Thursday, December 25, 2014

Wise Guys! Family Plus PS

Hi Parents and Grandparents!

Merry Christmas! I have thought a lot about these two words lately. When people say "Merry Christmas", what does that mean exactly? Well, to some I would think that it means shopping, parties with family or friends. Or maybe to some it is just a simple greeting like "Hi! How are you?"

 So let's break the words down. Webster's definition describes merry as happiness or causing joy and happiness. Webster describes Christmas as a Christian holiday that is celebrated on December 25 in honor of the birth of Jesus Christ.

To me it means a lot of things to me. It means happy birthday to our Lord and Savior. I would like to say Merry Christmas all year round. Because Jesus IS the reason for EVERY season. So here is wishing you a Merry Christmas all year long. What does "Merry Christmas" mean to you?

This Sunday, December 28, 2014, your preschooler will learn that:
Wise men follow a special star to Jesus, to give Him gifts and worship Him. Matthew 2:1-2, 9-11

MEMORY VERSE - God loved the world so much that He gave His only Son. John 3:16
BASIC TRUTH - Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
KEY QUESTION - Why is Jesus special?
BOTTOM LINE - Jesus is God’s Son.

January 7 Wednesday night will be a fun night for your preschooler. Food, fun, crafts at no cost.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.  

Bridget :)

Friday, December 19, 2014

It's All About Humphrey! Or Is It? Family Plus PS

Hi Parents and Grandparents!

I read a book to our preschoolers recently, Humphrey's First Christmas by Carol Heyer. It's a Christmas story that we all know however this one was told by a camel, Humphrey. He tells the story about his long cold journey to Bethlehem. This camel is cantankerous, humorous, and lovable. He has lost his favorite blanket and schemes to find a new one. He is convinced that the chests he is carrying are rocks. He complains the entire trip. His feet hurt. He is cold. The chests are heavy on his bare back. Basically thinking of himself and still complaining after his owner gave him a new blanket. But at the end of their journey he is drawn to the love surrounding of a baby. Baby Jesus! He finds himself selflessly giving his new blanket to the baby. 

I explained to the preschoolers that we can't always think about ourselves like Humphrey did in the beginning of the book. This book was a great example of what it means to let go of our personal comforts, giving of ourselves, and opening our hearts. I enjoyed reading this book to them. There were lots of giggles. It led to some great discussions about being nice to others and making good choices. 

This Sunday, December 21, 2014, your preschooler will learn that:
God sends angels to tell the shepherds about Jesus, and they run to worship Him. 
Luke 2:6-18

MEMORY VERSE - God loved the world so much that He gave His only Son. John 3:16
BASIC TRUTH - Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
KEY QUESTION - Why is Jesus special?
BOTTOM LINE - Jesus is God’s Son.

Christmas Eve Eve Service December 23 5pm and 7:30pm. Activities for children ages babies - three year olds will be available at both services.  

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.   

Bridget :)

Friday, December 12, 2014

Why Is He So Special? Family Plus PS

Hi Parents and Grandparents!

Here is a simple idea to bring this week's story home while you are out running errands - Name one specific Christmas decoration before you begin to drive. It can be anything! A Christmas tree, snowman, lights . . . whatever you want it to be. Every time you see that decoration, point it out and together say, “Happy Birthday, Jesus!” After all, Christmas is all about Jesus’ birthday! Without Jesus there would be no Christmas. He’s that special! Why is Jesus special? Jesus is God’s Son.

This Sunday, December 14, 2014, your preschooler will learn that:
Jesus, God’s only son, is born in a stable. Luke 2:1-7

MEMORY VERSE - God loved the world so much that He gave His only Son. John 3:16
BASIC TRUTH - Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
KEY QUESTION - Why is Jesus special?
BOTTOM LINE - Jesus is God’s Son.

Christmas Eve Eve Service December 23 5pm and 7:30pm. Activities for children ages babies - three year olds will be available at both services. 

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.  

Bridget :)

Friday, December 5, 2014

Start A Traditon Today! Family Plus PS

Hi Parents and Grandparents!
Christmas! It’s the best time of year. The wonder. The delight. The pure joy! Oh, Christmas is just so much fun!
If it's your child's first Christmas or it is their 6th. It’s the time when Christmas traditions are formed, when we figure out just how we want to celebrate the birth of our Savior now that we have a child in the house. As you plan your December, remember the why of the Christmas season. It’s not just about cute outfits, fun times, and family gatherings.

It’s about a birth—the birth of a child who would one day save the world. How are you planning to teach your preschoolers about that most important part? Where does that fit into your traditions? Maybe you’ll introduce your first child-friendly Nativity into your house. As your child plays with each piece, tell them the true story of Christmas. Tell them about that night long ago when a special baby, God’s Son, was born. Tell them how much God loves them, and you.
Merry Christmas!

This Sunday, December 7, 2014, your preschooler will learn that:
God sends an angel to tell Mary she will have a special baby named Jesus. Luke 1:26-33, 38, 46

MEMORY VERSE - God loved the world so much that He gave His only Son. John 3:16
BASIC TRUTH - Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
KEY QUESTION - Why is Jesus special?
BOTTOM LINE - Jesus is God’s Son.


December 12 - Kids Night Out 6pm-10pm Your child will not want to miss this. Sign up at the child check in station. Deadline is Sunday December 7th.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.  

Bridget :)