Hi Parents and Grandparents of Preschoolers!
To bring the story home this week, take your child with you to the grocery store and let him choose items to be donated to a food pantry in your community. Or pick up our grocery list for our food pantry at church.Together, say the Life Verse and write it on labels to attach to each food item to be shared. Talk with your child about how God gives hope and how your family can help.
This Sunday, April 27, 2014, your preschooler will learn about this story:
David and Mephibosheth Based on 2 Samuel 9:1-13
David was the king of Israel. He remembered Saul, the king before him, and Saul’s son Jonathan. Because of Jonathan, David wanted to show kindness to any members of Saul’s family. Jonathan had been David’s good friend.
David learned that Jonathan’s son, Mephibosheth, was still living. Mephibosheth had two hurt feet.
David sent for Mephibosheth. David said, “Do not be afraid. I want to show you kindness because of your father, Jonathan. I give you back all your grandfather Saul’s fields. You will eat at my table every day.”
So David returned all of the fields to Mephibosheth. He had servants to work the fields for food. But Mephibosheth ate with David every day. Mephibosheth had hope because David showed kindness to him.
Christ Focus: Jesus came to save us.
Life Point: Everyone can have hope.
Life Verse: God made us special. Psalm 8:5
Why did Mephibosheth need help?
Why did David want to help him?
Upcoming Events and Announcements:
- May 11th Child Dedication - If you are interested in dedicating your child, you can do so by emailing me or calling me
- Your preschooler will not want to miss any of the wonderful events we have planned for them. Please make sure you pick up your 2014 calendar for events at any of our information centers.
Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.
Bridget :)