Thursday, April 5, 2012

FAMILY PLUS Preschool - April 5

Hey Parents and Grandparents,

I hope you are enjoying the beautiful weather we have been having. I know I am. Sometime this week talk with your preschooler about this week’s Bible story. Help your preschooler find the word Jesus in the Bible story passage. If possible, allow your child to use a highlighter to highlight Jesus in a Bible. Use conversation to help your child understand that Jesus is alive. Most importantly enjoy your time together teaching about "Jesus Is Alive!"
I look forward to seeing you at one of the three services that we are having this weekend. Saturday, April 7 at 7 pm. Sunday, April 8th 9:15 am and 10:45 am.

This Sunday, April 8, 2012, your preschooler will hear this story -

Jesus Is Alive! (John 20:1-18)
Bible Story Brief -
  • Early in the morning, Mary Magdalene walked toward a hill outside Jerusalem. She was sad. Jesus had died on the cross and had been buried for three days. She was walking to the garden to see the tomb where Jesus was buried.
  • When she got to the tomb, she saw that it was open. The big, heavy stone had been rolled away from the opening.The tomb was empty!
  • Mary ran to find Peter and John, two of Jesus’ disciples. “They have taken Jesus from the tomb,” Mary said. “I don’t know where they have put Him!”
  • Peter and John ran to the tomb.They looked inside. They saw pieces of cloth that had been wrapped around Jesus’ body. Jesus was gone! 
  • Peter and John went home, but Mary Magdalene stood near the tomb. She was crying. Mary bent over to look inside the tomb again. She saw two angels sitting where Jesus’ body had been. “Why are you crying?” the angels asked. “Someone took Jesus away. I don’t know where He is,” Mary Magdalene said.
  • Mary turned around and saw a man nearby.“Why are you crying?” He asked. Mary thought the man was the gardener. She said, “If you’ve taken Jesus away, please tell me where He is.”
  • “Mary,” the man said. Mary Magdalene knew the man’s voice. He was Jesus. Jesus said,“Go and tell My disciples that you have seen Me.”
  • Mary ran and found the disciples. She said, “I have seen Jesus! He is alive!”

Bible Verse -  Jesus is alive! Matthew 28:7
Bible Truth - Jesus died on the cross and is alive.
Life Application - I will discover Jesus died on the cross and is alive.

Your parent challenge this week - Make a special effort to keep the emphasis of Easter on Jesus. Use conversation to help your child understand that we celebrate Easter because Jesus is alive. Look together in the Bible at pictures of Jesus. Lead your child to pick her favorite picture of Jesus. Celebrate at a meal that Jesus is alive!


* Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, April 7th 10a.m. don't forget your bucket
* Kids Night Out April 27th 

Send me those schedules. I would love to show up at your childs event. 

If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.           
Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.

Bridget :)

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