Hi Parents and Grandparents,
This week your preschooler will hear the story of the poor woman who gave all of her money at church. They will hear that her action pleased Jesus. Through related learning center activities, boys and girls will realize that people at their church give money and that they can, too. They will hear specific ways their church uses the money given.
Your parent challenge this week is about you helping your preschooler learn about giving. If your child receives an allowance, talk to him/her about setting aside a portion of the allowance to give as an offering at church. For example, if you give your preschooler allowance and he/she gets $1.00 a week, suggest he/she set aside 10 cents to give as an offering at church. Don't worry if you don't give your preschooler an allowance. If you don't this may be a good time to start if you want to go that route. There are many ways to teach them about giving other than allowance. You could take them to the grocery store to buy food to give to our food pantry. Here is another idea - you could have 3 jars for them and label them, money for Jesus, money for saving, money to spend. The important thing is that we teach them at an early age about giving. This will be something that they will remember to do as they grow to be a strong christian.
This Sunday, February 12, 2012 your preschooler will hear this Bible story -
A Woman Gave an Offering (Mark 12:41-44)
Bible Story Brief -
• Jesus sat in the temple. He watched the people putting their money in the temple offering boxes. He saw many people coming by, dropping money into the boxes. He saw rich men come to the boxes. The rich men had a lot of money. They could bring large offerings. The rich men threw a lot of money into the offering boxes.
• Jesus saw a poor widow walk toward the offering boxes. A widow is a woman whose husband has died. The widow did not have much money. She could not bring a large offering.
• The widow dropped two small coins in the offering box. Jesus saw her drop the coins in the box. He called His disciples to come to Him.
• Jesus said, “I am going to tell you something true. That poor widow put in more money than anyone else.” The disciples wondered what Jesus meant.
• Jesus said, “The rich men put in a lot of money. But they have more money at home. They only gave some of their money. The widow had only a little money. She gave all the money she had.”
Life Application - Can give an offering at church.
Bible Verse - Bring an offering to church. Malachi 3:10
* February 24 - Preschool Pajama Party Ages 3 year olds - Kindergarten Cost $6
I have parents asking me "Do you really want my preschooler's schedule?" "YES! I do!" Please let me know if your child is playing baseball, softball, t-ball, soccer, dance, karate, receiving an award, graduation program or plays. I want to come see them. Please let me know.
If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know. We look forward to seeing your child at church each week!
Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.
Bridget :)
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