Thursday, April 28, 2011

FAMILY PLUS Preschool - April 28

I hope you had the opportunity to experience the Awakening Worship Service this past weekend.  If you did not get the opportunity to experience it, I want to encourage you to click here to watch the service.

During the month of May your preschooler will hear that from the beginning of creation, God made people to live in families. They will know that within this family structure they can learn to love their fathers and mothers, help one another, learn from the Bible, help God's people in need and show love to one another. This month they will have an opportunity to do Bible truths as they practice ways to love and care for family members.

This Sunday May 1, 2011
Each age group's story is the same this week. I have simplified each age level.

Kindergarten and Wee Worship
Bible Story: The first family Genesis 1:26-28
In the beginning God created the world. God created light, the sky, oceans and dry land. He created all kinds of plants to grow. He made the sun, moon and stars. God created fish, birds and animals. God saw that all He had created was good.

God decided to make people. People would be different from all the other things that God created. So God made man and woman.
God blessed the man and woman. He told them to take care of the world He made and care for the fish, birds and animals. "I have made plants for you to eat," God told the man and woman. "The plants will be food for you and the animals and birds."

God also told them about His plan for them. God planned for the man and woman to have children. They would be a family. God was pleased with everything He made.

The man's name was Adam and the woman's name was Eve. Adam and Eve lived in a garden that God made for them. But Adam and Eve chose to disobey God. They had to leave the garden and could not ever go back. They moved to the place God told them to go and grew food to eat.

 In their new home, Eve had a baby boy and named him Cain. Then she had another baby boy and named him Abel. Adam, Eve, Cain and Abel were the first family.

Level of Biblical Learning - (Family) God's plan for a family is for mothers and fathers to raise children.

Bible Words of the week: Family - a group of people who are related to each other.

Bible Verse:
Love your father and mother. Deuteronomy 5:16

Bible truth:
God planned for people to live in families.

With this Bible story and verse your preschoolers will begin to learn and understand:

-God planned for people to live in families.
-they can begin to  participate in family devotions
*See below upcoming events

3's-Pre K 
Bible Story: The First Family. Genesis 1:26-28
God made a beautiful, wonderful world! But God knew there was one thing the world still needed. God knew the world needed people. God said, "People will be more important than the birds, fish and animals."

First, God made a man and named him Adam. God did not want Adam to be alone. So God made a woman to be Adam's special helper. Adam named the woman Eve.

Adam and Eve were the first family. They were happy in the garden.  Adam and Eve worked in the garden taking care of the plants and animals.

Later Adam and Eve left the garden. God planned for Adam and Eve to have children in their family. First, they had a baby boy. Adam and Eve named him Cain Then they had another son and name him Abel. Now there were four people in the first family. God loved Adam, Eve, Cain and Abel.

Bible truth: God made people to live in families.
Bible Verse: God is good. Psalm 145:9

Level of Biblical Learning - (Family) God's plan for families is found in the Bible.

With this Bible story and verse your preschoolers will begin to learn and understand:
-God planned for them to be a part of a family.
-Can begin to participate in family devotions

1's and 2's 
God made families

Bible Story: The First family Genesis 1:27
God made a man. He named the man Adam. Adam was all alone. There were no other people. God did not want Adam to be alone.So God made a woman. When Adam saw the woman, he gave her the name Eve. Adam was happy because he has no longer alone.
Adam and Eve lived in the special garden God made. It had beautiful trees and flowers. There was food to eat and water to drink.
After they left the garden, Adam and Eve had two boys, Cain and Abel. Adam, Eve and their two boys were the first family. God planned for people. God planned for families.

Bible truth: God made every family.
Bible Verse: God loves us. Psalm 107:1
With this Bible story and verse your preschoolers will begin to learn and understand:
-God made my family

Kids Night Out - May 6 - ages birth-5th grade - deadline for this event is extended to May 1
Preschool day camp - July 11-15 - ages 3 - completed Kindergarten time - 9am-3pm
If you would like any details pertaining to any of these events please do not hesitate to contact me.

Please continue to send me their schedules or upcoming events. I want to celebrate with your family!
If there is something that I can help you pray about please let me know.

I hope you have a blessed week!!

Bridget :)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

FAMILY PLUS Preschool - April 21

Just a reminder that our small groups that meet at 9:15 will not be meeting this Sunday, April 24th. We will be having childcare for  Birth-Kindergarten for all three Awakening Worship Services.
 The 3 year olds - Kindergarten will have the opportunity to meet for Wee Worship at all three services. Our services will be Saturday April 23rd at 7pm, Sunday April 24th at 8am and 10am.

Along with our Bible story in Wee Worship, your precious little ones will crack open the miracle of Easter with Resurrection Eggs.  Each egg will represent a piece of Jesus’ journey to the cross and beyond.  This will certainly be a time your child will never forget as they watch Easter come alive in their little hands! I have attached a copy of how to make the Resurrection Eggs below. You can also buy the eggs at Lifeway but I think its more fun and less expensive if you make your own.

Wee Worship
Bible Story: Jesus is Alive! John 20:1-18
Early in the morning, Mary walked to the edge of town. She was very sad because Jesus had died on a cross. She was going to the garden to see the tomb where He had been buried.

When Mary arrived at the tomb, the big heavy stone had been rolled away from the door. Mary ran from  the tomb. She found Peter and John. Mary said, "Jesus is not in the tomb! I don't know where they have taken Him."

Peter and John could hardly believe what Mary was saying. They hurried back to the tomb with Mary. They looked inside, but they did not see Jesus anywhere! So the two men went home. But Mary stayed nearby, crying. "Why are you crying?" she heard someone ask. "For whom are you looking?"

Mary did not know that the man speaking to her was Jesus. Then He spoke her name. "Mary," He said. Mary knew that the man was Jesus! Jesus was standing right there, close enough to touch. Jesus told Mary to go tell His helpers that she had seen Him. Mary rushed to tell Jesus' helpers that she had seen Jesus and that He was alive!
Bible truth: Jesus is alive.
Bible Verse: Jesus is alive! Matthew 28:7
Level of Biblical Learning - Jesus loves all people.
With this Bible story and verse your preschoolers will begin to learn and understand:
-That the Bible is a book that tells about God and Jesus

Please continue to send me their schedules or upcoming events. I want to celebrate with your family!
If there is something that I can help you pray about please let me know.
I hope you have a GREAT week!!

Bridget :)

To make your own resurrection eggs you will need 12 plastic eggs and an empty egg container. I have the items listed that you will need for each egg. Have fun telling your preschoolers about why we have Easter.
Egg Number 1
Message: Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. The people waved palm branches.
Passage: Matthew 21:1-11.
Item: A small plastic leaf or a piece of a palm branch or a blade of grass.

Egg Number 2
Message: Mary poured expensive perfume on Jesus' feet.
Passage: John 12:2-8.
Item: Cotton ball with perfume on it.

Egg Number 3
Message: Jesus ate the Last Supper with His disciples.
Passage: Matthew 26:17-19.
Item: A small piece of cracker to represent the passover bread.

Egg Number 4
Message: Judas betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.
Passage: Matthew 27:3.
Item: Three dimes

Egg Number 5
Message: Jesus carried His cross.
Passage: John 19:17.
Item: A toothpick that is cut and glued in the form of a cross.

Egg Number 6
Message: Soldiers placed a crown of thorns on Jesus' head.
Passage: John 19:2.
Item: A small thorny branch or a single large thorn (a toothpick would work too)

Egg Number 7
Message: Soldiers parted Jesus' garments and cast lots for His coat.
Passage: John 19:23.
Item: Miniature dice

Egg Number 8
Message: Jesus was nailed to a cross and pierced in His side.
Passage: John 19:18,37 and John 20:25-29.
Item: A nail

Egg Number 9
Message: They gave Jesus vinegar mixed with gall (bitter spice) on a sponge to drink.
Passage: Matthew 27:34.
Item: A q-tip

Egg Number 10
Joseph took the body, wrapped it in a clean linen cloth, Passage: Matthew 27:59
Item: a piece of white fabric

Egg Number 11
Message: The stone covering Jesus' tomb was rolled away.
Passage: John 20:1.
Item: A small rock.

Egg Number 12
Message: The tomb is empty. He has risen!
Passage: Luke 24:6.
Item: Nothing

Thursday, April 14, 2011

FAMILY PLUS Preschool - April 14

This week's story is very exciting! People Welcoming Jesus! As Jesus rode into Jerusalem people were taking off their coats and laying them on the ground along with palm branches.  I can visualize how excited people were that He was coming. People and children shouting and with enthusiasm "Hosanna, Hosanna!!"

Here is a challenge for you this week... How can you express love for Jesus this week? Print words of praises on  index cards and tape them where you will see them throughout the week. Say those praises out loud. Remind your preschooler to Thank God for sending his son, Jesus. Thank God for giving us a friend like Jesus to love.

This Sunday April 17, 2011
Each age group's story is the same this week. I have simplified each age level.

Kindergarten and Wee Worship
Bible Story: People Welcomed Jesus Matthew 21:1-11, 14-16
Jesus and His disciples were walking along the road to Jerusalem. They were going to celebrate passover. When they came near a town called Bethphage (BETH fuh jee), Jesus said to two of His helpers, "Go into town. You will find a mother donkey and her colt there. Bring them to Me."

The two
disciples brought the donkeys back to Jesus. They spread their coats on the the young donkey. Jesus sat on the coats and began riding to Jerusalem.
Along the way, people spread their coats on the road. Others cut branches from palm trees and spread them on the road. As Jesus passed by, the people praised Him. They shouted, "Hosanna! Hosanna!" when Jesus entered the city, there were some people saying, "Who is this man?" the crowd answered, "This is Jesus." They also told them about how Jesus went to the temple and He had healed people who were blind and people who could not walk. Children in the temple called "Hosanna! Hosanna!" to Jesus.
Some men were upset when they heard the things Jesus did and heard the children praising Him. "Jesus," they asked, "do you hear those children?" Jesus answered, "YES, haven't you read what the Bible says? God planned for children to praise Him." Jesus knew that the children were doing what God wanted them to do.

Level of Biblical Learning - (Jesus) Jesus is God's one and only Son.

Bible Words of the week: Donkey - an animal like a horse but smaller and with longer ears.
                                            Hosanna- a word of praise thanking God.

Bible Verse:
This is Jesus. Matthew 21:11

Bible truth:
People knew Jesus was special.

With this Bible story and verse your preschoolers will begin to learn and understand:

-Jesus is God's one and only Son
-The Bible tells us about God and Jesus
*See below upcoming events Don't miss the Easter Egg Hunt this Saturday April 16th at 10am

3's-Pre K 
Bible Story: People Welcomed Jesus Matthew 21:1-11, 14-16
Jesus and His disciples were walking along the road to Jerusalem. They were going to celebrate passover. When they came near a town called Bethphage (BETH fuh jee), Jesus said to two of His helpers, "Go into town. You will find a mother donkey and her colt there. Bring them to Me."

The two disciples brought the donkeys back to Jesus. They spread their coats on the the young donkey. Jesus sat on the coats and began riding to Jerusalem.
Along the way, people spread their coats on the road. Others cut branches from palm trees and spread them on the road. As Jesus passed by, the people praised Him. They shouted, "Hosanna! Hosanna!" when Jesus entered the city, there were some people saying, "Who is this man?" the crowd answered, "This is Jesus." They also told them about how Jesus went to the temple and He had healed people who were blind and people who could not walk. Children in the temple called "Hosanna! Hosanna!" to Jesus.
Some men were upset when they heard the things Jesus did and heard the children praising Him. "Jesus," they asked, "do you hear those children?" Jesus answered, "YES, haven't you read what the Bible says? God planned for children to praise Him." Jesus knew that the children were doing what God wanted them to do.

Bible truth: People knew Jesus was special.

Bible Verse: Jesus is God's Son. John 20:31

Level of Biblical Learning - (Jesus) Jesus is God's one and only Son.

With this Bible story and verse your preschoolers will begin to learn and understand:
-That the Bible is a book that tells about God and Jesus
-Jesus is God's Son

1's and 2's 
Our Friend, Jesus

Bible Story: People Welcomed Jesus Matthew 21:1-11
Jesus rode to town on a donkey. Many people saw Jesus as He rode into the town. The people ran on the road ahead of Jesus. The people spread their coats on the road. Some spread palm tree branches on the road. Children shouted happy words "Hosanna! Hosanna!" because they loved Jesus. Jesus was glad the children welcomed Him in such a special way.

Bible truth: People loved Jesus

Bible Verse: People thanked God for Jesus. Matthew 15:31

With this Bible story and verse your preschoolers will begin to learn and understand:
-Jesus wants us to love Him

Easter Egg Hunt -  April 16th - ages birth-5th grade 10am Rain or Shine
Kids Night Out - May 6 - ages birth-5th grade - deadline for this event will be April 27
Preschool day camp - July 11-15 - ages 3 - completed Kindergarten time - 9am-3pm
If you would like any details pertaining to any of these events please do not hesitate to contact me.

Please continue to send me their schedules or upcoming events. I want to celebrate with your family!
If there is something that I can help you pray about please let me know.

I hope you have a GREAT week!!

Bridget :)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

FAMILY PLUS Preschool - April 7

The focus of the Bible stories during April for preschoolers is to discover more about our friend Jesus and His love for children and all people. Your preschooler will have opportunities to hear about Jesus' warm and loving acceptance of all kinds of people, including children, people who needed help and His helpers. They will hear and learn that Easter is a happy day because Jesus loves us.

This Sunday April 10, 2011
Each age group's story is different this week. I have simplified each age level.

Kindergarten and Wee Worship
Bible Story: Jesus Helped a Man Who Could Not Walk Mark 2:1-12
One day, Jesus traveled to the city of Capernaum (kuh PUHR nay uhm). People gathered in a house where Jesus was teaching. The people wanted to see Jesus and hear what He would say. So many people crowded into the house that there was no space left for anyone else! Four men walked toward the house carrying a friend on a mat that could not walk. They wanted to see Jesus so that He could heal their friend. The house was crowded with people. The four men could not get through the crowd. The men made a hole in the roof of the house right above the place where Jesus stood.  They lowered their paralyzed friend down through the hole into the room in front of Jesus.
Jesus looked at the paralyzed man and said, "Get up. Pick up your mat and go home." The man stood up, picked up his mat, and walked out of the house in front of all the people. Jesus had healed their friend. The man could now walk! He did not need crutches, a cane or men to carry him anymore. All the people were surprised! The people praised God and said, "We have seen wonderful things today!

Level of Biblical Learning - (JESUS) Jesus performed miracles and healed the sick.
Bible Words of the week: Paralyzed - unable to walk
                                            Mat- a small bed

Bible Verse:
Jesus loved people and helped them. Matthew 14:14
Bible truth:
Jesus helped people because He loved them.
With this Bible story and verse your preschoolers will begin to learn and understand:

-Jesus performed miracles and healed the sick.
-The Bible tells about God and Jesus

*See below upcoming events

3's-Pre K 
Bible Story: Jesus and the Woman with a Crooked Back Luke 13:10 - 13
The Bible tell us that Jesus often taught in the synagogue. Many people would come to hear Jesus tell about God.
One day when Jesus was teaching people at church (synagogue), He saw a woman there. The woman could not stand tall and straight. For a long time she had not been able to straighten her back. How sad she must have been. Jesus called for the woman to come to Him. When the woman got to where  he stood, He told her that she was well. Then Jesus touched the woman with his hands and immediately she could stand up straight! Jesus had made her back well. The woman was so happy! The woman thanked Jesus for making her well.

Bible truth:
Jesus helped people because he loved them.
Bible Verse: Jesus loved people and helped them. Matthew 14;14

Level of Biblical Learning - Jesus did things people can not do
With this Bible story and verse your preschoolers will begin to learn and understand:
-That the Bible is a book that tells about God and Jesus
-Jesus performed miracles and healed the sick.

1's and 2's 
Our Friend, Jesus

Bible Story: Jesus Helped a Woman at Church. Luke 13:10-13
One day when Jesus was teaching at church, He saw a woman who was bent over. The woman's back had been bent for a long time. Jesus loved the woman. He wanted her back to be straight. Jesus called the woman to Him. He said, " Woman, you are well." Jesus put His hands on the woman and made her back straight. "Thank You, God. My back is straight! Jesus made me well!" the woman must have said. The woman was glad Jesus loved her and made her back straight. The woman was so happy! The woman thanked Jesus for making her well.

Bible truth: Jesus made sick people well.
Bible Phrase: Jesus helped sick people. Luke 7:21
With this Bible story and verse your preschoolers will begin to learn and understand:
-Jesus helped people because He loved them.

Easter Egg Hunt -  April 16th - ages birth-5th grade 10am
Kids Night Out - May 6 - ages birth-5th grade - deadline for this event will be April 27
Preschool day camp - July 11-15 - ages 3 - completed Kindergarten time - 9am-3pm
If you would like any details pertaining to any of these events please do not hesitate to contact me.

Please continue to send me their schedules or upcoming events. I want to celebrate with your family!

Bridget :)