Thursday, September 29, 2011

FAMILY PLUS Preschool - September 30

Hi Parents and Grandparents of Preschoolers,
During October, your preschooler will be learning in the 9:15 hour and Wee Worship that the Bible tells about God and Jesus. Preschoolers should begin to understand that the Bible is a special book that people use at church and home. Your child will hear the following Bible stories and Bible phrases this week:

October 2, 2011 - Jeremiah Wrote About God (Jeremiah 36:1-4,22-24,27-28,32)
God told people to write His words. Jeremiah 36:2
*Help your child realize that the Bible tells about God.

Each age group is the same this week. I have simplified the story for all ages to understand.

Bible Story - Jeremiah Wrote About God (Jeremiah 36:1-4,22-24,27-28,32)
Here is your conversation starter for this week: Provide a variety of pens and markers with paper. Invite your child to print his name or other words he or she might know. If they can't write a letter or their names, you can write it and allow them to write or scribble. Comment: “Your Bible story in Sunday School was about a man who wrote about God.” Point to the name Jeremiah on the take home page. Review the Bible story. Comment: “People wrote God’s words in the Bible.” Place the weekly take home page in a notebook for later use and keep it with your child’s books. This will allow you to go back and revisit any Bible story any time or as often as she or he would like.

Bible Story Brief:
•     God told Jeremiah how He wanted the people to live. One day God said to Jeremiah, “Get a scroll. Write all the words I have told
•     God asked Jeremiah to write down His words so that the people would never forget them.
•     Jeremiah asked his friend Baruch to write on the scroll all the words God had spoken.
•     When the scroll was written, one of the king’s helpers read it to the king. The king did not like what the Bible scroll said. He cut the scroll into pieces and threw it into the fire.
•     God told Jeremiah to get another scroll and write all the words again. Baruch helped Jeremiah write the words on the scroll. The words Jeremiah wrote are in the Bible.

Bible Truth - The Bible tells about God.
Life Application - I will realize that the Bible tells about God.
Bible Phrase - God told people to write His words. Jeremiah 36:2

Family Fall Festival October 28
Kids Night Out Dec. 9

If you have any questions about these events or any area of our New Generations Ministry please do not hesitate to contact me. 
If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.
I hope you have a blessed week!!
In His Love,
Bridget :)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

FAMILY PLUS Preschool - September 22

Hi Parents and Grandparents of Preschoolers!

When you talk about the Bible story to your preschooler, emphasize that one way Jesus showed love was by making sick people well. Pray with your child, thanking God for Jesus, who made sick people well.  Thank Him for Jesus and for showing that He loved them by healing people.

This Sunday, September 25th our Bible story will be,   “Jesus Healed a Deaf Man” Mark 7:31-37
Each age group is the same this week. I have simplified the story for all ages to understand.

Here is a conversation starter for this week: After taking a look at the take home page on Sunday, tell the Bible story at bedtime one night next week. Ask: “How did Jesus show love to the deaf man in the story?” Remark: “Jesus performed miracles and healed the sick.” Pray, thanking God for Bible stories that teach us about Jesus — what he did and how he showed loved.

Bible Story - “Jesus Healed a Deaf Man” Mark 7:31-37
Bible Story Brief
•     One day some people brought a man to see Jesus. The man could not hear any sounds. When he tried to talk, no one could understand what he said. The people asked Jesus to make the man well.
•     Jesus took the man away from the crowd of people. Jesus touched the man’s ears and tongue. Jesus talked to God. Then Jesus   looked at the man and said words that meant, “Be well!”
•     Suddenly the man was able to hear! When he talked, everyone  could understand!
•     The people were amazed. They told everyone how Jesus had made the man well.

Bible Truth - Jesus helped people who were sick.
Life Application - I will learn that Jesus showed love by making sick people well.
Bible Phrase - Jesus made sick people well. Luke 7:21

Family Fall Festival October 28
Kids Night Out Dec. 9

If you have any questions about these events or any area of our New Generations Ministry please do not hesitate to contact me. 
If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.
I hope you have a blessed week!!

Bridget :)

Friday, September 16, 2011

FAMILY PLUS Preschool - September 16

Hi Parents!
Please include these Bible stories and phrases in your everyday conversation with your child. Sing, talk, and remind your child about Jesus throughout the day. Through the loving way that your child hears from both you and their teachers talk about Jesus, the more easily your child will begin to understand just how special Jesus is.

This week September 18 the stories are the same. I have simplified each age group for you.

Babies, 2's & 3's
Caring Jesus
Bible Story - Jesus Fed a Crowd Based on John 6:1-13
Bible Story brief
✿ Many people came to see Jesus and hear Him teach.
✿ Moms, daddies, and children were hungry.
✿ Jesus cared about the people. He wanted the people to have food to eat. 
✿ A boy shared his food with Jesus. 
✿ Jesus thanked God for the food. 
✿ Jesus’ helpers gave food to all the mothers, daddies, and children.

Bible Truth - Jesus was caring.
Bible Phrase - Jesus cared about people. Mark 6:34
Life Application - 1s and 2s will sense that Jesus cared about people.

3's - Pre-K & Wee WorshipLoving Jesus
Here is your conversation starter for this week: Plan a lunch of fish sticks and bread. Include your child in the lunch preparations. As you work together, refer to the Bible story from their Bible or take a look at the take home page that they receive after class Sunday. Engage your child in helping you tell the Bible story. Remark: “Jesus performed miracles. One of the ways He showed love to people was by helping them.” Together, look up John 6 in the Bible. Pray thanking God for the many ways Jesus showed love to people.

Bible Story - Jesus Fed the People John 6:1-13
Bible Story Brief
• One day Jesus and His helpers were sitting on a mountainside. Many people followed them.
• The people were hungry. Jesus wanted to help them. Jesus asked His helper Philip, “Where can we buy bread for all these people to  eat?” Philip said it would take a lot of money to buy enough food.
• Andrew, another one of Jesus’ helpers, told Jesus about a little boy with five small loaves of bread and two fish. 
• Jesus said to His helpers, “Tell the people to sit down.” Jesus took the five loaves of bread and two fish. He thanked God for them.
Then Jesus broke the bread and fish into pieces to give to the people.
• The people ate as much food as they wanted. Then Jesus said, “Gather the leftover bread and fish.” Jesus’ helpers filled 1, 2, 3 baskets until there were 12 baskets of leftover food. Jesus had fed many hungry people!

Bible Verse - Jesus gave food to people. John 6:11
Bible Truth - Jesus helped people who were hungry.
Life Application - I will learn that Jesus showed love by giving people what they needed.

KindergartenHere is your conversation starter for this week: Plan a lunch of fish sticks and bread. Include your child in the lunch preparations. As you work together, refer to the Bible story from their Bible or take a look at the take home page that they receive after class Sunday. Engage your child in helping you tell the Bible story. Remark: “Jesus performed miracles. One of the ways He showed love to people was by helping them.” Together, look up John 6 in the Bible. Pray thanking God for the many ways Jesus showed love to people.

Bible Story - Jesus fed the people John 6:1-13
Bible story brief
•  Jesus sat down with His disciples on a mountainside beside the Sea of Galilee. A crowd followed Him. They had seen Jesus heal many sick people.
•  Jesus knew the people would be hungry. He asked Philip, “Where can we buy bread for all these people to eat?” Philip answered, “To buy bread for all these people would take a lot of money.”
•  Andrew said, “A boy here has five loaves of barley bread and two fish. But that is not enough to feed so many hungry people.” About 5,000 men were there, and many women and children, too.
•  Jesus said, “Tell the people to sit down.” All the people sat on the grass.
•  Jesus thanked God for the bread and gave it to the people. He thanked God for the fish and gave it to the people, too.
•  When all the people had eaten all they wanted, Jesus told His disciples, “Gather the leftovers. Do not waste any of it.” The disciples gathered 12 baskets of food!
•  Jesus fed the hungry people. The people knew that He loved them and cared for them.

Bible verse - Jesus gave food to people. John 6:11
Bible truth - Jesus helped people.
Life application - I can learn Jesus showed love by helping people.

Family Fall Festival October 28
Kids Night Out Dec. 9

If you would like any details pertaining to any of these events please do not hesitate to contact me.
If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.
I hope you have a blessed week!!
Bridget Scott, Preschool Minister

Thursday, September 1, 2011

FAMILY PLUS Preschool - September 1

Hi Parents!

This month your preschooler will be learning more about Jesus and things He did to show His love. Through Bible stories and activities, preschoolers will become more aware that Jesus loved people and showed His love in different ways such as by being kind and helpful to others, giving people things they needed, and making sick people well. 

 As you enjoy daily encounters with your child this month, make a point to talk about Jesus, sing songs about Him, and thank God for Him. Doing these simple things will help you lay spiritual foundations in your child's life.

September 4
Jesus Loved Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38-42)

Babies, 1's and 2's
Kind Jesus
Bible Story: Jesus’ Visit with Mary and Martha Based on Luke 10:38-42
 Bible Story Brief
✿Jesus visited His friends Mary and Martha.
✿Martha and Mary loved Jesus very much.
✿Martha cooked food for Jesus.
✿Mary listened to Jesus tell about God.
✿Jesus was glad Mary wanted to listen.
✿Jesus loved His friends; and His friends loved Him.

Bible Truth: Jesus was kind and gentle.

Bible Phrase: Jesus loved people. Matthew 14:14

Life Application: 1s and 2s will hear Jesus’ name and become aware that He was kind and gentle to people.

Here is a conversation starter after you go over the story with your child. Say "Jesus taught people about what God is like. Does Jesus love all people? Who did Jesus spend time with in this story?"  Together, look up Luke 10 in the Bible. Say a prayer with your child thanking God that Jesus loves all people.
Bible Story:Jesus Loved Mary and Martha Luke 10:38-42
Bible Story Brief
✿ Jesus and His helpers traveled to the town where sisters named Mary and Martha lived.
✿ The sisters were happy to see Jesus.
✿ Mary sat on the floor near Jesus and listened carefully as Jesus talked.
✿ While Mary was listening, Martha was getting a meal ready for Jesus.
✿ Martha said, “Jesus, I’m doing all of the work by myself. Tell Mary to  help me.”
✿ Jesus said kindly, “Martha, do not worry about what needs to be done. Mary is listening to Me, and that is very important.”
✿ Jesus loved His friends Martha and Mary. They loved Jesus, too.

Bible Truth: Jesus loved people.

Life Application: I will learn that Jesus was kind and loving.

Bible Phrase: Jesus loved people. Matthew 14:14

Kindergarten & Wee Worship
Here is a conversation starter after you go over the story with your child. Say "Jesus taught people about what God is like. Does Jesus love all people? Who did Jesus spend time with in this story?"  Together, look up Luke 10 in the Bible. Say a prayer with your child thanking God that Jesus loves all people.
Bible Story: Mary and Martha Luke 10:38-42
Bible Story Brief
✿  Jesus and His disciples walked to Bethany where Jesus’ friends Mary and Martha lived. Mary and Martha were sisters.
✿  Martha invited Jesus and His disciples into her home. She rushed
to prepare a meal for them.
✿  Mary sat down on the floor at Jesus’ feet and listened to Jesus talk.
✿ Martha worked and worried that everything would not be just right. She was upset that Mary was not helping prepare the meal.
✿ “Jesus,” Martha said, “my sister has left me to do all the work. Don’t You care? Tell her to help me.”
✿ Jesus said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are working hard and worrying about many things. Mary has chosen to do a better thing. She is showing that she loves Me by listening to Me.”

Bible Truth: Jesus spent time with people.

Life Application:
I can learn Jesus loves all people.

Bible Verse:
Jesus said, “I love you.” John 15:9

Kids Night Out September 9 Deadline this Sunday Sept. 4th
Family Fall Festival October 28
If you would like any details pertaining to any of these events please do not hesitate to contact me.
If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.
I hope you have a blessed week!!

Bridget :)