Thursday, July 25, 2013

FAMILY PLUS Preschool "Be Kind" - July 25

Hi Parents & Grandparents!

This week talk to your preschooler about Jesus wanting us to be kind and to help others. Come up with some ways that you and your preschooler can be kind and helpful. Your preschooler love being helpful.  Let me know the stories about them being helpful and kind, I would love to hear about it.

This Sunday, July 28, 2013, Your preschooler will hear this story -

The Good Samaritan Luke 10:25-37
Bible Story Brief -
* Jesus and a man were talking about God's law. The law said to love God and love your neighbor. The man asked, "Who is my neighbor?" Jesus told a story to answer the question.
* A man was walking from Jerusalem to Jericho. Some robbers stopped him, took his clothes, beat him, and left him lying beside the road.
* A priest (church helper) came along. He saw the hurt man, but he did not stop to help. A Levite (church leader) saw the hurt man, but he did not stop to help either.
* A man from Samaria and his donkey came down the road. When he saw the hurt man beside the road, he knelt down, poured olive oil on the man's wounds, and bandaged them. Then he lifted the hurt man onto his donkey, took him to an inn, and cared for him all night.
* The next morning, the kind Samaritan gave the owner of the inn two silver coins. "Take care of this man," he said. "When I come back, I will pay you more money."
* After the story, Jesus asked, "Which of the three men treated the hurt man like a neighbor?"
* "The one who was kind," answered the man. Jesus said, "Go and do the same."
Life Application - I can choose to be kind to others.
Bible Truth -
God wants me to be kind and helpful. 
Bible Verse - Jesus said, "Go and do the same." Luke 10:37

Save these dates: 
*NO Wednesday night activities in July
*Illuminate Sunday, August 4th
*Promotion Sunday, August 4th. Watch for a card in the mail letting you know where your new class will be. We will mail those out July 29th.
*August 7th - Back to School Bash

If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.
Bridget :)

Thursday, July 18, 2013

FAMILY PLUS Preschool "True Friends" - July 18

Hi Parents & Grandparents! 
Hello from New Orleans! I am serving along side of High Schoolers this week. Our mission here is to serve children in the St. Bernard Parish doing a Daycamp, Kidzdays in The Parish. At this camp we are able to share Christ's love to them. We would like for your to help by praying for our team this afternoon, we will be speaking to them about salvation.
We will be leaving Saturday morning. I love being with the High Schoolers but I do miss your preschoolers. I will see you Sunday. 

This week to bring our lesson to life, ask your child to name some friends he or she has. Talk about a way you could help a friend this week. Plan to carry out the suggestion. Emphasize that friends show love to one another by things they do 

This Sunday, July 21, 2013, Your preschooler will hear this story -
David and Jonathan 1 Samuel 14:49; 18:1-4; 20:1-42 
Bible Story Brief -
* A boy named David lived with his family and took care of his father's sheep. A boy named Jonathan lived in the palace; his father was King Saul.
* David played his harp well. Sometimes King Saul felt very sad. David's music made King Saul feel better. King Saul asked David to come live in the palace.
* Jonathan and David became best friends. Jonathan gave David gifts to show how much he loved him. Jonathan gave David his robe, his belt, a sword, and a bow for shooting arrows.
* Later, King Saul became angry and wanted to hurt David. David left the palace. David and Jonathan met to talk. David said, "King Saul wants to hurt me."
* Jonathan promised to help David. "I will find out what my father is planning to do," Jonathan said. "I will find out tomorrow, and I will tell you." Then David and Jonathan promised always to be friends.
* David hid in a field. Jonathan went to the palace and talked to King Saul. Jonathan learned that his father did want to hurt David. Jonathan was very sad. He knew that David would have to leave to be safe.
* The next day, Jonathan went to the field. He and David said good-bye to each other. Both friends were sad. "We have promised that we and our families will always be friends," Jonathan said. "God will help us remember our promise to love each other."   
Life Application -  I can choose to be a good, loving friend to others. 
Bible Truth -
God wants me to love my friends. 
Bible Verse - A friend loves at all times. Proverbs 17:17

Save these dates: 
*NO Wednesday night activities in July 
*Illuminate Sunday, August 4th
*Promotion Sunday, August 4th. Watch for a card in the mail letting you know where your new class will be. We will mail those out July 29th.
*August 7th - Back to School Bash 

If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.
Bridget :)

Thursday, July 11, 2013

FAMILY PLUS Preschool "Daniel Chose to Obey" - July 11

Hi Parents & Grandparents!

Preschool Daycamp this week was a huge success. We had an average of 95 preschoolers each day ages 3 year olds to completed Kindergarten. We also had 26 leaders consisting of adults, teens and school age children serving. If you would like to take a look at our pictures they are on our Facebook page, The Glade Church. We had a blast learning how God Cares, God Hears, God Leads, God Gives, and God Rules.

This week use your take home page to review the Bible story. Talk to your preschooler about the way Daniel chose to obey God. Ask your child some ways she can choose to obey God (go to church, pray, learn about Jesus, be kind to others, obey parents).

This Sunday, July 14 , 2013, Your preschooler will hear this story -
Daniel Daniel 1:1-20
Bible Story Brief -
• Daniel, his three friends, and some other young men lived in King Nebuchadnezzar’s palace. They were learning to be the king’s helpers. The king wanted them to eat the same kind of food that he ate.
• Daniel decided to obey God and eat the food he knew God said to eat instead of the king’s food.
• Daniel asked the king’s helper if he and his friends could eat only vegetables and drink only water. The king’s helper did not know if he should let them choose only vegetables and water. What if they did not look as healthy as the other boys did? He might be in trouble with the king!
• Then Daniel said to the guard, another of the king’s helpers, “Please test us for 10 days. Give us only vegetables to eat and water to drink. Then see if we look as healthy as the other boys.”
• So the guard agreed. After 10 days, Daniel and his friends looked healthier than the other boys. The guard continued to let them choose the vegetables and water.
• God helped Daniel and his friends learn many things. God even helped Daniel understand dreams. The king found that Daniel and his friends were better than any of his other helpers. Daniel and his friends were glad they had chosen to obey God.
Life Application -  I can choose to obey God.
Bible Truth - God wants me to do what He says.
Bible Verse - Obey God. Deuteronomy 6:17

Save these dates: 
*NO Wednesday night activities in July
*Illumination Sunday, August 4th
*Promotion Sunday, August 4th. Watch for a card in the mail letting you know where your new class will be. We will mail those out July 29th.
*August 7th - Back to School Bash

If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.
Bridget :)

Thursday, July 4, 2013

FAMILY PLUS Preschool "Resolving Conflict" - July 4

Hi Parents & Grandparents!

It is very hard to believe that it's July already. I hope you are enjoying your summer and getting to spend time with family and friends. Have a safe and happy 4th!

This week help your child learn to get along with others. Many children are capable of resolving disputes on their own. Be a facilitator. If your child gets into an argument with a friend, don’t be too quick to step in with a solution. Ask the children for ideas on how to resolve the dispute. Affirm their choices by using the Bible verse “Be kind and care for one another.”

This Sunday, July 7, 2013, Your preschooler will hear this story -

Abram and Lot Genesis 13:1-12,14-18
Bible Story Brief -
• Abram loved God very much. He took his wife, his helpers, his animals, and his nephew Lot to live in the desert. Lot took his family, helpers, and animals. They all lived in tents and moved from place to place.
• The animals needed a lot of grass to eat and water to drink. It was hard to find enough for all their animals. Lot’s helpers and Abram’s helpers began to quarrel. They did not want to share the grass and water.
• Abram said to Lot, “Our helpers should not argue. We are part of the same family. Let’s not quarrel with each other. Let’s divide the land. You choose the land you want. I will go the other direction.”
• Lot chose the land near the Jordan River for his family, his helpers, and animals. Abram took his family, his helpers, and his animals in the other direction to Canaan. Abram set up his tents there.
• God said to Abram, “Look in every direction—north, south, east, and west. All the land you see will belong to your family forever. Your family will be so big that you cannot count them. Go walk through the land I am giving you.” Abram moved his tents near some large trees. He thanked God for the land God gave him.
• Abram was glad that he and Lot had worked together as a family.
Life Application -  I can choose to get along with people around me.
Bible Truth - God wants me to get along with others.
Bible Verse - Be kind and care for one another. Ephesians 4:32

Save these dates: 
*NO Wednesday night activities in July
*August 7 - Back to School Bash

If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.
Bridget :)