Friday, October 28, 2011

FAMILY PLUS Preschool - October 28

Hi Parents and Grandparents,
I would like to hear stories about your preschooler like the story I shared last week of inviting Jesus to come snuggle. I love when children know what to do sometimes before us parents do. Let me know your stories so that we can share them. Here is a story that a mom shared with me this week. Her children came running to her screaming and crying that their dog had ran off. They had accidentally let the dog out of the fence and they could not find her. The 7 year old daughter explained to her mom that her and her little brother had already prayed that the dog would come back. They went running out to find the dog and she's standing in the garage looking at them. The 4 year old son said with tears streaming down his face "God does live down here wiff us." This is a wonderful reminder to pray first about everything.

This Sunday, October 30, 2011 your preschooler will hear a story about:
Peter Wrote about Jesus (Matthew 4:18-24; 2 peter 1:1,12-21)
Bible Story Brief -
• Peter was a fisherman. One day Jesus said, “Come with Me. I want you to help Me tell people about God.”
• Peter went with Jesus. Peter saw Jesus make sick people well. He heard Jesus teach about God’s love.
• Later, Peter wrote letters about Jesus. He wrote: “I, Simon Peter, a disciple of Jesus, write to you and remind you about the things that
Jesus did. I want you to remember them always.”
• “When I tell about Jesus,” Peter wrote, “I am telling you what really happened. I saw it myself. God sent Jesus. Jesus did what God wanted Him to do.”
• Peter also wrote about the Bible: “Pay attention to what the Bible says. The words in the Bible are not people’s words; they are God’s words. The Bible tells us what God wants us to know.”
• People read the letter from Peter.

Bible Truth - The Bible tells us about Jesus’ life and teachings.

Life Application - I will learn the Bible teaches about Jesus.

Bible Verse - The Bible teaches us about Jesus. 2 Timothy 3:15

Conversation Starter for this week: Locate several Bibles in your home. Invite your child to look at each Bible. Show him/her where 2 Timothy is in the Bible. Remark: “The Bible has stories about Jesus.” Using the weekly take home page, review this week’s Bible story. Ask: “Who does the Bible tell us about?” (Jesus)

Family Fall Festival October 28 at the Lannom Farms Cost: FREE! Time: 6pm - 8pm
Kids Night Out Dec. 9

If you have any questions about these events or any area of our New Generations Ministry please do not hesitate to contact me.
If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.
I hope you have a blessed week!!

In His Love,
Bridget :)

Friday, October 21, 2011

FAMILY PLUS Preschool - October 21

Hi Parents and Grandparents,

I hope you have been enjoying the cooler weather. Cooler weather always makes me want to snuggle up in a blanket. As a matter of fact its just one more reason to do so with your preschooler. A mother shared a story with me just this past week about snuggling. As the mother was tucking in her four year old daughter, her daughter said "Mommy can we invite Jesus to come into our home so that we can snuggle with Him?" Just the thought of a preschooler snuggling with Jesus warms my heart. Take the time this week and snuggle with your preschooler.

This Sunday October 23, 2011 your preschooler will hear a story about:
Philip Taught from the Bible (Acts 8:4-8,26-40)

Bible Story Brief -
• Philip was in Samaria, telling people about Jesus. The people in Samaria listened to Philip and saw how he healed many people. There were many happy people in the city.
• An angel spoke to Philip and told him to go to the desert road that went from Jerusalem to Gaza. So Philip started walking down the
desert road. As he walked, he saw a man riding in a chariot. The man in the chariot had been to Jerusalem to worship God. Now he
was on the long trip back to Ethiopia.
• As Philip ran up to the chariot, he heard the man reading a Bible scroll. Philip asked him, “Do you understand what you are reading?” The Ethiopian man said, “I need someone to explain the words to me.” He invited Philip to sit beside him in the chariot and explain the words.
• Philip climbed into the chariot. Philip told the good news about Jesus. Philip baptized the man in water near the road. The man went home very happy. Philip traveled to other places to tell people about Jesus.

Bible Truth - People help me learn from the Bible.

Life Application - I will discover who helps me learn about the Bible.

Bible Phrase - God’s words in the Bible help us learn. Psalm 119:130

Conversation Starter for this week: Show your child this week’s weekly take home page. Comment: “Do you remember what the man from Ethiopia was riding in?” (chariot) Together, review the Bible story. Find a box big enough for your child to sit in. Help him/her use the box to make a chariot. You may want to offer two unsharpened pencils and a strip of paper so your child can make a scroll. Tell the story again as your child pretends to ride in the chariot (as Philip) and uses the scroll to teach the man from Ethiopia about Jesus.

Family Fall Festival October 28 at the Lannom Farms Cost: FREE! Time: 6pm - 8pm
Kids Night Out Dec. 9

If you have any questions about these events or any area of our New Generations Ministry please do not hesitate to contact me.

If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.

I hope you have a blessed week!!

In His Love,
Bridget :)

Friday, October 14, 2011

FAMILY PLUS Preschool - October 14

Hi Parents and Grandparents,
Look for moments with your child to teach him that the Bible is important to you. Let him see you read your Bible. Explore the Bibles at your house. Talk about the similarities and differences. Talk about ways we use the Bible at church and mention the people in your child's life who teach him about the Bible. Encourage him to realize that the Bible is a special book.

This Sunday October 16, 2011 your preschooler will hear a story about:
Paul Told About Jesus (Acts 17:1-4,10-12)

Bible Story Brief
• Paul and Silas loved God and wanted to teach other people about Him.
• They traveled to one big city where people did not know about Jesus. Paul and Silas went to the church and taught the people about God and Jesus.
• Some of the people were happy to hear that Jesus loved them.
• So Paul and Silas traveled to another town. They went to the church in that town and began teaching the people about God and Jesus. The people in this town were glad to hear what Paul and Silas told them.
• The people looked in the Bible and read the same words that Paul and Silas had taught them.

Bible Verse: All God’s words are true. Psalm 119:160

Life Application: I will explore ways we use the Bible at church.

Bible Truth: People at church read the Bible.

Conversation Starter: Find the Bible verses for October 2, 9, and this week. Read them together. Ask: “Are all of God’s words true? Where can we find God’s words?” (in the Bible) Add this week’s take hope page to the notebook. Take time to review this week’s Bible story, as you read to your child at bedtime this week.

Family Fall Festival October 28 at the Lannom Farms Cost: FREE!
Kids Night Out Dec. 9

If you have any questions about these events or any area of our New Generations Ministry please do not hesitate to contact me.

If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.

I hope you have a blessed week!!
In His Love,
Bridget :)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

FAMILY PLUS Preschool - October 6

Hi Parents and Grandparents of Preschoolers from New Orleans! I am on a mission trip with our High School Students this week. I love serving along side of them. They are very talented and are willing to serve at wherever or whatever is needed. They are definitely shining their light here in New Orleans.  I do miss your preschooler and can't wait to see them this Sunday.

This week look for moments with your child to teach him or her that the Bible is important to you. Let him see you read your Bible. Explore the Bibles at your house. Talk about the similarities and differences. Talk about ways we use the Bible at church and mention the people in your child's life who teach him or her about the Bible. Encourage them to realize that the Bible is a special book.

Each age group is the same this week. I have simplified the story for all ages to understand.

This Sunday, October 9    “Josiah Read the Lost Scroll” 2 Kings 22:1-20; 23:1-3
Bible Verse: The Bible is right. Psalm 33:4
Life Application: I can understand the Bible teaches me what to do.

Bible Story - Josiah Read the Lost Scroll "2 Kings 22:1-20; 23:1-3"
Here is your conversation starter for this week: Print or write the Bible verse on five different pieces of paper. Hide the paper in your child’s room. At bedtime, say: “I have hidden an important message five different places in your room. Can you find each one?” As your child finds each piece of paper, read the verse together. Touch each word as you read it. Refer to the weekly take home  page and include the Bible story as one of the stories you read to your child tonight. Ask: “Should we put this Bible verse on the refrigerator? It is a good verse to remember.” Allow your child to place the verse on the refrigerator before going to bed. Add this week’s weekly take home page to the notebook.

Bible Story Brief:
•     The church needed to be cleaned and repaired. The people had stopped going to church. They had not heard anyone read from the Bible scroll.
•     King Josiah said to one of his helpers, “Tell Hilkiah (hil KIGH uh) to count the money that the people brought to the church a long time ago;  then he can give it to carpenters, builders, and other workers to repair the church.”
•     While they worked, the workers found a Bible scroll. Hilkiah gave the scroll to one of the king’s helpers. The king’s helper read it to the king. When King Josiah heard the words, he was upset. “We have not been doing what God wants us to do,” the king said.
•     King Josiah called all the people to the church. He read the Bible  scroll to them. They all told God that they would do what God wanted them to do. King Josiah and the people were glad they had found the Bible scroll.

Bible Truth - The Bible tells what God wants us to do.
Life Application - I will understand that we read the Bible to learn what God wants us to do.
Bible Phrase - The Bible tells us what to do. 2 Timothy 3:16

Family Fall Festival October 28 at the Lannom Farms Cost: FREE!
Kids Night Out Dec. 9

If you have any questions about these events or any area of our New Generations Ministry please do not hesitate to contact me. 

If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.

I hope you have a blessed week!!

In His Love,
