all the animals. The helpers began to quarrel with each other about whose animals should eat the grass and drink the water. They did not want to share.
• Abram said,“Let’s not quarrel or fight. Our helpers should not argue either. We are part of the same family. I am your uncle. You are my nephew.”
• Then Abram said, “Let’s divide the land. You choose the land you want. I will take the land in the opposite direction.”
• Lot looked at the land near the Jordan River. He chose that land for his family, helpers, and animals. Abram took his family, his helpers, and his animals in the other direction to Canaan. Abram set up his tents there.
• God spoke to Abram. God told Abram to look in every direction—north, south, east, and west. God said, “All the land you see will belong to your family. I will give this land to you and your children to have forever. Your family will be so big that you cannot count them. Go and walk through the land I am giving you.”
• Abram moved his tents near some large trees. Abram thanked God for the land.

Bible Verse -  Work together happily. Ephesians 6:7
Life Application - I can work with my family.
Bible Truth - Family members work together.

Your parent challenge this week - Plan a project for two people in the family to do together. This could be as simple as gathering the trash from wastebaskets in the house and putting them in the trash container. Say, “You are working together happily. This reminds me of the Bible story, ‘Abram and Lot Worked Together.’ ” Review the story together.

Save these dates:
* Summer Nights For Families - June 10 (Cook out and fun for all ages 6:30pm)
* Summer Jam - June 11-15 (Sign up at any information center)
* Summer Nights For Families - July 8 (Movie Night)
* Preschool Day Camp -  July 9 - 13 (Sign up at any information center)

Send me those schedules. I would love to show up at your child's event.

If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.   
Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.

Bridget :)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

FAMILY PLUS Preschool - May 17

Hi Parents and Grandparents,

Have you ever done something nice for someone and not expected anything in return? It is a great feeling, isn't it? How pleasing it must be to God. A kind woman was very happy to help Elisha in this week's story. There are all kinds of ways we can show kindness to others. You could help build a home, build a ramp, or serve in a ministry. It could be as easy as donating clothes, helping a neighbor, write a note to someone that influenced you, give out compliments, or even just holding a door for a stranger. The list goes on. None of these things are costly. Do you need help finding a place to serve or help? Stop by our Next Step Center and they will be able to help you.

This Sunday, May 27, 2012, your preschooler will hear this story -

A Family Helped Elisha  (2 Kings 4:8-13)
Bible Story Brief -
• Elisha (ih LIGH shuh) was a prophet.A prophet told people what God wanted them to know. Elisha walked from town to town and told people about God’s love. When Elisha came to a town, he often felt tired and hungry. He needed a place to eat and rest.
• Elisha often visited the town of Shunem (SHOO nem). A woman in Shunem invited Elisha to eat with her husband and her. She told Elisha that he could eat and rest at their house when he came to Shunem.
• One day the woman said to her husband, “Elisha is an important man. He helps people know about God. Let’s build a room for him on the roof of our house. We can put a bed, table, chair, and lamp in the room. Whenever he comes to our house, Elisha will have a comfortable place to eat and rest.”
• The next time Elisha came to Shunem, he stopped at the family’s house. The man and woman took Elisha to the flat roof of the house. They showed Elisha his new room. Elisha was very thankful for the room.
• One day as Elisha was resting in his room, he called for his helper Gehazi (gih HAY zigh). Elisha said, “Go and get the woman.” Gehazi brought the woman to Elisha. Elisha said, “You have built a room for me. What can I do for you?”
• The woman did not want Elisha to do anything for her. The woman and her husband were happy to help Elisha.

Bible Verse - Do good to everyone. Galatians 6:10
Life Application - My family can help other people.
Bible Truth - Families help other people.

Your parent challenge this week -   Review the Bible story with your child. Together, think of a plan to help someone outside your family. This might be a good time to go through summer clothes from last year. Allow your child to lead in determining what outgrown items he or she would like to donate to a clothing charity. Help them to place these in a box or bag and help you take these clothes and other family clothes as a donation.

Save these dates:
* Summer Nights For Families - June 10 (details coming very soon)
* Summer Jam - June 11-15 (Sign up at any information center)
* Summer Nights For Families - July 8
* Preschool Day Camp -  July 9 - 13 (Sign up at any information center)

Send me those schedules. I would love to show up at your child's event.

If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.   
Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.

Bridget :)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

FAMILY PLUS Preschool - May 10

Hi Parents and Grandparents,

With Mother's day coming this week, this story is a great reminder on how we should treat our family members. Tell your preschooler -  “The family in this story loved each other. We love each other in our family, too.” This week as you see your child showing love to a family member, say, “You are doing what the Bible says: Love one another. 1 John 4:7.” Preschoolers learn a lot from our own actions. Let your preschooler know you love them. Also let them know that you do things for them because you love them.

This Sunday, May 13, 2012, your preschooler will hear this story -

Ruth Took Care of Her Family  (Ruth 1:22; 2:1-23; 4:13-17)
Bible Story Brief -
• Ruth and Naomi were widows (women whose husbands had died). Naomi moved back to her hometown of Bethlehem. Ruth went with her.
• Ruth and Naomi needed food. Ruth said, “Let me go to the fields and pick up grain that workers leave behind.” Naomi replied, “Yes, go and gather grain.”
• Ruth went to a field and picked up barley the workers left on the ground. Boaz, the owner of the field, saw Ruth. He asked his helper about her. The man answered, “That is Ruth. She moved to Bethlehem with her mother-in-law, Naomi. She asked if she could gather barley behind the workers. She has worked hard all morning.”
• Boaz said to Ruth, “Do not go to another field. Stay here and gather grain in my fields.” He shared his water and food with her. Ruth asked, “Why are you so kind to me?” Boaz said,“I know how kind you have been to Naomi.” Boaz told his workers to leave extra barley for Ruth.
• When Ruth finished working that day, Naomi was surprised to see how much barley she brought home. Naomi asked, “Where did you work to get so much grain?”
• Ruth said, “I worked in Boaz’s field today.” Naomi said, “Boaz is my relative. Stay with his workers and you will be safe.” Ruth worked in Boaz’s field until the end of harvest.
• Later, Boaz and Ruth were married.Time passed and Ruth became a mother; Boaz became a father.They had a baby boy named Obed. Naomi helped care for Obed. Boaz, Ruth, Naomi, and Obed were a happy family.

Bible Verse - Show family love to one another.  Romans 12:10
Life Application -  I can love my family.
Bible Truth - Family members love one another.
Your parent challenge this week -  Together with your child, think of a grandmother and what is a favorite cookie or quick bread she likes. Make the bread or cookies with your child. Provide paper and crayons so your child can make a card. Offer to print the Bible verse on the card. Schedule a special time this week for your child to present the baked gift and card to his/her grandmother. In the car on the way home, say, “When you helped make the baked gift and made the card, you were showing family love to someone in your family.” At bedtime, tell the Bible story for this week.

Save these dates:
* Summer Nights For Families June 10
* Summer Jam June 11-15
* Summer Nights For Families July 8
* Preschool Day Camp July 9 - 13

Send me those schedules. I would love to show up at your child's event.

If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.                                
Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.

Bridget :)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

FAMILY PLUS Preschool = May 3

Hi Parents and Grandparents,

The Bible story this week is about a family. The story made me really think about family, what the word really means. One definition of family I found in the dictionary says - "A group consisting of parents and children living together in a household." I don't think this really describes a family.

This weeks story Miriam and her family wanted to save her baby brother from Pharaoh. They came up with a plan. I can't even imagine putting one of my siblings in a basket and sending him or her down the river.  Miriam loved her brother enough to save his life. Miriam's family trusted God through their difficult times they were enduring. God had a very important job for the baby (Moses) when he grew up.

 My definition of family is not just living under one roof. Families should put God first and foremost in their life. Family is the people who will love, pray for one another and be there for you no matter what. They are there to pick you up in hard times and to share your joy. You never give up on them and you'll do whatever it takes to stay together; such as compromise, communicate, sacrifice and most of all, love one another. Family is your heart and soul next to God.

Help your child understand that people in your family can help each other. Talk about some ways your child would like to help family members this week.

Sunday, May 6, 2012, your preschooler will hear this story -

Miriam Helped Her Family (Exodus 2:1-10)
Bible story brief -
• Miriam’s family had a new baby boy. Jochebed, the baby’s mother, wanted him to grow up to be healthy and strong. But Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, did not want Hebrew baby boys to live. For three months, Jochebed hid the baby.
• When she could not hide him any longer, Jochebed took a basket made from reeds and covered the outside with black, sticky tar. The tar would keep water out of the basket.
• Gently, Jochebed placed her baby in the basket. She set the basket in the reeds near the edge of the Nile River. Miriam stayed near the river to watch her baby brother.
• Pharaoh’s daughter came to take a bath in the river. She saw the basket in the reeds and sent a helper to get it.When she opened the basket, she saw the baby boy. She felt sorry for him.
• Miriam came out of the tall grass. “Do you want me to get someone to take care of the baby?” she asked Pharaoh’s daughter.
• “Yes,” said Pharaoh’s daughter. Miriam hurried to get her mother.“Take this baby and care for him,” Pharaoh’s daughter said to Jochebed. “I will pay you to take care of the baby.” Jochebed took the baby home to take care of him. When he was older, she took him back to Pharaoh’s daughter. She named him Moses.
• Miriam showed love to her family by helping keep her brother safe.

Bible Verse -  Help one another in love. Galatians 5:13
Life Application -  I can help my family.
Bible Truth - Family members help one another.

Your parent challenge this week - Talk about the Bible story as you fold towels together. Look up the Bible verse. Say, “When you help with family chores, you are pleasing God and doing what this Bible verse says. You are helping one another in love.”

Save these dates:

* Summer Nights For Families June 10
* Summer Jam June 11-15
* Summer Nights For Families July 8
* Preschool Day Camp July 9 - 13

Send me those schedules. I would love to show up at your child's event. 

If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your 
family please let me know.          
Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.

Bridget :)