Thursday, July 14, 2011

FAMILY PLUS Preschool - July 14

Preschool day camp is coming to a close this week. We had a blast learning Bible stories and songs. Several of the children that came this week were from the community. We give our praise to Jesus for that. It has been an incredible week.

This Sunday July 17, 2011
Each age group's story varies a little this week. I have simplified each age level.
*See below for upcoming events
1's and 2's and 3's through Pre-K
This weeks story Jesus healed a paralytic. Read Mark 2:1-12. The healing proved He was God's Son and had the authority to forgive sins and to work miracles. The man stood, picked up his mat, and walked out of the house. What was the reaction of the crowd?
The reaction of the four friends is not recorded, but imagine their joy at seeing their friend walk! They worked together in faith to carry their friend to the One who could heal him. Sunday's story reminds us that sometimes we just have to take our friends to Jesus. Thinking about our unsaved friends. How are ways we can do just that.
Bible Story: Four Helpful Friends Mark 2:1:12
Jesus was teaching about God. many people gathered in the house where Jesus was. Soon people crowded outside the door. Everyone wanted to hear Jesus.

Outside the house were four men who brought their friend who could not walk. The men wanted to get their friend inside to see Jesus. They tried to push through the crowd but could not get to the door.

Then the four men picked up the sick friend's mat. They carried him up the steps to the roof of the house. The men dug a large hole in the roof. Carefully, they lowered their friend down through the hole until his mat touched the floor and he was right in front of Jesus.

Jesus said, "Get up. Take your mat and go home."

The man got up, took his mat, and walked. Jesus had made the man well!

The people who saw the man walk could hardly believe it. They said, "We have never seen anything like this!" The people thanked God for what they had seen.

Bible Truth: Friends Help each other know about Jesus.
Bible Verse: Help one another. Galatians 5:13 and Tell people about Jesus Matthew 28:19-20
Bible Concept: People tell about God and Jesus.
Bible Skill: Can hear Bible verses and relate to your preschoolers everyday activities.
Kindergarten and Wee Worship
Rich or poor, educated or uneducated, all people have the same basic needs- food, water, and shelter. Societies or communities struggle and die when the basic needs are not met. These basic needs form the foundation of life and outweigh other wants and desires. Acts 11:27-30 tells of a crisis of basic needs. Barnabas and Saul were in Antioch teaching when prophets came from Jerusalem. The prophet Agabus, filled with the Holy Spirit, predicted that a severe famine would occur in the Roman Empire. The Mediterranean world was often hit by famines due to poor weather conditions and crop performance. 
The Bible frequently links the needs of the body with the needs of the soul. Jesus healed many individuals' physical ailments in order to save their souls. A person who is hungry cannot listen to a story of the Bread of Life until we have proven our love by filling his stomach. Preschoolers are driven by many impulses and needs, but none stronger than their physical needs.
Bible Story: A Church Helped Acts 11:19
Barnabas lived in Jerusalem. He believed in Jesus and wanted all people to know about Jesus. The people in the church in Jerusalem heard there was a new church in Antioch. They sent Barnabas to Antioch to see what the people were saying about Jesus. Barnabas was glad the people in Antioch were teaching other people about Jesus. He told the people in the church  to keep teaching the right things about Jesus. Many people in Antioch believed in Jesus.

Barnabas went to Tarsus to find Saul. Barnabas and Saul went back to Antioch to teach the people more about Jesus. They stayed in Antioch for one year. Many more people in Antioch believed in Jesus. The people in Antioch who believed in Jesus were called Christians. 

A man named Agabus traveled from Jerusalem to Antioch. Agabus was a prophet. He told the church in Antioch that there would not be enough food for the people in Judea.
The church in Antioch wanted to help. They brought gifts for the people in Jerusalem. Every person brought as much as he could. They gave the gifts to Barnabas and Saul. Barnabas and Saul took their gifts to the people in the church in Jerusalem.

God planned for the people to help each other. The people in the Antioch church helped the people in Jerusalem.
Bible Truth: God wants people to help others.
Bible Verse: All the people helped. Acts 11:20
Level of Biblical Learning: I can be a part of God's work.
Level of Bible Skills: Knows each main part of the Bible is divided into smaller parts called books.

Back To School Bash August 3 6pm-8pm fun and food for all ages
We will moving up to our next age/grade the first Sunday in August
If you would like any details pertaining to any of these events please do not hesitate to contact me.
Please continue to send me their schedules or upcoming events. I want to celebrate with your family!
If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.
I hope you have a blessed week!!

Bridget :)

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