See below for can't miss events.
This Sunday June 5, 2011
Kindergarten and Wee Worship
The month of June your Kindergartners will hear Bible stories that help them know more about who God is and what He is like. They will come to know that God always keeps his promises, knows everything, is real and can do all things and wants us to worship Him only. The will do Bible truths as they discover more about Him.
Bible Story: God Promised Abraham and Sarah a Baby Genesis 12
Abram and his wife Sarai (SEHR igh) had moved to a new land. Abram was 75 years old. They had no children.
When Abram was 99 years old, God spoke to him. God made a promise to Abram. God told Abram He would make Abram's family huge.
Tod changed Abram's name. God said, "Your name will no longer be Abram. Your new name will be Abraham because you will be the father of many nations. "This meant Abraham would have many, many grandchildren and great-grandchildren. people everywhere would know that Abraham's grandchildren and great-grandchildren were part of his family.
God changed Sarai's name, too. Her new name would be Sarah. God told Abraham that a year later his wife Sarah would have a son. Abraham laughed at the idea that Sarah would have a baby when she was 90 and he was 100 years old! But he knew that God kept His promises. God told Abraham to name their son Isaac. The name Isaac means laughter.
A year later, Sarah had a baby boy, just as God had said she would. Abraham and Sarah named their son Isaac as God had told them to do. Abraham had a party to celebrate the birth of Isaac. God had kept His promise to Abraham.
God did what He had promised to do. God blessed Abraham and Sarah with the special gift of a baby. The baby made them very happy.
Abram and his wife Sarai (SEHR igh) had moved to a new land. Abram was 75 years old. They had no children.
When Abram was 99 years old, God spoke to him. God made a promise to Abram. God told Abram He would make Abram's family huge.
Tod changed Abram's name. God said, "Your name will no longer be Abram. Your new name will be Abraham because you will be the father of many nations. "This meant Abraham would have many, many grandchildren and great-grandchildren. people everywhere would know that Abraham's grandchildren and great-grandchildren were part of his family.
God changed Sarai's name, too. Her new name would be Sarah. God told Abraham that a year later his wife Sarah would have a son. Abraham laughed at the idea that Sarah would have a baby when she was 90 and he was 100 years old! But he knew that God kept His promises. God told Abraham to name their son Isaac. The name Isaac means laughter.
A year later, Sarah had a baby boy, just as God had said she would. Abraham and Sarah named their son Isaac as God had told them to do. Abraham had a party to celebrate the birth of Isaac. God had kept His promise to Abraham.
God did what He had promised to do. God blessed Abraham and Sarah with the special gift of a baby. The baby made them very happy.
Level of Biblical Learning: God always keeps his promise.
Bible Words of the Week: Promise - to say you will do something
Baby - a very young child
Bible Words of the Week: Promise - to say you will do something
Baby - a very young child
Bible Verse: God did what he had promised to do. Genesis 21:1
Level of Biblical Skills: Knows the Bible tells about God and Jesus
*See below upcoming events
3's-Pre K
Throughout June, preschoolers will consider the question "How can I show love to God?" Bible stories will focus on how Ezra, Noah, Elijah and Moses showed love to God. As your Preschooler hear these stories and participate in Bible learning activities, they will know more clearly what they can do to show love to God as they learn about Him, do what he says, talk to Him and follow His rules.
Bible Story: Ezra read the Bible Nehemiah 8:1-12
All of the people were coming to hear Ezra. A big stage and had been built where Ezra would stand. Ezra, a teacher, was going to read from the Bible scroll.
Ezra climbed the steps to the stage. All of the people could see him. Carefully, Ezra unrolled the Bible scroll. When the people saw the Bible scroll, they stood up.
Ezra started reading the Bible to the people. They listened quietly. The people loved God. They wanted to learn more about God.
While Ezra read, some men helped the people understand what the words meant. The people became sad. They had not been doing what God wanted them to do.
The men told the people, "Do not be sad. This is a special day. God wants you to be happy. Go home and cook some good food. Share your food with people who do not have food to eat."
All of the people went to their homes. They cooked food and shared it with others. Everyone was happy. The people had learned more about God. They knew what God wanted them to do.
Bible Truth: God want me to learn about Him.
Bible Verse: You learn from the Bible. 2 Timothy 3:15
Level of Biblical Learning - God wants people to do what He says.
Level of Bible Skills - Hears the names of many of the books of the Bible.
1's and 2's
Bible Verse: You learn from the Bible. 2 Timothy 3:15
Level of Biblical Learning - God wants people to do what He says.
Level of Bible Skills - Hears the names of many of the books of the Bible.
1's and 2's
Showing God Our Love
This month your One and Two year olds will hear about ways people show love to God. Children will discover that reading the Bible saying thank-yous, talking to God and doing what God says are all ways we show that we love Him. Preschoolers are listening to you and watching all of our actions. From their observations of us they can come to know what they can do to show love to God.
Bible Story: Ezra Rad the Bible Nehemiah 8:1-12
Daddies, mommies, boys and girls were in the street. They came to hear Ezra read from the Bible scroll.
Ezra stood on a big wooden platform so the people could see him. He carefully unrolled the scroll.
The people stood. They knew the Bible was important and helped them learn about God.
Ezra prayed, "Thank You, God." Then he began to read. Everyone listened. Ezra said wonderful things about God.
Some men helped the people understand the words.When they heard the Bible words, the people knew what God wanted them to do.
Bible Truth: Reading the Bible shows our love to God.
Bible Verse: God gave us the Bible. 2 Timothy 3:16
Bible Skill: Associates God and Jesus with the Bible.
Life Application: They will look at the Bible and hear Bible words about God.
*Wednesday nights in June
June 8 - Sno Cone and wear your favorite hat
June 15 - Movie and wear your pajamas
June 22 - Bike Night Bring your favorite riding toy or bike
June 29 - Water Night Wear clothes that can get wet
*Summer Jam June 13-17th 4yr old - 5th grade 9am-1am lunch included no cost
*Preschool day camp - July 11-15 - ages 3 - completed Kindergarten time - 9am-3pm cost $45
If you would like any details pertaining to any of these events please do not hesitate to contact me.
Please continue to send me their schedules or upcoming events. I want to celebrate with your family!
If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.
*Wednesday nights in June
June 8 - Sno Cone and wear your favorite hat
June 15 - Movie and wear your pajamas
June 22 - Bike Night Bring your favorite riding toy or bike
June 29 - Water Night Wear clothes that can get wet
*Summer Jam June 13-17th 4yr old - 5th grade 9am-1am lunch included no cost
*Preschool day camp - July 11-15 - ages 3 - completed Kindergarten time - 9am-3pm cost $45
If you would like any details pertaining to any of these events please do not hesitate to contact me.
Please continue to send me their schedules or upcoming events. I want to celebrate with your family!
If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.
I hope you have a blessed week!!
Bridget :)
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