Thursday, December 19, 2013

"Birthday Celebration" Preschool FAMILY PLUS - December 19

Hi Parents & Grandparents!
 Bring your preschooler this Sunday to help us celebrate Jesus’ birthday. Services are a little different this week. Sunday, December 22nd 9:00am and 10:30am, we will have activities for Babies - Kindergarten in their normal classes, there will be no groups for adults or children 1st-5th grade..
You and your family will also love our special service on Christmas Eve Eve, Monday, December 23rd 5:30pm and 7:00pm.

This week, Sunday, December 22, 2013, your child will hear this story:
Jesus Was Born
Based on Luke 2:1-20
Joseph and Mary were waiting for Baby Jesus to be born. At this same time, all the people had to be counted. People had to go to their hometowns and put their names on a list.
Joseph and Mary traveled to Bethlehem. Bethlehem was crowded with people. Joseph found a place where Mary could rest. Soon Baby Jesus was born.
Mary made a soft bed in a manger, a box where the animals ate. She wrapped Baby Jesus in cloths and laid Him in the manger.
In a field nearby, shepherds were taking care of their sheep. An angel appeared to them. They were afraid. The angel said, “Do not be afraid. I have good news for you. God has sent a special baby. He was born in Bethlehem. You will find the baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”
The shepherds hurried to Bethlehem. They found Baby Jesus lying in the manger, just as the angel had said. When the shepherds left, they told everyone they saw about the special baby born in Bethlehem.

Christ Focus: Jesus came for all people.
Life Point: Jesus was born.
Life Verse: I will do what God says. Psalm 119:34

Question: In what town was Jesus born?
Question: Who were the first visitors to see Jesus?
Question: Why was Jesus special?

Upcoming Events

  • December 22nd - Service times are 9:00 & 10:30 Babies - Kindergarten will be meeting for both services in their regular rooms.  
  • December 25th - No Wednesday night activities. Enjoy the time with family and friends. 

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.
Bridget :)

Bridget Scott, Preschool Minister

Thursday, December 5, 2013

"Forgiven" FAMILY PLUS Preschool - December 5

Hi Parents and Grandparents!
I had a conversation with a few of my friends recently about this very subject "Forgiveness". The question was brought up, how many times should you forgive someone? The answer is quite simple, as many times YOU need to be forgiven. You see, their is no number to measure that. Always forgive! To help your child this week with forgiveness - Try to help your child think of people he or she knows. Talk about how he or she treats those people and how they treat him or her. Emphasize that Jesus taught people how to treat one another. Jesus wants us to love other people....ALWAYS!

This week, Sunday, December 8, 2013, your child will hear this story:

Peter Learned a Lesson Based on Matthew 18:21-35
As Jesus was teaching His disciples, Peter asked Him, “How many times should I forgive someone?” Peter wanted to know how he should treat people who had done wrong things to him. To answer his question, Jesus told a story.
A servant owed the king a large amount of money. When the servant could not pay, the king wanted to take the servant, his family, and all of his belongings as payment for the money he owed. But the servant pleaded with the king to wait. The king felt sorry for the servant and told him he did not have to pay back the money.
The servant left and saw another servant who owed him some money. The first servant grabbed the man and demanded that he repay what he owed. The man pleaded for time to repay the money.  But the servant would not wait and had the man who owed him money put in jail.
When the king heard what the first servant had done, he was angry. “I treated you kindly, but you did not treat the other man who owed you money kindly. You will go to jail like your fellow servant!” the king said.
Jesus said we should forgive others because God forgives us.

Christ Focus: Jesus has forgiven us.
Life Point: We forgive others because God forgives us.
Life Verse: All things work together for good for those who love God. Romans 8:28

Question: How did Jesus teach Peter about forgiveness?
Question: Do you know someone you can forgive?

Upcoming Events
  • December 13th - Kids Night Out ages birth - 5th grade Big fun for all! Deadline December 8th. Click here to register online
  • December 22nd - Service times are 9:00 & 10:30 Babies - Kindergarten will be meeting for both services in their regular rooms.
  • December 25th - No Wednesday night activities. Enjoy the time with family and friends.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.
Bridget :)

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Hi Parents and Grandparents!

This week, Sunday, December 1, 2013, your child will hear this story:

Peter Walked on Water with Jesus
Based on Matthew 14:22-33
Jesus had been teaching the people all day. He sent the people away and told His disciples to go to the other side of the lake in a boat. Jesus went up the mountain to pray.
After many hours, the boat was far away from land. The disciples struggled because the wind was strong. Jesus came to His disciples, walking on the water.
When the disciples saw Him, they were afraid. “It is a ghost,” they cried.
But Jesus spoke to them and said, “Do not be afraid. I am coming to you.”
Peter heard Jesus and said, “Jesus, if it really is You, let me walk to You on the water.” Jesus replied, “Come.”
Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water to Jesus. Then Peter saw the wind blowing the water, and he became afraid. Peter began to sink in the water and cried out to Jesus, “Save me!” Jesus reached out and took Peter’s hand. Jesus said, “Why did you doubt?” Jesus and Peter got into the boat, and the wind stopped blowing. Jesus’ disciples were amazed. “Truly He is the Son of God,” they said.

Christ Focus: Jesus has the answers we need.
Life Point: People need Jesus.
Life Verse: All things work together for good for those who love God. Romans 8:28

Question: How did Jesus help Peter?
Question: What are some ways Jesus helps you?

Bringing the Story Home: Ask your child to think of something he/she wants to do by him/herself but must have help to accomplish (for example, driving a car). Help him/her know that some things are ones we cannot do on our own and that we need Jesus to help us.

Upcoming Events
  • December 13th - Kids Night Out ages birth - 5th grade Big fun for all! Deadline December 8th. Click here to register online
  • December 22nd - Service times are 9:00 & 10:30 Babies - Kindergarten will be meeting for both services in their regular rooms.
  • December 25th - No Wednesday night activities. Enjoy the time with family and friends.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.
Bridget :)

Thursday, November 21, 2013

"Time To Eat and Give Thanks" FAMILY PLUS Preschool - November 21

Hi Parents and Grandparents!
It is very hard for me to believe that Thanksgiving is next week.  I hope you are able to spend time with friends and family this week. Take lots of pictures and have a wonderful time making memories.
This week, Sunday, November 24, 2013, your child will hear this story:

Jesus Gave Thanks for Food
Based on John 6:1-13
One day Jesus and His helpers were sitting on a mountainside. Many people followed them. The people had heard about Jesus. They knew Jesus helped people.
It was almost time to eat. Jesus knew the people were hungry. He wanted to help them. Jesus asked His helper Philip, “Where can we buy bread for all these people to eat?” Philip told Jesus that it would take a lot of money to buy enough food for everyone.
Andrew, another one of Jesus’ helpers, saw a little boy with five small loaves of bread and two fish. Andrew told Jesus about the boy’s fish and bread.
Jesus told His helpers, “Tell the people to sit down.” All of the people sat on the ground. Jesus took the five loaves of bread and two fish. Jesus thanked God for them. Then Jesus broke the bread and fish into pieces to give to the people.
The people ate as much food as they wanted. Then Jesus told His helpers, “Gather the leftover bread and fish.” Jesus’ helpers filled 1, 2, 3 baskets. They kept filling baskets until there were 12 baskets of leftover food. Jesus had fed many hungry people!

Christ Focus: Jesus came to love and help people. He taught people to thank God for His care.
Life Point: Be thankful for everything God gives you.
Life Verse: Jesus loved people and helped them. Matthew 14:14

Question: Many people were listening to Jesus. It was time to eat, and they were hungry. What happened next?
Question: How many fish and how many loaves of bread were in the little boy’s lunch?
Question: After Jesus thanked God for the boy’s lunch and broke the bread and fish into pieces, the disciples passed out the food to all of the people. Was there any left? How much?

Bringing the Story Home: Take time during this week to thank God with your child. Encourage your child to find things to be thankful for. Emphasize that it is important to thank God for everything He gives us.

Upcoming Events
  • November 27th - No Wednesday night activities
  • December 13th - Kids Night Out ages birth - 5th grade Big fun for all! Deadline December 8th.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.
Bridget :)

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Stepping In FAMILY PLUS Preschool - November 14

Hi Parents and Grandparents!

This Sunday, November 17, 2013, your preschooler will learn about this story:

Based on Genesis 37; 45; 50:15-21
Story Brief:
Joseph was one of 12 brothers. Joseph’s father loved him the most. He gave him a beautiful coat of many colors. This made his brothers jealous. Joseph’s older brothers helped take care of their father’s sheep. They took the sheep away to find a place for them to eat grass.
    Joseph’s father said to him, “I am sending you to find your brothers.” His father wanted to know if the brothers and the sheep were all right.
    Joseph left home and walked to the place where his brothers had taken the sheep. He looked around for them, but he could not find them.
    Finally Joseph found his brothers. When the brothers saw Joseph, they were mean to him. They sold him as a slave, and he was taken to Egypt. But God helped Joseph in Egypt. The pharaoh put Joseph in charge of all of the grain. Joseph stored up all of the grain when the crops were good. When there were no crops, he sold the grain to people who needed it, even his brothers. God used Joseph to help people.

Christ Focus: Bad things happened to Jesus, but God used Jesus to help and save people.
Life Point: God always has a plan.
Life Verse: Love others as I have loved you. John 15:12

Question: Why were Joseph’s brothers mad at him?
Question: What did they do to Joseph?
Question: What did Joseph tell his brothers when they came to buy grain, saw him, and were afraid?

Bringing the Story Home: Help your preschooler remember a time when something bad happened to a family member. Talk about how you felt and when the feeling went away. Help her understand that God always has a plan for your family.

Upcoming Events
  • November 27th - No Wednesday night activities
  • December 13th - Kids Night Out ages birth - 5th grade Big fun for all!

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.
Bridget :)

Thursday, November 7, 2013

FAMILY PLUS Preschool "Speaking Up!" - November 7

Hi Parents and Grandparents!

This week Sunday, November 10, 2013,  your preschooler will hear this story:

Abigail and David
Based on 1 Samuel 25
David was hiding from the king. He and his men were traveling and ran out of food. As they walked by a field, they saw a farmer shearing his sheep.
David sent ten of his men to talk to the farmer. “When your shepherds were in the field, we did not harm them,” they said. “We were kind to your men. Please help us and give us food.”
The farmer, named Nabal, was mean and did not want to help David and his men. “Go away. I will not give you any food,” Nabal told David’s men.
    David was angry. He decided to take some of his men and harm Nabal and his family.
Nabal’s wife, Abigail, heard what her husband had done. She hurried to gather food to take to David. She collected meat, bread, roasted grain, raisins, and fig cakes. Abigail loaded the food onto her donkeys and traveled down the road to meet David.
When Abigail saw David, she said, “Please forgive my husband’s bad behavior. Please accept this gift of food for you and your men.”
David accepted Abigail’s gift, thanked her, and left without harming Nabal. Abigail showed kindness to David, and David did not harm her husband.

Christ Focus: God sent His Son, Jesus, for us.
Life Point: Sometimes we can help others get along.
Life Verse: Love others as I have loved you. John 15:12

What did David’s men ask Nabal to give them?
Question: Why didn’t Nabal help David and his men?
Question: What did Abigail do to help?

Bringing the Story Home: Equip your child to speak up for others. Give her an opportunity to practice speaking up. Talk about times she might see a friend being unkind to another person. Role-play some ways she could speak up and remind a friend that Jesus loves us and wants us to love one another.

Upcoming Events
  • November 27th - No Wednesday night activities
  • December 13th - Kids Night Out ages birth - 5th grade Big fun for all!

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.
Bridget :)

Thursday, October 31, 2013

FAMILY PLUS Preschool "You Is Important!" - October 31

Hi Parents and Grandparents!
This week Sunday, November 3, 2013,  your preschooler will hear this story:

Peter and Cornelius
Based on Acts 10
Cornelius and his family loved God. One day Cornelius was praying. An angel gave him a message from God. Cornelius was to find a man named Peter.
Cornelius sent some men to find Peter. When the men found Peter, they explained what the angel had told Cornelius. The men said, “Cornelius wants to hear what you have to say.”
The next day Peter and the men went to Cornelius’s house. Cornelius was waiting with his family and friends.
Peter began talking to them. “God wants me to tell you that He loves everyone,” Peter said. “God wants me to tell you about His Son, Jesus.” Peter told how Jesus taught people about God and His love.
Cornelius and his family and friends listened carefully to Peter. Cornelius was glad that Peter had told him and his family and friends about God’s love for everyone.

Christ Focus: God wants all people to know and love Jesus.
Life Point: Every person is important.
Life Verse: Love others as I have loved you. John 15:12

Question: Who told Cornelius to send for Peter?
Question: How did Peter know he should go to see Cornelius?
Question: What happened after Cornelius and his family listened to Peter?

Bringing the story home: Encourage your preschooler to make a new friend this week. Ask him to think of someone who is very different from him. Help him think of ways to be kind and reach out to this person.

Upcoming Events
  • November 27th - No Wednesday night activities
  • December 13th - Kids Night Out ages birth - 5th grade

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.
Bridget :)

Thursday, October 24, 2013

FAMILY PLUS Preschool "Letting Others Go First" - October 24

Hi Parents and Grandparents!

This week our lesson will teach us the importance of the choices we make. Abram and Lot faced a challenge and made different choices. At first glance, their differences in their choices seemed very small, but they resulted in a heavy consequence later in their lives.

We have to make choices in everyday life, whether they may be big or small. But the choices we make now can make a huge difference later. We are promised that if we pray and truly rely on God to make the right choice, instead of making a decision on our own, that we will truly be blessed. We may not know what's ahead of us, but we will never regret it because God will guide us and strengthen us through it

This week, October 27, 2013, your child will hear this story:

Abram and Lot - Based on Genesis 13
Bible Story Brief:
Abram loved God very much. He took his wife, his helpers, and all his animals to live in the desert. His nephew Lot went with him. Lot also had a family, helpers, and animals. Abram's family and Lot's family lived in tents so they could move from place to place.
Their animals needed grass to eat and water to drink. It was hard to find enough grass and water for all the animals. The helpers began to quarrel about whose animals should eat the grass and drink the water. 
Abram worked with Lot to solve the problem. Abram said, "Let's not quarrel or fight. Our helpers should not argue either. We are part of the same family."
Then Abram said, "Let's divide the land. You choose the land you want. I will take the land in the opposite direction."
Lot chose the land near the Jordan River for his family, his helpers, and his animals. Abram took his family, his helpers, and his animals in the other direction to Canaan.
God spoke to Abram. God told Abram to look in every direction-north, south, east, and west. God said, "All the land you see will belong to your family. I will give this land to you and your children to have forever. Your family will be so big that you cannot count them. Go and walk through the land I am giving you."
Abram moved his tents near some large trees. Abram thanked God for the land.

Christ Focus: Jesus was kind.
Life Point: Let others go first.
Life Verse: Love your neighbor as much as you love yourself. James 2:8

Question: Why were Abram's and Lot's workers arguing?
Question: How did God help Abram and Lot solve the problem the workers were having?

Bringing the story home: When sharing snacks or taking turns with toys, encourage your child to let his friend have first choice. Remind your child that it is important to take turns. He will not always get his own way. Remind your child that Abram let Lot choose first.

Upcoming Events
  • October 27th - Family Day at Lannom Farms 1pm-6pm Pick up your ticket in the foyer of the Worship Center 
  • November 27th - No Wednesday night activities
  • December 13th - Kids Night Out ages birth - 5th grade

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.   
Bridget :)

Thursday, October 17, 2013

FAMILY PLUS Preschool "A True Friendship" - October 17

Hi Parents and Grandparents!

We all have met and known many different people in our lives. Most of them may simply be acquaintances, while others we might consider friends. Of these, there may be only a few that we would consider close friends.
The story of Jonathan and David is the story of one such friendship. As you read about this friendship, you will find that they shared much in common. There were also things that could have easily destroyed their bond, but instead, they made it stronger.
God wants us to be friends like Jonathan and David were friends. He wants us to love others and care for them.

Saul, Jonathan, and David Based on 1 Samuel 14:49; 18:1-4; 20:1-42
Bible story brief:
David was a special helper for King Saul. When the king felt sad, David played music on the harp to make him feel better.
While at the king’s house, David met Jonathan. Jonathan was King Saul’s son. David liked Jonathan, and Jonathan liked David. Jonathan and David did many things together. Soon they became best friends.
Jonathan wanted to show David how glad he was to be David’s friend. So Jonathan took off his robe and belt. He gave them to David. Then Jonathan gave David his bow for shooting arrows. These things were special to Jonathan, and he wanted David to have them. Jonathan loved David and wanted David to know that. David and Jonathan were always best friends.

Christ Focus: Jesus is our friend and loves us.
Life Point: Be kind.
Life Verse: Be kind to one another. Ephesians 4:32

Question: What gifts did Jonathan give to David?
Question: Why did Jonathan give David gifts?
Question: How did Jonathan warn David that he was in danger?

Bring the story home
:  Draw a smiling face on one paper plate and a frowning face on another. Talk with your child about several situations she might face with her friends, such as sharing toys and being kind or unkind. Ask her to choose which face represents the way she feels in each situation. Explain that being kind and sharing helps everyone feel happy.

Upcoming Events

  • October 27th - Family Day at Lannom Farms 
  • November 27th - No Wednesday night activities
  • December 13th - Kids Night Out ages birth - 5th grade

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.
Bridget :)

Thursday, October 10, 2013

FAMILY PLUS Preschool "Sisters!" - October 10

Hi Parents and Grandparents!

Sunday, October 13, 2013 your preschooler will learn this story:
Mary and Martha
Based on Luke 10:38-42
Bible Story Brief:
Jesus and His helpers were traveling. They came to the town where two sisters lived. The sisters were named Mary and Martha.
Jesus and His helpers walked to Mary and Martha’s house. The sisters were very happy to see Jesus.
Mary sat on the floor near Jesus. She listened carefully as Jesus talked. Mary wanted to hear everything Jesus said. While Mary was listening, Martha was getting a meal ready for Jesus.
Then Martha walked over to Jesus and said, “Jesus, I’m doing all of the work by myself. Don’t You think Mary should be helping me? Tell Mary to help me.”
In a kind voice, Jesus said, “Martha, do not worry about what needs to be done. Mary is listening to Me, and that is very important.”
Jesus loved His friends Martha and Mary. They loved Jesus, too.

Christ Focus: Jesus loves people and wants to be their friend.
Life Point: God comes first.
Life Verse: Be kind to one another. Ephesians 4:32

Question: Why was Martha angry with her sister?
Question: What did Jesus tell Martha?
Question: How was Mary thinking about God first?

Bring the story home: Talk about the following situations with your preschooler this week: eat a cookie or share a cookie; watch TV or read the Bible; go to the park or go to church. Help your child decide which of the choices God would want her to do.

Upcoming Events

  • October 27th - Family Day at Lannon Farms
  • November 27th - No Wednesday night activities
  • December 13th - Kids Night Out ages birth - 5th grade

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.

Bridget :)

Thursday, October 3, 2013

FAMILY PLUS Preschool "Special Dinner" - October 3

Hi Parents and Grandparents!

Sunday, October 6, 2013 your preschooler will learn this story:

The Last Supper Based on Matthew 26:17-30; 1 Corinthians 11:23-26
Bible Story Brief:
One day Jesus told two of His helpers to get everything ready for a special supper. “Where do You want us to prepare the supper?” they asked.
Jesus said, “Go into the city. You will meet a man. Tell him that I want to eat a special supper with My helpers at his house.”
Jesus’ helpers did what Jesus told them to do. They got everything ready for the special supper.
When it was time to eat, Jesus and His helpers sat at the table. As they were eating, Jesus took some bread. He thanked God for it. Jesus tore the bread into pieces. He gave some bread to each helper.
Then Jesus took a cup and said thank you to God. Jesus shared the cup with each helper.
Jesus told His helpers to always remember the things He did. Jesus wanted His helpers to always remember this special supper they had together.

Christ Focus: The Lord’s Supper reminds us of Jesus and what He did for us.
Life Point: Jesus wants people to love one another.
Life Verse: Love others as I have loved you. John 15:12

Question: How did Jesus show love to His disciples?
Question: What is one way you can show kindness to another person?

Bring the story home:
Talk with your preschooler about situations that are difficult for him, such as a friend hitting him or breaking in front of him in line. Provide paper and crayons or markers. Ask him to draw a picture of responding kindly to one of the situations.
Upcoming Events

  • October 27th - Family Day at Lannon Farms
  • November 27th - No Wednesday night activities
  • December 13th - Kids Night Out ages birth - 5th grade

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.
Bridget :)

Thursday, September 26, 2013

FAMILY PLUS Preschool "Example on how to treat others" - September 26

Hi Parents and Grandparents!

Sunday, September 29, 2013 your preschooler will learn this story:
Jesus and Zacchaeus
Based on Luke 19:1-10
Bible Story Brief -
Jesus was coming! People were standing everywhere. Everyone wanted to see Jesus, including a man named Zacchaeus. Zacchaeus was a tax collector. People did not like Zacchaeus because he took more tax money than he should.
Zacchaeus really wanted to see Jesus. But he was too short to see over the crowd of people. So Zacchaeus ran ahead of the crowd and climbed a tree. Now he would be able to see Jesus.
Jesus came to the tree where Zacchaeus was sitting. Jesus stopped and looked up at Zacchaeus. “Come down, Zacchaeus,” said Jesus. “I want to go to your house today!” Zacchaeus quickly climbed down the tree. He was happy that Jesus was going to his house. The other people wondered why Jesus wanted to visit the man they did not like.
As Zacchaeus and Jesus talked, Zacchaeus knew that he had done some wrong things. Zacchaeus told Jesus, “I will help the poor people. If I have taken too much money from people, I will give them back all of their money and more.”
What a happy day for Zacchaeus! He knew that Jesus loved him and God loved him, too.

Christ Focus: Jesus set the example for how to treat others.
Life Point: We should love others just as we love ourselves.
Life Verse: Love others as I have loved you. John 15:12

Question: What did Zacchaeus do because he wanted to see Jesus?
Question: Why did all the people dislike Zacchaeus?
Question: How did Jesus show kindness to Zacchaeus?

Bring the story home -  Help your preschooler think of someone at church who is hard for him to like. Talk about a way to show kindness to that person. Think of one kind thing to do.

Upcoming Events

  • October 27th - Family Fall Festival
  • November 27th - No Wednesday night activities
  • December 13th - Kids Night Out ages birth - 5th grade

If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.
Bridget :)

Thursday, September 19, 2013

FAMILY PLUS Preschool "Jesus Loves Children" - September 19

Hi Parents and Grandparents!
This has to be my very favorite story in the Bible. It clearly shows how important children are to Jesus. It teaches us that Jesus loves us and we are to love others.

Jesus and the Children Based on Mark 10:13-16
Bible Story Brief -
Everywhere Jesus went people followed Him. They watched Him make sick people well. They listened to Jesus teach about God’s love.
One day some mothers and fathers (parents) brought their children to see Jesus. The mothers and fathers wanted their children to see Jesus and hear His kind words.
Some of Jesus’ helpers saw the mothers, fathers, and children trying to get near Jesus. Jesus’ helpers told the mothers and fathers that Jesus was too busy to see children.
Jesus saw what His helpers were doing. He became angry. Jesus said to His helpers, “Let the children come to Me. Do not send them away.”
Jesus took the children in His arms. He gently put His hands on them and talked to them. Jesus showed His helpers that He loved children.

Christ Focus: Jesus loves children. As Jesus loved, we are to love others.
Life Point: Jesus loves children.
Life Verse: Jesus loved people and helped them. Matthew 14:14

Question: Why was Jesus angry with His disciples?
Question: Why did Jesus think children were special?
Question: What did He tell His disciples about children?

Bringing the story home: Sing the song “Jesus Loves the Little Children” or “Jesus Loves Me” with your preschooler. Remind her/him that Jesus loves her/him and all children.

Upcoming Events
  • October 27th - Family Fall Festival
  • November 27th - No Wednesday night activities
  • December 13th - Kids Night Out ages birth - 5th grade
If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.
Bridget :)

Thursday, September 12, 2013

FAMILY PLUS Preschool "Thirsty?" - September 12

Hi Parents and Grandparents!
Welcome (or welcome back for some of you) to our Preschool Family Plus emails. On your car ride home after church or at the family dinner table, do you ever ask your little ones, "What did you learn today?" Do you ever get this response "Nothing!" or "Jesus!" or maybe "All we did was play and eat goldfish!". These responses are very common from preschoolers.

Starting today I will be sending you an email every week letting you know what your Preschooler will be learning on the next Sunday. It will include the Bible story, Bible verse and a few questions. Also I will include any upcoming events that involve your preschooler. Hopefully equipping you with Sunday's lesson, your conversation will be a little different on the way home or at the family dinner table.

Sunday, September 15, 2013 your child will learn this story:
Jesus and the Woman at the Well - Based on John 4:1-30
Bible story brief:
Jesus and His helpers had walked a long time. They came to a town and stopped beside a well. Jesus’ helpers went into town to buy food. Jesus sat by the well to rest.
Before long a woman came to the well to get some water. Jesus asked, “Will you give Me a drink of water?” The woman was surprised that Jesus spoke to her.
Jesus told the woman about God’s love. Jesus wanted the woman to know how much God loved her. Jesus said, “I am God’s Son.”
Then Jesus’ helpers returned to the well. They were surprised to see Jesus talking to a woman.
The woman was so happy about the good news Jesus told her. She hurried into town to tell everyone what Jesus had said.
The people from town came to see Jesus. They wanted to talk with Jesus, too, and to learn more about God’s love.

Christ Focus: Jesus loves everyone.
Life Point: Jesus loves all people and so should we.
Life Verse: Love others as I have loved you. John 15:12

Question: How did Jesus show love for the woman?
Question: What is a way you can show love to another person?

Bringing the story home: Look around your neighborhood or school. Is there a person who needs a friend? Help your child to think of some ways to make friends with this new person.
Upcoming Events
  • October 27th - Family Fall Festival
  • November 27th - No Wednesday night activities
  • December 13th - Kids Night Out ages birth - 5th grade
If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.
Bridget :)

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Hi Parents & Grandparents!

This information is typically for Sunday morning group time. Today, I want to include what we do on Wednesday nights. Wednesday, August 14th we will begin our a new series, "Show and Tell". In Show and Tell, preschoolers will learn that God is a Marvelous Maker! He made our world and every thing in it. We will join Professor Sock, Kai and Lil' K as they say, "Tada! Look what God Made!". I have been using this type of curriculum for a year now. The little ones love it. They learn and remember Bible Verses. So come on out and join us on Wednesday nights.

This Sunday, August 11, 2013, Your preschooler will hear this story -

A Church Helped Acts 11:27-30
Bible Story Brief -
• A prophet is a person who tells other people what God wants them to know. Some prophets left the church in Jerusalem and came to the church in Antioch. One of them was a man named Agabus.
• Agabus told the people in the church at Antioch that God wanted them to know there would be a famine in Jerusalem. The people in Antioch knew that Jerusalem was a large city with many people. Many people in Jerusalem loved Jesus. They were sad that the people in Jerusalem would not have enough food.
• The people in Antioch thought of how they could help the people during the famine. Each person brought as much as he could bring to help the people in Jerusalem. People who were poor brought small gifts of food and money. People who were wealthy brought large gifts. All the people in Antioch knew their gifts would help the hungry people in Jerusalem. They were happy to share their food and money.
• The people gave their gifts to their teachers, Barnabas and Saul. Barnabas and Saul took the many gifts to the people in the church in Jerusalem.
Life Application -  I can be a part of God’s work by giving.
Bible Truth - People show love by giving to others.
Bible Verse - God planned for us to do His work. Ephesians 2:10

Save these dates: 
October 28 - Family Fall Festival
December 13 - Kids Night Out

If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.
Bridget :)

Thursday, August 1, 2013

FAMILY PLUS Preschool "Talk About Jesus" - August 1

Hi Parents & Grandparents!

We have two events that you don't want to miss. The first event is Illuminate, this Sunday, August 4th. In both services. The New Generations team will be sharing stories and outcomes from many of our 2013 events.
The second event is Back to School Bash, Wednesday, August 7th 5:45-7:45. We will have a blast rotating between inflatables, an illusionist, and food (includes hot dogs, chips and more). As always, your children will need to get their security sticker and meet in the regular classrooms to start the evening.

This week to help bring the story home, encourage your child to invite a friend to spend Saturday night at your house and attend church with you on Sunday. Explain to her that Jesus wants us to tell others about Him.

This Sunday, August 4, 2013, Your preschooler will hear this story -

Paul and Barnabas Told About Jesus   Acts 13:1-5,13-16,32-33,42-51; 14:1-3, 6-7, 21-28
Bible Story Brief -
• Paul and Barnabas were teaching in the church at Antioch. One day when Paul and Barnabas and other teachers were worshiping God, God told them all that He wanted Paul and Barnabas to travel to other towns to tell people about Jesus. The teachers prayed for Paul and Barnabas and sent them off to be missionaries.
• Paul and Barnabas traveled to many places and taught people about Jesus. In one town they went to a synagogue and heard someone read from the Bible scroll. Paul taught the men more about God and Jesus. The people invited them to come back the next week and teach more about Jesus.
• During the week, people followed Paul and Barnabas to learn more about Jesus. The next week a large crowd of people came to hear them teach at the synagogue. Some of the leaders did not want them to teach the people. They said unkind things about Paul and Barnabas.
• Paul and Barnabas said, “We will tell everyone about Jesus. God wants all people to know that He sent His Son, Jesus.” Some people were happy to hear about Jesus. They told others the good news about Jesus.
• Paul and Barnabas traveled to many towns. They helped many people learn about Jesus. They helped people begin to meet together in churches to learn more about Jesus. Later, they traveled back to Antioch and told the church about all of the people who had learned about Jesus.
Life Application - I can show love to others by telling about Jesus.
Bible Truth - People show love by telling about Jesus.
Bible Verse - Teach other people about Jesus. 2 Timothy 2:2

Save these dates: 
*Illuminate Sunday, August 4th
*August 7th - Back to School Bash

If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.
Bridget :)

Thursday, July 25, 2013

FAMILY PLUS Preschool "Be Kind" - July 25

Hi Parents & Grandparents!

This week talk to your preschooler about Jesus wanting us to be kind and to help others. Come up with some ways that you and your preschooler can be kind and helpful. Your preschooler love being helpful.  Let me know the stories about them being helpful and kind, I would love to hear about it.

This Sunday, July 28, 2013, Your preschooler will hear this story -

The Good Samaritan Luke 10:25-37
Bible Story Brief -
* Jesus and a man were talking about God's law. The law said to love God and love your neighbor. The man asked, "Who is my neighbor?" Jesus told a story to answer the question.
* A man was walking from Jerusalem to Jericho. Some robbers stopped him, took his clothes, beat him, and left him lying beside the road.
* A priest (church helper) came along. He saw the hurt man, but he did not stop to help. A Levite (church leader) saw the hurt man, but he did not stop to help either.
* A man from Samaria and his donkey came down the road. When he saw the hurt man beside the road, he knelt down, poured olive oil on the man's wounds, and bandaged them. Then he lifted the hurt man onto his donkey, took him to an inn, and cared for him all night.
* The next morning, the kind Samaritan gave the owner of the inn two silver coins. "Take care of this man," he said. "When I come back, I will pay you more money."
* After the story, Jesus asked, "Which of the three men treated the hurt man like a neighbor?"
* "The one who was kind," answered the man. Jesus said, "Go and do the same."
Life Application - I can choose to be kind to others.
Bible Truth -
God wants me to be kind and helpful. 
Bible Verse - Jesus said, "Go and do the same." Luke 10:37

Save these dates: 
*NO Wednesday night activities in July
*Illuminate Sunday, August 4th
*Promotion Sunday, August 4th. Watch for a card in the mail letting you know where your new class will be. We will mail those out July 29th.
*August 7th - Back to School Bash

If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.
Bridget :)

Thursday, July 18, 2013

FAMILY PLUS Preschool "True Friends" - July 18

Hi Parents & Grandparents! 
Hello from New Orleans! I am serving along side of High Schoolers this week. Our mission here is to serve children in the St. Bernard Parish doing a Daycamp, Kidzdays in The Parish. At this camp we are able to share Christ's love to them. We would like for your to help by praying for our team this afternoon, we will be speaking to them about salvation.
We will be leaving Saturday morning. I love being with the High Schoolers but I do miss your preschoolers. I will see you Sunday. 

This week to bring our lesson to life, ask your child to name some friends he or she has. Talk about a way you could help a friend this week. Plan to carry out the suggestion. Emphasize that friends show love to one another by things they do 

This Sunday, July 21, 2013, Your preschooler will hear this story -
David and Jonathan 1 Samuel 14:49; 18:1-4; 20:1-42 
Bible Story Brief -
* A boy named David lived with his family and took care of his father's sheep. A boy named Jonathan lived in the palace; his father was King Saul.
* David played his harp well. Sometimes King Saul felt very sad. David's music made King Saul feel better. King Saul asked David to come live in the palace.
* Jonathan and David became best friends. Jonathan gave David gifts to show how much he loved him. Jonathan gave David his robe, his belt, a sword, and a bow for shooting arrows.
* Later, King Saul became angry and wanted to hurt David. David left the palace. David and Jonathan met to talk. David said, "King Saul wants to hurt me."
* Jonathan promised to help David. "I will find out what my father is planning to do," Jonathan said. "I will find out tomorrow, and I will tell you." Then David and Jonathan promised always to be friends.
* David hid in a field. Jonathan went to the palace and talked to King Saul. Jonathan learned that his father did want to hurt David. Jonathan was very sad. He knew that David would have to leave to be safe.
* The next day, Jonathan went to the field. He and David said good-bye to each other. Both friends were sad. "We have promised that we and our families will always be friends," Jonathan said. "God will help us remember our promise to love each other."   
Life Application -  I can choose to be a good, loving friend to others. 
Bible Truth -
God wants me to love my friends. 
Bible Verse - A friend loves at all times. Proverbs 17:17

Save these dates: 
*NO Wednesday night activities in July 
*Illuminate Sunday, August 4th
*Promotion Sunday, August 4th. Watch for a card in the mail letting you know where your new class will be. We will mail those out July 29th.
*August 7th - Back to School Bash 

If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.
Bridget :)

Thursday, July 11, 2013

FAMILY PLUS Preschool "Daniel Chose to Obey" - July 11

Hi Parents & Grandparents!

Preschool Daycamp this week was a huge success. We had an average of 95 preschoolers each day ages 3 year olds to completed Kindergarten. We also had 26 leaders consisting of adults, teens and school age children serving. If you would like to take a look at our pictures they are on our Facebook page, The Glade Church. We had a blast learning how God Cares, God Hears, God Leads, God Gives, and God Rules.

This week use your take home page to review the Bible story. Talk to your preschooler about the way Daniel chose to obey God. Ask your child some ways she can choose to obey God (go to church, pray, learn about Jesus, be kind to others, obey parents).

This Sunday, July 14 , 2013, Your preschooler will hear this story -
Daniel Daniel 1:1-20
Bible Story Brief -
• Daniel, his three friends, and some other young men lived in King Nebuchadnezzar’s palace. They were learning to be the king’s helpers. The king wanted them to eat the same kind of food that he ate.
• Daniel decided to obey God and eat the food he knew God said to eat instead of the king’s food.
• Daniel asked the king’s helper if he and his friends could eat only vegetables and drink only water. The king’s helper did not know if he should let them choose only vegetables and water. What if they did not look as healthy as the other boys did? He might be in trouble with the king!
• Then Daniel said to the guard, another of the king’s helpers, “Please test us for 10 days. Give us only vegetables to eat and water to drink. Then see if we look as healthy as the other boys.”
• So the guard agreed. After 10 days, Daniel and his friends looked healthier than the other boys. The guard continued to let them choose the vegetables and water.
• God helped Daniel and his friends learn many things. God even helped Daniel understand dreams. The king found that Daniel and his friends were better than any of his other helpers. Daniel and his friends were glad they had chosen to obey God.
Life Application -  I can choose to obey God.
Bible Truth - God wants me to do what He says.
Bible Verse - Obey God. Deuteronomy 6:17

Save these dates: 
*NO Wednesday night activities in July
*Illumination Sunday, August 4th
*Promotion Sunday, August 4th. Watch for a card in the mail letting you know where your new class will be. We will mail those out July 29th.
*August 7th - Back to School Bash

If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.
Bridget :)

Thursday, July 4, 2013

FAMILY PLUS Preschool "Resolving Conflict" - July 4

Hi Parents & Grandparents!

It is very hard to believe that it's July already. I hope you are enjoying your summer and getting to spend time with family and friends. Have a safe and happy 4th!

This week help your child learn to get along with others. Many children are capable of resolving disputes on their own. Be a facilitator. If your child gets into an argument with a friend, don’t be too quick to step in with a solution. Ask the children for ideas on how to resolve the dispute. Affirm their choices by using the Bible verse “Be kind and care for one another.”

This Sunday, July 7, 2013, Your preschooler will hear this story -

Abram and Lot Genesis 13:1-12,14-18
Bible Story Brief -
• Abram loved God very much. He took his wife, his helpers, his animals, and his nephew Lot to live in the desert. Lot took his family, helpers, and animals. They all lived in tents and moved from place to place.
• The animals needed a lot of grass to eat and water to drink. It was hard to find enough for all their animals. Lot’s helpers and Abram’s helpers began to quarrel. They did not want to share the grass and water.
• Abram said to Lot, “Our helpers should not argue. We are part of the same family. Let’s not quarrel with each other. Let’s divide the land. You choose the land you want. I will go the other direction.”
• Lot chose the land near the Jordan River for his family, his helpers, and animals. Abram took his family, his helpers, and his animals in the other direction to Canaan. Abram set up his tents there.
• God said to Abram, “Look in every direction—north, south, east, and west. All the land you see will belong to your family forever. Your family will be so big that you cannot count them. Go walk through the land I am giving you.” Abram moved his tents near some large trees. He thanked God for the land God gave him.
• Abram was glad that he and Lot had worked together as a family.
Life Application -  I can choose to get along with people around me.
Bible Truth - God wants me to get along with others.
Bible Verse - Be kind and care for one another. Ephesians 4:32

Save these dates: 
*NO Wednesday night activities in July
*August 7 - Back to School Bash

If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.
Bridget :)

Thursday, June 20, 2013

FAMILY PLUS Preschool "Work Together" - June 20

Hi Parents & Grandparents!

As you review the Bible story this week about the building of the tabernacle, emphasize that the people worked together to provide materials needed for the building. Involve your child in planning a time to work with people from your church. It could be a cleanup day or a mission activity helping at another church. Use the Bible verse “We work together with God.”

This Sunday, 23, 2013, Your preschooler will hear this story -
The People Built the Tabernacle  Exodus 35:1-35; 36:1-6
Bible Story Brief -
• Moses gathered all the people together. “Listen,” said Moses. “God wants you to bring an offering to build the tabernacle. Bring gold, silver, and bronze. Bring blue, purple, and red yarn. Bring animal skins and oil. Bring spices and wood.”
• Moses continued, “Then people will use their skills to build the tabernacle. Some will make the tent, with its posts and poles and covering. Some will build the ark of the covenant, the lamp-stands, and the altars. Some people will weave and sew curtains and clothes for the priests.”
• The people began to bring offerings—purple, blue, and red yarn; gold jewelry; silver; bronze; cloth; animal skins; oil; spices; and wood. Then the skilled people began to work. Builders made the tent posts and poles. Artists made designs with the gold, silver, and bronze. Women who sewed well made curtains and special clothes for the priests.
• The people wanted to use their skills and offerings to worship God. They kept bringing offerings until Moses told them not to bring anything else. They had enough offerings to build the tabernacle.
Life Application - I can obey God by working with others.
Bible Truth - God wants people to work together.
Bible Verse - We work together with God. 1 Corinthians 3:9

Save these dates:
* Wacky Wednesday - June 26 - Movie night - Wear your p.j.'s

*July 8 - 12 - Preschool Daycamp ages: 3 year old - completed Kindergarten cost:$45
*NO Wednesday night activities in July
*July 31 - Back to School Bash

If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.
Bridget :)

Thursday, June 13, 2013

FAMILY PLUS Preschool "Rules" - June 13

Hi Parents & Grandparents!
This Sunday is Father's day. Just a reminder that Sunday we will not have any adult groups meeting. For your preschooler we will have Wee Worship and Wee Care during the one service at 10:30.
We have had a great week of Summer Jam learning about "God's Big Story!" God's big story tells us about God's BIG love for us all.
To help your preschooler with this week's story, review the rules you have in your home. Talk about why you have those rules. Explain that God gave rules to people for the same reasons—so they would be safe and happy. Help your child come up with some special rules that apply only to him.

This Sunday, June 16, 2013, Your preschooler will hear this story - God Gave the Ten Commandments Exodus 19:1–20:20
Bible Story Brief -
• Moses led the people of Israel out of Egypt. They camped at the bottom of a mountain. Moses went up the mountain. God said, “Remind the people how I have helped them. Tell them I want them to obey Me. I am coming in a cloud to speak to you. The people will see the cloud and hear Me speak to you. Tell them to wash their clothes and not to touch the mountain.” Moses told the people what God had said. They replied, “We will do what God tells us to do.”
• On the third day, there was thunder and lightning, a thick cloud appeared, and a loud trumpet sounded. The people were afraid. They gathered at the bottom of the mountain. Moses went up the mountain to talk to God again. God wanted the people to know what they should do to obey Him. God told Moses and the people to obey these ten special rules, or Commandments.
– Do not worship anyone but God. God is the only God. – Do not worship anything you have made. – Always say God’s name in a respectful way. – Work on six days. On the seventh day, rest and worship God. – Honor and respect your father and mother.
– Do not kill anyone. – Husbands and wives should keep their wedding promises to each other. – Do not take something that belongs to someone else. – Do not tell lies about other people. Always tell the truth. – Do not wish for things that belong to other people.
Life Application -  I can begin to understand why God gives us rules.
Bible Truth - God gave us rules because He loves us.
Bible Verse -  Do what God says. Deuteronomy 5:32

Save these dates:
* Wacky Wednesday's in June....
    - June 12 - Ice Cream Sundaes
    - June 19 - Water night - Wear clothes you can get wet & don't forget your towel & dry    
    - June 26 - Movie night - Wear your p.j.'s

*July 8 - 12 - Preschool Daycamp ages: 3 year old - completed Kindergarten
*NO Wednesday night activities in July
*July 31 - Back to School Bash

If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.
Bridget :)

Thursday, June 6, 2013

FAMILY PLUS Preschool "Stone Pillow" - June 6

Hi Parents & Grandparents!

While you are driving this week with your preschooler in the car, make a point to say a prayer for God’s protection as you travel. If you are going across town or across the country, help him/her understand that God is with you. Talk about Jacob’s journey and God’s promise to always be with him.

This Sunday, June 9, 2013, Your preschooler will hear this story -
God Cared for Jacob Genesis 28:10-22
Bible Story Brief -
• Jacob was traveling to Haran. Soon it began to get dark. Jacob stopped for the night. He found a smooth stone to use for a pillow and lay down to sleep.
• As Jacob slept, he dreamed that he saw a ladder or stairway. It reached from the earth up into heaven. Jacob saw angels going up and down the ladder.
• Jacob heard God speak to him. “I am God. I will give you and your children this land where you are sleeping. I will be with you everywhere you go. I will not leave you. I will always be with you and will help you.”
• Jacob woke up. He felt afraid. He thought, How awesome this place is. He knew God would be with him wherever he went. God would help him have food to eat and clothes to wear and would keep him safe.
• Jacob wanted God to know how thankful he was for the promise. He set up the stone he had used for a pillow. He poured oil on the stone. The stone would help Jacob remember where God had talked to him.

Life Application -
I can begin to understand that God is always with me.
Bible Truth - God is with me wherever I go.
Bible Verse - I am with you everywhere you go. Genesis 28:15

Save these dates:
* Wacky Wednesday's in June....
    - June 12 - Ice Cream Sundaes 
    - June 19 - Water night - Wear clothes you can get wet & don't forget your towel & dry    
    - June 26 - Movie night - Wear your p.j.'s

*July 8 - 12 - Preschool Daycamp ages: 3 year old - completed Kindergarten - $45
*NO Wednesday night activities in July
*July 31 - Back to School Bash

If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.
Bridget :)


Thursday, May 23, 2013

FAMILY PLUS Preschool "Being Nice Pays Off" - May 23

Dear Parent & Grandparents,
Talk with your preschooler about ways he or she can help people in your family. Ask: “Can you think of a way we could record everything you do to help people in our family?” Ideas might include using your mobile phone to video a task your child does to help the family. Or, your child might want to make a chart with stickers for completed tasks. Review with your child how Ruth helped her family and why Boaz was so nice to her.

This Sunday, May 26, 2013, Your preschooler will hear this story -

Ruth Helped Her Family Ruth 1:1-22; 2:1-23
Bible Story Brief -
• Ruth and Naomi were widows. Naomi was Ruth’s mother-in-law. Ruth loved Naomi. When Naomi moved back to her hometown of Bethlehem, Ruth went with her.
• Ruth and Naomi needed food. It was time for the barley harvest. Ruth said, “Let me go to the fields and glean (pick up barley that workers leave behind).” Naomi replied, “Yes, go ahead.” Ruth went to a field and walked behind the harvest workers, picking up barley left on the ground. Boaz owned the field. He saw Ruth and asked his helper, “Who is that woman?”
• The helper answered, “That is Ruth. She moved to Bethlehem with Naomi. She asked if she could glean. She has worked hard all morning.”
• Boaz said to Ruth, “Do not to go to another field. Stay here and gather barley in my fields.” He shared his water and food with her. Ruth asked, “Why are you so kind to me?” Boaz said, “I know how kind you have been to Naomi.” Boaz told his workers to leave extra barley for Ruth.
• Naomi was surprised to see how much barley Ruth brought home. Naomi asked, “Where did you work to get so much barley?”
• Ruth said, “I worked in Boaz’s field today.” Naomi said, “Boaz is part of my family. Stay with his workers, and you will be safe.” Ruth worked in Boaz’s field until the end of the harvests. She helped her family.
Life Application - I can do my part by helping people in my family.
Bible Truth - Family members help one another.
Bible Verse - We are helpers. 2 Corinthians 1:24

Save these dates:
* Wacky Wednesday's in June....
    - June 5 - Sno cones - Wear your favorite hat
    - June 12 - Ice Cream Sundaes
    - June 19 - Water night - Wear clothes you can get wet & don't forget your towel and dry clothes
    - June 26 - Movie night - Wear your p.j.'s

*June 23 - Summer Nights for families Cookout
*July 8 - 12 - Preschool Daycamp Ages: 3 year old - completed Kindergarten Cost: $45
*NO Wednesday night activities in July
*July 31 - Back to School Bash

If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.
Bridget :)

Thursday, May 16, 2013

FAMILY PLUS Preschool "Listen to your Mom and Dad" - May 16

Dear Parent & Grandparents,

This week when your preschooeler chooses to obey you, comment: “Thank you for listening and doing what I asked you to do. This is called obeying. You have reminded me of your Bible story.” With your Bible open, review the Bible story. After you finish, ask: “Did David obey his father?” (Yes)  Say: “In Proverbs 1:8, the Bible tells you to listen to your mother and father.” Show your child Proverbs 1:8 in the Bible.

This Sunday, May 19, 2013, Your preschooler will hear this story -
David Obeyed his Father 1 Samuel 16:11-12; 17:12-22
Bible Story Brief -
• Jesse had eight sons. David, the youngest son, took care of his father’s sheep. David found green grass and cool water for them. He kept the sheep safe from wild animals. David was a good shepherd.
• Three of David’s older brothers were soldiers in King Saul’s army. One day Jesse said, “David, take food to your brothers who are in the army. Take cooked grain and loaves of bread. Also, take cheese to the commander. Find out how your brothers are doing.”
• Early the next morning, David found someone to take care of the sheep while he was away. He packed up the grain, the bread, and the cheese. Then he began walking to the camp where his brothers were.
• When David arrived at the army camp, he saw all the soldiers leaving to go to battle. David found the man who was in charge of the food and other supplies. He gave the grain, bread, and cheese to the man.
• Then David ran to where the soldiers were. He looked and looked until he found his brothers. He talked to his brothers and found out how they were and what they were doing.
• David did all that his father had asked. David had obeyed his father.

Life Application -
  I can explore ways that I can love and obey my parents.
Bible Truth - Children should love and obey their parents.
Bible Verse - Listen to your mother and father. Proverbs 1:8

Save these dates:
* Wacky Wednesday's in June  
                                     *5th - Snow Cones & Game Night 
                                    *12th - Ice Cream Sundaes wear your favorite hat 
                                    *19th - Water Nights (Wear something you can get wet in) 
                                     *26th - Movie Night wear your Pajamas
* June 23 Summer Nights for Families Cookout
*July 8-12 Preschool Daycamp

If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.
Bridget :)

Thursday, May 9, 2013

FAMILY PLUS Preschool "Would You Laugh?" - May 8

Dear Parent & Grandparents,

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers and grandmothers! I hope your day is filled with joy and making memories. I was asked recently what I wanted for mothers day. Mother's Day for me is not a day at the spa or getting my nails done or getting flowers or receiving gifts. One of the greatest honors in my life is being a mother. I have simply asked that my children and grandchildren spend the day together, laughing and making memories.

To help your preschooler understand this week's story, provide a baby doll for your child to play with. Say: “This doll reminds me of your Bible story.” Open your Bible to Genesis 12 and use your own words to tell the Bible story.

This Sunday, May 12, 2013, Your preschooler will hear this story -
A Baby for Abraham and Sarah Genesis 12:2-3; 17:1-8,15-17,19,21; 21:1-8
Bible Story Brief -
• Abram did what God told him to do. When Abram was 99 years old, God said to him, “Your name will no longer be Abram. Your new name will be Abraham because you will be the father of many nations.” This meant Abraham would have many, many grandchildren and great-grandchildren. People everywhere would know that Abraham’s grandchildren and great-grandchildren were part of his family.
• God made a promise to Abraham. God told Abraham that a year later his wife Sarah would have a son. Abraham laughed at the idea that Sarah would have a son when she was 90 and he was 100 years old! But he knew that God kept His promises. God said to name their son Isaac. The name Isaac means “laughter.”
• A year later, Sarah had a baby boy. Abraham and Sarah named their son Isaac as God had told them to do. God had kept His promise to Abraham.vAbraham had a party to celebrate.
• God did what He had promised to do.The baby, Isaac, made Abraham and Sarah very happy.
Life Application - I can learn that God planned for people to live in families.
Bible Truth - God gives us families.
Bible Verse - God did what He had promised to do. Genesis 21:1

Save these dates:
* Wacky Wednesday's in June  *5th - Snow Cones and Game Night *12th - Ice Cream Sundaes wear your favorite hat *19th - Water Night (Wear something you can get wet in) *26th - Movie Night wear your Pajamas.
* June 23 Summer Nights for Families Cookout
* July 8-12 Preschool Daycamp

If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.
Bridget :)

Thursday, May 2, 2013

FAMILY PLUS Preschool "Sibling Love" - May 2

Dear Parent & Grandparents,

When I think about this weeks Bible story I think about my siblings. I have two older brothers and one younger sister. I can not  imagine putting one of them in a basket and putting them in a river. They may have wanted to put me in a basket. The end of this story is simply amazing! A great example of showing love and care to one another.

To help your preschooler understand this weeks story a little better, locate a small waterproof doll that will fit in a small plastic container. As your child plays with the doll at bath-time, tell this week’s Bible story.

This Sunday, May 5, 2013, Your preschooler will hear this story -
Miriam Loved Her Family
Exodus 2:1-10
Bible Story Brief -
• Miriam’s family had a new baby boy. But Pharaoh (FEHR oh), the king of Egypt, did not want Hebrew baby boys to live. The baby’s mother, Jochebed (JAHK uh bed), hid the baby for three months.
• When she could not hide him any longer, Jochebed covered the outside of a basket made from tall grass with black, sticky tar. The tar would keep water out of the basket. She placed her baby in the basket and set the basket in the tall grass at the edge of the Nile River. Miriam stayed to watch her baby brother.
• Pharaoh’s daughter came to take a bath in the river. She saw the basket in the tall grass and sent a helper to get it. When she opened the basket, she saw the baby boy. She felt sorry for him.
• Miriam spoke to Pharaoh’s daughter. “Do you want me to get someone to take care of the baby?” she asked. “Yes,” said Pharaoh’s daughter. Miriam hurried to get her mother.
• “Take this baby and care for him,” Pharaoh’s daughter said to Jochebed. “I will pay you to take care of him.” Jochebed took the baby home to take care of him.
• When he was older, she took him back to Pharaoh’s daughter. Pharaoh’s daughter named him Moses.
Life Application - I can explore ways families love and care for one another.
Bible Truth - Family members love one another.
Bible Verse - Show family love to one another. Romans 12:10

Save these dates:
* Wacky Wednesdays in June  5th Snow cones and game night - 12th Ice Scream Sundaes and wear your favorite hat- 19th Water Night (warning you will get wet) - 26th Pajamas and Movie.
* Preschool Daycamp - July 8-12 - Ages 3 to completed Kindergarten

If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.
Bridget :)

Thursday, April 25, 2013

FAMILY PLUS Preschool "Peter Told About Jesus" - April 25

Dear Parent & Grandparents,
Have you ever told your preschooler about Jesus? I mean have you ever sat down and told them the story of Jesus. This week you can tell that story simply by reviewing this weeks lesson with them. There is nothing sweeter than having a conversation about Jesus with a preschooler . Personally, I can not wait to tell my grandson. While you are reviewing the story tell them, "Peter told others about Jesus and we can, too."

This Sunday, April 28, 2013, Your preschooler will hear this story -
Peter Told About Jesus
Matthew 28:16-20; Acts 2:1-2,6-11,14,22,37-41
Bible Story Brief -
• The disciples traveled to the mountain in Galilee where Jesus had told them to go.When they reached the mountain, they saw Jesus waiting for them, and they worshiped Him.They were happy to see Jesus.
• “Go and teach others about Me,” Jesus told them. “Teach people all the things I have told you. Tell them what God wants them to do. I will be with you always, wherever you go. ”The disciples listened and did what Jesus told them to do.
• One thing Jesus told them to do was to wait together in Jerusalem. People from different lands came to Jerusalem for Pentecost (a special celebration). The disciples and other believers gathered in one place.
• Suddenly, a sound like a loud wind was heard everywhere. All the people could understand in their own languages what the disciples and other believers were saying.
• Peter stood up and told people that Jesus had done miracles and other good things. He said that they needed to obey God. About 3,000 people were baptized that day after Peter spoke.

Life Application -
I can learn that people told others about Jesus.
Bible Truth - People told others about Jesus.
Bible Verse - Tell people everywhere about Jesus. Matthew 28:19-20

Save these dates:
*Preschool DayCamp July 8th - 12th  Ages 3 to completed Kindergarten

If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.
Bridget :)

Thursday, April 18, 2013

FAMILY PLUS Preschool "Fishing wih Jesus" - April 18

Dear Parent & Grandparents,

I have extended the deadline to April 24th for our Preschool Kids Night Out. It is Friday, April 26th. Cost is one child $13, two children $18 for three or more $23. We always have a blast!

This week sing “Jesus Loves Me” with your child. Comment: “Jesus loves you and is your friend.”

This Sunday, April 21, 2013, Your preschooler will hear this story -

Jesus Cooked for his Disciples
John 21:1-17
Bible Story Brief -
• Peter,Thomas, Nathanael, James, John, and two of Jesus’ other disciples were near the Sea of Galilee. “I’m going fishing,” Peter said. “We’ll go with you,” said the others. They took a boat into the lake and fished all night. But they did not catch any fish.
• Early the next morning, the men saw Jesus standing on the shore, but they did not recognize Him. Jesus called, “Don’t you have any fish?”
• “No,” the disciples answered. “Throw the net on the right side of the boat,” said Jesus. “You’ll find fish there. ”The men did what Jesus said; so many fish were in the net that they could not pull it into the boat.
•Then John said to Peter, “That man is Jesus!”As soon as Peter heard
that, he jumped into the water.The other disciples followed in the boat, towing the net full of fish.
• On the shore, they saw a fire. Fish were cooking, and there was bread. Jesus said, “Bring some of the fish you have caught.” Peter dragged the net to the shore.The disciples counted 153 large fish in the net.
• Jesus said, “Come and eat breakfast.” Jesus showed He loved the disciples by cooking breakfast for them. After breakfast, Jesus gave Peter a special job to do. Jesus wanted Peter to tell others about Him.
Life Application -  I can discover that Jesus is my friend and loves me.
Bible Truth - Jesus loved His friends.
Bible Verse - “Come eat with Me,” said Jesus. John 21:12

Save these dates:
* Preschool Kids Night Out - April 26th, 6pm-10pm for Birth - Kindergarten 
   Cost $13, $18 or $23 Deadline is fast approaching! April 24th is the very last day you can sign up.

If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.
Bridget :)

Thursday, April 11, 2013

FAMILY PLUS Preschool "No Doubt!" - April 11

Dear Parent & Grandparents,

Continue your discussion from last week with your preschooler about the fact that Jesus is alive. Use conversation to help your preschooler understand that people saw Jesus after He was crucified and buried. They realized He was the Son of God and was alive.

This Sunday, April 14, 2013, Your preschooler will hear this story -

Thomas saw Jesus John 20:19-29
Bible Story Brief -
• Jesus’ disciples were afraid. They thought the men who had hurt Jesus might hurt them, too. In the evening, the disciples went to a room in a house and locked the doors. While they were in the room, Jesus came in. He was in the room with them!
• The disciples were happy to see their friend Jesus! Jesus told the disciples not to be afraid. Then He said, “God sent Me to tell people that He loves them. Now I am sending you to go many places and tell people about God’s love. God will help you. He wants you to forgive people when they do wrong things. ”The disciples listened to everything Jesus told them.
• Not all of Jesus’ disciples were in the room that night. The disciple named Thomas was not there. When the other disciples saw Thomas later, they told him what had happened. “We have seen Jesus!” the disciples told Thomas. Thomas said, “I won’t believe that Jesus is alive until I see Him and touch Him!”
• Eight days later, all of the disciples were in a room together, including Thomas. Again the doors were locked, but Jesus came into the room and stood with the disciples. He told them not to be afraid. Then Jesus told Thomas, “Reach out your hand and touch Me. I want you to know that I am alive.”
• Thomas looked at Jesus and replied, “You are Jesus, God’s Son!”
• Jesus told Thomas, “You believe that I am alive because you can see Me. Many people believe I am alive even though they have not seen Me.”
Life Application - I can know that Jesus is the Son of God.
Bible Truth - Jesus is the Son of God and is alive.
Bible Verse - Jesus is the Son of God. John 20:31

Save these dates:
* Preschool Kids Night Out - April 26th, 6pm-10pm for Birth - Kindergarten Cost $13, $18 or $23
If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.
Bridget :)

Thursday, April 4, 2013

FAMILY PLUS Preschool "It Was Jesus!" - April 4

Dear Parent & Grandparents,

Here is an idea that will help you share this week's story with your preschooler:
When you see people walking beside the road, comment: “Those people are walking along the road. Your Bible story is about two men who were walking along the road.” Review the Bible story from Luke 24. Emphasize that the men realized that Jesus was alive.

This Sunday, April 7, 2013, Your preschooler will hear this story -
Two Men saw Jesus Luke 24:13-35
Bible Story Brief -
• Two men were walking to a village near Jerusalem called Emmaus (eh MAY uhs). They were talking and arguing about what had happened to Jesus during the past week.
• As they walked, Jesus joined them, but they did not recognize Him. Jesus asked why they were arguing. Cleopas (KLEE oh puhs) said, “You must be the only one who doesn’t know what has been happening in Jerusalem.” The two men began to tell Jesus what had happened in the last few days.
• “Jesus was performing miracles and telling people about God,” they said. “The government leaders decided He should die. He died on a cross. Three days later some women went to the tomb. It was empty. An angel said that He was alive! Other people went to the tomb and did not see Him.”
• Jesus then began telling the two men all that was written in the Bible about Himself. The men invited Him to stay with them in Emmaus. They still did not recognize Jesus.
• As the three men sat at the table, Jesus took the bread, prayed over it, and tore a piece for each one. Then the men recognized Him. It was Jesus! Suddenly, He was gone.
• The men hurried back to Jerusalem that night to tell the disciples. They had seen Jesus—alive!
Life Application -  I can learn that people told others that Jesus was alive.
Bible Truth - People told that Jesus was alive.
Bible Verse - The men said that Jesus was alive. Luke 24:33-34

Save these dates:
* Preschool Kids Night Out - April 26th, 6pm-10pm for Birth - Kindergarten 
     Cost $13, $18 or $23

If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.

Bridget :)

Thursday, March 28, 2013

FAMILY PLUS Preschool "Jesus Is Alive!!" - March 28

Dear Parents and Grandparents,

I have included the details for this weekend. There are no groups for adults or kids on Easter.  We will have childcare for ages birth - 3 year olds. You will sign them in as normal and take them to their class rooms. Since there are no groups this Sunday, I have included the Easter story for you and your preschooler to share together.

We have 4 one-hour services. There are no groups for adults or kids on Easter. 

Below are the service times:
3/30 - 7pm
3/31 - 8am, 9:30am, 11am

We will have 2 Indoor Easter Egg Hunts for birth-5th grade. The Egg Hunts will be at 9:05am and 10:35am in the following areas...
Birth-Kindergarten will hunt in the Fellowship Hall
1st-2nd Grade will hunt in the Big Backyard
3rd-5th Grade will hunt in the Upstairs Rec/Karate Room

This Sunday, March 31, 2013, Enjoy sharing this story with your preschooler -

Jesus is Alive!
John 20:1-18
Bible Story Brief -
• Early in the morning, Mary Magdalene walked toward a garden outside Jerusalem. She was sad. Jesus had died on the cross. Mary Magdalene was going to see the tomb where Jesus had been buried for three days. When she arrived at the tomb, she saw that the big heavy stone had been rolled away from the opening.The tomb was empty!
• Mary ran to find Peter and John, two of Jesus’ disciples. “They have taken Jesus from the tomb,” Mary said. “I don’t know where they have put Him!” Peter and John ran to the tomb and looked inside. They saw pieces of cloth that had been wrapped around Jesus’ body. Jesus was gone.
• Peter and John went home, but Mary Magdalene stood near the tomb, crying. Mary bent over to look inside the tomb again. She saw two angels sitting where Jesus’ body had been. “Why are you crying?” the angels asked. “Someone took Jesus away. I don’t know where He is,” she replied.
• Mary Magdalene turned around and saw a man standing nearby.“Why are you crying? For whom are you looking?” He asked. Mary thought the man was the gardener. She said, “If you’ve taken Jesus away, please tell me where He is.”
• “Mary,” the man said. She knew that voice. The man was Jesus! Jesus said, “Go and tell My disciples you have seen Me.” Mary Magdalene ran and found the disciples. She said, “I have seen Jesus! He is alive!”
Life Application -  I can begin to understand that Jesus died on the cross and is alive.
Bible Truth - Jesus is alive.
Bible Verse - Jesus is alive! Matthew 28:7

Your Parent Challenge - Notice with your child things in nature that are alive. Comment: “Jesus had died on the cross, but He is alive.”
Save these dates:
* Preschool Kids Night Out April 26th 6pm-10pm Birth - Kindergarten Cost $13, $18 or $23

If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

FAMILY PLUS "Hosanna for Jesus" - March 21

Hi Parents and Grandparents!

Next Sunday March 31st is Easter. I hope you had a chance to invite people to our services. I have included details about the weekend services. Childcare will be available for babies through 3 years olds. 

Easter Weekend

Sat., March 30 & Sun., March 31, 2013

Easter Invite
Join us for Easter weekend, March 30-31, 2013.
4 one-hour services featuring:
  • Dynamic music
  • Celebration of baptism
  • A compelling message about Jesus
  • An Indoor Egg Hunt at 9:05 a.m. (after the 8:00 a.m. service) and 10:35 a.m. (after the 9:30 a.m. service).
  • Childcare for babies through age 3
  • Complimentary refreshments Saturday evening and a complimentary continental breakfast on Sunday morning before and after all services (coffee, juice, pastries, and fruit)

This Sunday, March 21, 2013, your preschooler will hear this story -
Hosanna for Jesus Matthew 21:1-11,14-16
Bible Story Brief -
• Jesus and His disciples were walking to Jerusalem.They came near to the town called Bethphage (BETH fuh jee). Jesus said to two of His disciples, “Go into town.You will find a mother donkey and her colt there. Bring them to Me. ”The two disciples found the donkeys and brought them to Jesus. They spread their coats on the young donkey. Jesus sat on the coats and began riding to Jerusalem.
• Along the way, people spread their coats on the road. Others cut branches from palm trees and spread them on the road. As Jesus passed by, the people praised Him.They shouted,“Hosanna! Hosanna!”
• In the city, people were asking, “Who is this man?” The crowds answered, “This is Jesus.”
• When Jesus came to the temple, He healed people who were blind and people who could not walk. Children in the temple called, “Hosanna! Hosanna!” to Jesus.
• Some men were upset when they saw the things Jesus did and heard the children praising Him. “Jesus,” they asked, “do You hear those children?”
• “Yes,” Jesus answered. “Haven’t you read what the Bible says? God planned for children to praise Him.” Jesus knew that the children were doing what God wanted them to do.
Life Application - I can thank God for His Son, Jesus.
Bible Truth - People praised God for Jesus.
Bible Verse - This is Jesus. Matthew 21:11

Your Parent Challenge - Palm trees in the form of houseplants are often included in the plant section of grocery stores and even in some restaurants. Take time to introduce your child to the palm tree. Comment: “In your Bible story this week, people waved large palm branches from big palm trees.” Use your own words to review the Bible story.

Save these dates:
* Preschool Kids Night Out April 26th 6pm-10pm Birth - Kindergarten Cost $13, $18 or $23

If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.

Bridget :)