Friday, July 3, 2015

You Need To Read This! - Family Plus PS - July 3

Hi Parents and Grandparents of Preschoolers-

Our basic truth for this month is “God loves me.” Say that out loud. Is that something that rings true to you? Or, is there a moment of doubt. Our preschoolers accept the fact that God loves them with ease. Of course God loves them. They’re wonderful. They have no reason to doubt His love.

We adults on the other hand; we can think of many reasons God shouldn’t love us. That decision we made a decade ago that hurt so many. That choice we made last year. That thing we said yesterday. All of those things haunt us until we question God’s love for us. Here’s the thing. We don’t need to question it. God’s love will always be there. Always. No matter what.
So, as you tell your child that God loves him this month, don’t forget to say it to yourself too. God loves you. And, His way is perfect.

This Sunday, July 5, 2015, your preschooler will learn that:

Moses’ mom and sister hide him among the reeds along the bank of a river in an effort to save him from the evil Pharaoh.
Exodus 1:21-2:10

MEMORY VERSE - “God’s way is perfect.” 2 Samuel 22:31, NIrV
BASIC TRUTH -  God loves me.
KEY QUESTION - Whose way is perfect?
BOTTOM LINE - God’s way is perfect

- Promotion Sunday - July 26th. Watch your mail for details.
- Back At It - August 5th Wednesday nights will start back and we will have a fun night planned.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.  

Bridget :)