Preschool Daycamp this week was a huge success. We had an
average of 95 preschoolers each day ages 3 year olds to completed
Kindergarten. We also had 26 leaders consisting of adults, teens and
school age children serving. If you would like to take a look at our
pictures they are on our Facebook page, The Glade Church. We had a blast
learning how God Cares, God Hears, God Leads, God Gives, and God Rules.
This week use your take home page to review the Bible story. Talk to your preschooler about the way Daniel chose to obey God. Ask your child some ways she can choose to obey God (go to church, pray, learn about Jesus, be kind to others, obey parents).
This week use your take home page to review the Bible story. Talk to your preschooler about the way Daniel chose to obey God. Ask your child some ways she can choose to obey God (go to church, pray, learn about Jesus, be kind to others, obey parents).
This Sunday, July 14 , 2013, Your preschooler will hear this story -
Daniel Daniel 1:1-20
Bible Story Brief -
• Daniel, his three friends, and some other young men lived in King Nebuchadnezzar’s palace. They were learning to be the king’s helpers. The king wanted them to eat the same kind of food that he ate.
• Daniel decided to obey God and eat the food he knew God said to eat instead of the king’s food.
• Daniel asked the king’s helper if he and his friends could eat only vegetables and drink only water. The king’s helper did not know if he should let them choose only vegetables and water. What if they did not look as healthy as the other boys did? He might be in trouble with the king!
• Then Daniel said to the guard, another of the king’s helpers, “Please test us for 10 days. Give us only vegetables to eat and water to drink. Then see if we look as healthy as the other boys.”
• So the guard agreed. After 10 days, Daniel and his friends looked healthier than the other boys. The guard continued to let them choose the vegetables and water.
• God helped Daniel and his friends learn many things. God even helped Daniel understand dreams. The king found that Daniel and his friends were better than any of his other helpers. Daniel and his friends were glad they had chosen to obey God.
• Daniel, his three friends, and some other young men lived in King Nebuchadnezzar’s palace. They were learning to be the king’s helpers. The king wanted them to eat the same kind of food that he ate.
• Daniel decided to obey God and eat the food he knew God said to eat instead of the king’s food.
• Daniel asked the king’s helper if he and his friends could eat only vegetables and drink only water. The king’s helper did not know if he should let them choose only vegetables and water. What if they did not look as healthy as the other boys did? He might be in trouble with the king!
• Then Daniel said to the guard, another of the king’s helpers, “Please test us for 10 days. Give us only vegetables to eat and water to drink. Then see if we look as healthy as the other boys.”
• So the guard agreed. After 10 days, Daniel and his friends looked healthier than the other boys. The guard continued to let them choose the vegetables and water.
• God helped Daniel and his friends learn many things. God even helped Daniel understand dreams. The king found that Daniel and his friends were better than any of his other helpers. Daniel and his friends were glad they had chosen to obey God.
Life Application - I can choose to obey God.
Bible Truth - God wants me to do what He says.
Bible Verse - Obey God. Deuteronomy 6:17
Save these dates:
*NO Wednesday night activities in July
*NO Wednesday night activities in July
*Illumination Sunday, August 4th
Sunday, August 4th. Watch for a card in the mail letting you know where
your new class will be. We will mail those out July 29th.
*August 7th - Back to School Bash
If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.
Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.

Bridget :)
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