Hi Parents!
This month your preschooler will be learning more about Jesus and things He did to show His love. Through Bible stories and activities, preschoolers will become more aware that Jesus loved people and showed His love in different ways such as by being kind and helpful to others, giving people things they needed, and making sick people well.
As you enjoy daily encounters with your child this month, make a point to talk about Jesus, sing songs about Him, and thank God for Him. Doing these simple things will help you lay spiritual foundations in your child's life.
September 4
Jesus Loved Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38-42)
Babies, 1's and 2's
Kind Jesus
Bible Story: Jesus’ Visit with Mary and Martha Based on Luke 10:38-42
Bible Story Brief
✿Jesus visited His friends Mary and Martha.
✿Martha and Mary loved Jesus very much.
✿Martha cooked food for Jesus.
✿Mary listened to Jesus tell about God.
✿Jesus was glad Mary wanted to listen.
✿Jesus loved His friends; and His friends loved Him.
Bible Truth: Jesus was kind and gentle.
Bible Phrase: Jesus loved people. Matthew 14:14
Life Application: 1s and 2s will hear Jesus’ name and become aware that He was kind and gentle to people.
Here is a conversation starter after you go over the story with your child. Say "Jesus taught people about what God is like. Does Jesus love all people? Who did Jesus spend time with in this story?" Together, look up Luke 10 in the Bible. Say a prayer with your child thanking God that Jesus loves all people.
Bible Story:Jesus Loved Mary and Martha Luke 10:38-42
Bible Story Brief
✿ Jesus and His helpers traveled to the town where sisters named Mary and Martha lived.
✿ The sisters were happy to see Jesus.
✿ Mary sat on the floor near Jesus and listened carefully as Jesus talked.
✿ While Mary was listening, Martha was getting a meal ready for Jesus.
✿ Martha said, “Jesus, I’m doing all of the work by myself. Tell Mary to help me.”
✿ Jesus said kindly, “Martha, do not worry about what needs to be done. Mary is listening to Me, and that is very important.”
✿ Jesus loved His friends Martha and Mary. They loved Jesus, too.
Bible Truth: Jesus loved people.
Life Application: I will learn that Jesus was kind and loving.
Bible Phrase: Jesus loved people. Matthew 14:14
Kindergarten & Wee Worship
Here is a conversation starter after you go over the story with your child. Say "Jesus taught people about what God is like. Does Jesus love all people? Who did Jesus spend time with in this story?" Together, look up Luke 10 in the Bible. Say a prayer with your child thanking God that Jesus loves all people.
Bible Story: Mary and Martha Luke 10:38-42
Bible Story Brief
✿ Jesus and His disciples walked to Bethany where Jesus’ friends Mary and Martha lived. Mary and Martha were sisters.
✿ Martha invited Jesus and His disciples into her home. She rushed
to prepare a meal for them.
✿ Mary sat down on the floor at Jesus’ feet and listened to Jesus talk.
✿ Martha worked and worried that everything would not be just right. She was upset that Mary was not helping prepare the meal.
✿ “Jesus,” Martha said, “my sister has left me to do all the work. Don’t You care? Tell her to help me.”
✿ Jesus said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are working hard and worrying about many things. Mary has chosen to do a better thing. She is showing that she loves Me by listening to Me.”
Bible Truth: Jesus spent time with people.
Life Application: I can learn Jesus loves all people.
Bible Verse: Jesus said, “I love you.” John 15:9
Kids Night Out September 9 Deadline this Sunday Sept. 4th
Family Fall Festival October 28
Kids Night Out September 9 Deadline this Sunday Sept. 4th
Family Fall Festival October 28
If you would like any details pertaining to any of these events please do not hesitate to contact me.
If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.
I hope you have a blessed week!!If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.
Bridget :)
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