Thursday, August 18, 2011

FAMILY PLUS Preschool - August 18

Hi Parents!

We will continue teaching in August about growing and learning to do many different things just as God planned. Through Bible stories and a variety of activities, preschoolers will become more aware of ways they are growing and things they can do, such as ways they can help others, right choices they can make, and that they can be thankful.

Watch as your child attempts new things and learns new skills. Affirm his efforts and compliment different ways you see him growing and developing. For example, when your child helps someone or does something he is told, thank him for making a right choice. Mention that he is learning the right things to do. At the same time, when your child makes the wrong choice, remember that growing and learning to make wise choices is a lifelong process. Talk with your child and help him to understand why what he did is wrong. Then think of a positive way to encourage him to make the right choice.

Your preschooler will be hearing these Bible stories and Bible phrases at church during August. Look for opportunities to mention these Bible stories and phrases to your child at home.

Sunday August 21, 2011

Every age group's story is the same this week. I simplified them for you.

1's and 2's
I can be Kind

Bible Story:
The Kind Man Luke 10:25-27
  • A man was lying on the road. The man was hurt. He needed someone to help.
  • Someone came by. But he did not help.
  • Another man came, but he did not stop to help.
  • Finally someone stopped. This man wanted to help the hurt man. He was kind to the hurt man.
  • The kind man chose to help.

Bible Truth:
God wants me to be kind.

Bible Verse: Be kind and care about others. Ephesians 4:32

Bible Concept: Can make choices.

Bible Skill: Can open the Bible to a marked verse or story.


Bible Story:
A Man Was Kind Luke 10:25-37
Bible Story Brief
• One day Jesus told this story.
•  “A man was traveling down the road. Some robbers hurt the man and took everything
he had. They left the hurt man lying beside the road.
•  A man came down the road. When he saw the hurt man, he moved to the other side of
the road and kept walking.
•  Another man came down the road. He did not stop to help the hurt man either. He
moved to the other side of the road and kept walking.
•  Then a kind man came down the road. He saw the hurt man and wanted to help. The
kind man put medicine and bandages on the man’s hurt places. The kind man put the
hurt man on his donkey. The kind man took him to an inn (a hotel) and took care of him
all night. The next day the kind man gave the innkeeper some money to take care of
the hurt man until he was well again.”
•  After the story, Jesus asked, “Which of the three men was kind to the hurt man?”
• The man listening to the story said, “The one who helped the hurt man.”
• Jesus said, “Go and be kind to others, too.”

Bible Truth: I can make right choices.
Bible Verse: Be kind to one another. Ephesians 4:32

Level of Biblical Learning: Will discover they can make right or wrong choices.

Level of Bible Skills:
Can begin to apply Bible verses to his/her life.
Kindergarten and Wee Worship

Bible Story:
The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)
Bible story brief
•  Jesus and a man were talking about God’s law. The law said to love
God and love your neighbor. The man asked Jesus, “Who is my
neighbor?” Jesus told a parable (story) to answer the question.
•  A man was walking from Jerusalem to Jericho. Some robbers
stopped him, took his clothes, beat him, and left him lying beside
the road. The hurt man heard someone coming. The priest (church
leader) saw the hurt man, but he walked to the other side of the
road and did not stop to help. A Levite (church helper) walked
down the road. He did not stop to help either.
•  The hurt man heard a man from Samaria and his donkey coming
down the road. The Samaritan saw the hurt man. He knelt down,
poured olive oil on the man’s wounds, and bandaged them. He
lifted the hurt man onto his donkey, took him to an inn, and
cared for him all night. The next morning, the Samaritan gave the
innkeeper two silver coins. “Take care of this man. When I return, I
will pay you more money if you need it.”
•  Jesus asked, “Which of the three men treated the hurt man like a
neighbor?” The man answered, “The man who was kind.” Jesus said,
“Go and do the same.”

Bible Truth: I can make right choices.
Bible Verse: Be kind to one another. Ephesians 4:32

Level of Biblical Learning: Will discover they can make right or wrong choices.

Level of Bible Skills:
Can begin to apply Bible verses to his/her life.

Kids Night Out September 9
Family Fall Festival October 28
If you would like any details pertaining to any of these events please do not hesitate to contact me.
Please continue to send me their schedules or upcoming events. I want to celebrate with your family!
If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.
I hope you have a blessed week!!

Bridget :)

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