Friday, May 25, 2012

FAMILY PLUS Preschool - May 25

Hi Parents and Grandparents,

We will continue to talk about the importance of family this week. Family is about loving and caring for one another no matter what. Preschoolers need, wants, and thrives on our love and care. Help them identify ways family members show love to one another and to others.

 Summer Jam is in a few weeks. I am looking forward to seeing you there. Contact Jared or I if you would like to serve at our single largest outreach to the community. If you haven't already pre-registered your children, you can do that at any of our information centers.

This Sunday, May 27, 2012, your preschooler will hear this story -

Abram and Lot Worked Together (Genesis 13:1-12,14-18)
Bible Story Brief -
• Abram loved God very much. He took his wife, his helpers, and all his animals to live in the desert. His nephew, Lot, went with him. Lot also had a family, helpers, and animals. Abram’s family and Lot’s family lived in tents so they could move from place to place.
• It was hard to find enough grass to eat and water to drink for all the animals. The helpers began to quarrel with each other about whose animals should eat the grass and drink the water. They did not want to share.
• Abram said,“Let’s not quarrel or fight. Our helpers should not argue either. We are part of the same family. I am your uncle. You are my nephew.”
• Then Abram said, “Let’s divide the land. You choose the land you want. I will take the land in the opposite direction.”
• Lot looked at the land near the Jordan River. He chose that land for his family, helpers, and animals. Abram took his family, his helpers, and his animals in the other direction to Canaan. Abram set up his tents there.
• God spoke to Abram. God told Abram to look in every direction—north, south, east, and west. God said, “All the land you see will belong to your family. I will give this land to you and your children to have forever. Your family will be so big that you cannot count them. Go and walk through the land I am giving you.”
• Abram moved his tents near some large trees. Abram thanked God for the land.

Bible Verse -  Work together happily. Ephesians 6:7
Life Application - I can work with my family.
Bible Truth - Family members work together.

Your parent challenge this week - Plan a project for two people in the family to do together. This could be as simple as gathering the trash from wastebaskets in the house and putting them in the trash container. Say, “You are working together happily. This reminds me of the Bible story, ‘Abram and Lot Worked Together.’ ” Review the story together.

Save these dates:
* Summer Nights For Families - June 10 (Cook out and fun for all ages 6:30pm)
* Summer Jam - June 11-15 (Sign up at any information center)
* Summer Nights For Families - July 8 (Movie Night)
* Preschool Day Camp -  July 9 - 13 (Sign up at any information center)

Send me those schedules. I would love to show up at your child's event.

If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.   
Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.

Bridget :)

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