Thursday, April 21, 2011

FAMILY PLUS Preschool - April 21

Just a reminder that our small groups that meet at 9:15 will not be meeting this Sunday, April 24th. We will be having childcare for  Birth-Kindergarten for all three Awakening Worship Services.
 The 3 year olds - Kindergarten will have the opportunity to meet for Wee Worship at all three services. Our services will be Saturday April 23rd at 7pm, Sunday April 24th at 8am and 10am.

Along with our Bible story in Wee Worship, your precious little ones will crack open the miracle of Easter with Resurrection Eggs.  Each egg will represent a piece of Jesus’ journey to the cross and beyond.  This will certainly be a time your child will never forget as they watch Easter come alive in their little hands! I have attached a copy of how to make the Resurrection Eggs below. You can also buy the eggs at Lifeway but I think its more fun and less expensive if you make your own.

Wee Worship
Bible Story: Jesus is Alive! John 20:1-18
Early in the morning, Mary walked to the edge of town. She was very sad because Jesus had died on a cross. She was going to the garden to see the tomb where He had been buried.

When Mary arrived at the tomb, the big heavy stone had been rolled away from the door. Mary ran from  the tomb. She found Peter and John. Mary said, "Jesus is not in the tomb! I don't know where they have taken Him."

Peter and John could hardly believe what Mary was saying. They hurried back to the tomb with Mary. They looked inside, but they did not see Jesus anywhere! So the two men went home. But Mary stayed nearby, crying. "Why are you crying?" she heard someone ask. "For whom are you looking?"

Mary did not know that the man speaking to her was Jesus. Then He spoke her name. "Mary," He said. Mary knew that the man was Jesus! Jesus was standing right there, close enough to touch. Jesus told Mary to go tell His helpers that she had seen Him. Mary rushed to tell Jesus' helpers that she had seen Jesus and that He was alive!
Bible truth: Jesus is alive.
Bible Verse: Jesus is alive! Matthew 28:7
Level of Biblical Learning - Jesus loves all people.
With this Bible story and verse your preschoolers will begin to learn and understand:
-That the Bible is a book that tells about God and Jesus

Please continue to send me their schedules or upcoming events. I want to celebrate with your family!
If there is something that I can help you pray about please let me know.
I hope you have a GREAT week!!

Bridget :)

To make your own resurrection eggs you will need 12 plastic eggs and an empty egg container. I have the items listed that you will need for each egg. Have fun telling your preschoolers about why we have Easter.
Egg Number 1
Message: Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. The people waved palm branches.
Passage: Matthew 21:1-11.
Item: A small plastic leaf or a piece of a palm branch or a blade of grass.

Egg Number 2
Message: Mary poured expensive perfume on Jesus' feet.
Passage: John 12:2-8.
Item: Cotton ball with perfume on it.

Egg Number 3
Message: Jesus ate the Last Supper with His disciples.
Passage: Matthew 26:17-19.
Item: A small piece of cracker to represent the passover bread.

Egg Number 4
Message: Judas betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.
Passage: Matthew 27:3.
Item: Three dimes

Egg Number 5
Message: Jesus carried His cross.
Passage: John 19:17.
Item: A toothpick that is cut and glued in the form of a cross.

Egg Number 6
Message: Soldiers placed a crown of thorns on Jesus' head.
Passage: John 19:2.
Item: A small thorny branch or a single large thorn (a toothpick would work too)

Egg Number 7
Message: Soldiers parted Jesus' garments and cast lots for His coat.
Passage: John 19:23.
Item: Miniature dice

Egg Number 8
Message: Jesus was nailed to a cross and pierced in His side.
Passage: John 19:18,37 and John 20:25-29.
Item: A nail

Egg Number 9
Message: They gave Jesus vinegar mixed with gall (bitter spice) on a sponge to drink.
Passage: Matthew 27:34.
Item: A q-tip

Egg Number 10
Joseph took the body, wrapped it in a clean linen cloth, Passage: Matthew 27:59
Item: a piece of white fabric

Egg Number 11
Message: The stone covering Jesus' tomb was rolled away.
Passage: John 20:1.
Item: A small rock.

Egg Number 12
Message: The tomb is empty. He has risen!
Passage: Luke 24:6.
Item: Nothing

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