I love this weeks Bible Story (I love them all of course, this one is one of my favorites.) I can't even imagine walking down the road as the two men in the story and not recognize Jesus. I can, however, imagine the excitement when they finally figured out they had been walking and sitting at the table with Jesus. That excitement should show up in our every day lives. "Jesus is ALIVE!!!!"
This Sunday, April 15, 2012, your preschooler will hear this story -
Two Men saw Jesus (Luke 24:13-35)
Bible Story Brief -
- Two men were walking on the road to a village near Jerusalem called Emmaus (eh MAY uhs). They were talking and arguing about what had happened to Jesus during the past week.
- As they walked, Jesus joined them, but they did not recognize Him. Jesus asked the men why they were arguing. One of them, Cleopas (KLEE oh puhs), said, “You must be the only one who doesn’t know what has been happening in Jerusalem. ”The two men began to tell Jesus about the events of the last few days.
- “Jesus was performing miracles and telling people about God,” they said. “The government leaders decided He should die. He died on a cross. Three days later some women went to the tomb. It was empty. An angel said that He was alive! Some of the people with us went to the tomb and did not see Him.”
- Jesus began telling the two men all that was written in the Bible about Himself. As they came near Emmaus, the men invited Him to stay with them. They still did not recognize Jesus. As the three men sat at the table, Jesus took the bread, prayed over it, and tore a piece for each one. Then the men recognized Him. It was Jesus sitting at their table! Suddenly, Jesus was gone.
- The men returned to Jerusalem that night to find the disciples. They said they had walked with Jesus but did not recognize Him. But when He blessed the bread and broke it, they knew who He was.They had seen Jesus—alive!
Life Application - I can learn people told that Jesus was alive.
Bible Verse - The men told people about Jesus. Acts 11:20
This weeks challenge - Take a walk around your neighborhood. Lead your child to find things that are alive and things that are not alive. Stop and find a place to sit for a moment. Tell this week’s Bible story. You can use the weekly take home page. Say a prayer thanking God that Jesus is alive.
* Kids Night Out April 27th Deadline April 18
* Summer Nights For Families June 10
* Summer Jam June 11-15
Send me those schedules. I would love to show up at your childs event.
If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.
Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.
Bridget :)
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