This week talk to your preschooler about Jesus wanting us to be kind and to help others. Come up with some ways that you and your preschooler can be kind and helpful. Your preschooler love being helpful. Let me know the stories about them being helpful and kind, I would love to hear about it.
This Sunday, July 28, 2013, Your preschooler will hear this story -
The Good Samaritan Luke 10:25-37
Bible Story Brief -
* Jesus and a man were talking about God's law. The law said to love God and love your neighbor. The man asked, "Who is my neighbor?" Jesus told a story to answer the question.
* A man was walking from Jerusalem to Jericho. Some robbers stopped him, took his clothes, beat him, and left him lying beside the road.
* A priest (church helper) came along. He saw the hurt man, but he did not stop to help. A Levite (church leader) saw the hurt man, but he did not stop to help either.
* A man from Samaria and his donkey came down the road. When he saw the hurt man beside the road, he knelt down, poured olive oil on the man's wounds, and bandaged them. Then he lifted the hurt man onto his donkey, took him to an inn, and cared for him all night.
* The next morning, the kind Samaritan gave the owner of the inn two silver coins. "Take care of this man," he said. "When I come back, I will pay you more money."
* After the story, Jesus asked, "Which of the three men treated the hurt man like a neighbor?"
* "The one who was kind," answered the man. Jesus said, "Go and do the same."
* Jesus and a man were talking about God's law. The law said to love God and love your neighbor. The man asked, "Who is my neighbor?" Jesus told a story to answer the question.
* A man was walking from Jerusalem to Jericho. Some robbers stopped him, took his clothes, beat him, and left him lying beside the road.
* A priest (church helper) came along. He saw the hurt man, but he did not stop to help. A Levite (church leader) saw the hurt man, but he did not stop to help either.
* A man from Samaria and his donkey came down the road. When he saw the hurt man beside the road, he knelt down, poured olive oil on the man's wounds, and bandaged them. Then he lifted the hurt man onto his donkey, took him to an inn, and cared for him all night.
* The next morning, the kind Samaritan gave the owner of the inn two silver coins. "Take care of this man," he said. "When I come back, I will pay you more money."
* After the story, Jesus asked, "Which of the three men treated the hurt man like a neighbor?"
* "The one who was kind," answered the man. Jesus said, "Go and do the same."
Life Application - I can choose to be kind to others.
Bible Truth -
Bible Verse - Jesus said, "Go and do the same." Luke 10:37
God wants me to be kind and helpful.
Save these dates:
*NO Wednesday night activities in July
*NO Wednesday night activities in July
*Illuminate Sunday, August 4th
*Promotion Sunday, August 4th. Watch for a card in the mail letting you know where your new class will be. We will mail those out July 29th.
*Promotion Sunday, August 4th. Watch for a card in the mail letting you know where your new class will be. We will mail those out July 29th.
*August 7th - Back to School Bash
If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.
Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.
Bridget :)