Next Sunday March 31st is Easter. I hope you had a chance to
invite people to our services. I have included details about the weekend services. Childcare will be available for babies
through 3 years olds. 
Join us for Easter weekend, March 30-31, 2013.
4 one-hour services featuring:
Easter Weekend
Sat., March 30 & Sun., March 31, 2013

Join us for Easter weekend, March 30-31, 2013.
4 one-hour services featuring:
- Dynamic music
- Celebration of baptism
- A compelling message about Jesus
- An Indoor Egg Hunt at 9:05 a.m. (after the 8:00 a.m. service) and 10:35 a.m. (after the 9:30 a.m. service).
- Childcare for babies through age 3
- Complimentary refreshments Saturday evening and a complimentary continental breakfast on Sunday morning before and after all services (coffee, juice, pastries, and fruit)
This Sunday, March 21, 2013, your preschooler will hear this story -
Hosanna for Jesus Matthew 21:1-11,14-16
Bible Story Brief -
• Jesus and His disciples were walking to Jerusalem.They came near to the town called Bethphage (BETH fuh jee). Jesus said to two of His disciples, “Go into town.You will find a mother donkey and her colt there. Bring them to Me. ”The two disciples found the donkeys and brought them to Jesus. They spread their coats on the young donkey. Jesus sat on the coats and began riding to Jerusalem.
• Along the way, people spread their coats on the road. Others cut branches from palm trees and spread them on the road. As Jesus passed by, the people praised Him.They shouted,“Hosanna! Hosanna!”
• In the city, people were asking, “Who is this man?” The crowds answered, “This is Jesus.”
• When Jesus came to the temple, He healed people who were blind and people who could not walk. Children in the temple called, “Hosanna! Hosanna!” to Jesus.
• Some men were upset when they saw the things Jesus did and heard the children praising Him. “Jesus,” they asked, “do You hear those children?”
• “Yes,” Jesus answered. “Haven’t you read what the Bible says? God planned for children to praise Him.” Jesus knew that the children were doing what God wanted them to do.
• Jesus and His disciples were walking to Jerusalem.They came near to the town called Bethphage (BETH fuh jee). Jesus said to two of His disciples, “Go into town.You will find a mother donkey and her colt there. Bring them to Me. ”The two disciples found the donkeys and brought them to Jesus. They spread their coats on the young donkey. Jesus sat on the coats and began riding to Jerusalem.
• Along the way, people spread their coats on the road. Others cut branches from palm trees and spread them on the road. As Jesus passed by, the people praised Him.They shouted,“Hosanna! Hosanna!”
• In the city, people were asking, “Who is this man?” The crowds answered, “This is Jesus.”
• When Jesus came to the temple, He healed people who were blind and people who could not walk. Children in the temple called, “Hosanna! Hosanna!” to Jesus.
• Some men were upset when they saw the things Jesus did and heard the children praising Him. “Jesus,” they asked, “do You hear those children?”
• “Yes,” Jesus answered. “Haven’t you read what the Bible says? God planned for children to praise Him.” Jesus knew that the children were doing what God wanted them to do.
Life Application - I can thank God for His Son, Jesus.
Bible Truth - People praised God for Jesus.
Bible Verse - This is Jesus. Matthew 21:11Your Parent Challenge - Palm trees in the form of houseplants are often included in the plant section of grocery stores and even in some restaurants. Take time to introduce your child to the palm tree. Comment: “In your Bible story this week, people waved large palm branches from big palm trees.” Use your own words to review the Bible story.
Save these dates:
* Preschool Kids Night Out April 26th 6pm-10pm Birth - Kindergarten Cost $13, $18 or $23
If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.
Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.
Bridget :)
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