Friday, January 31, 2014

Should You Tell? Family Plus Preschool

Hi Parents and Grandparents!

Remind your child that the best way for a person to learn about Jesus is to have someone who cares about him talk about Jesus. Think of family members who may not know about Jesus. Plan a way to say a good word about Jesus to a family member or draw a picture about Jesus that can be given as a gift.

This week, Sunday, February 2, 2014, your child will hear this story:

John Told About Jesus
Based on Luke 3:2-3,15-17; Mark 1:1-8; John 1:29
John lived in the desert. He wore clothes made of camel’s hair and a leather belt. He ate locusts and wild honey. He preached to the people that God wanted them to make right choices.
The people came to hear John preach. When anyone would decide to live in a way that pleased God, John would baptize that person.
Many people wondered if John was really God’s Son, who had been promised in the Bible. “I am not God’s Son,” John said. “Jesus is coming. He is more powerful than I am. I baptize you with water, but Jesus will do much more than this.”
The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him. John said, “Here is Jesus. He is the Son of God.”

Christ Focus: Jesus commanded us to tell about Him.
Life Point: Jesus is the Son of God.
Life Verse: I will do what God says. Psalm 119:34

Question: What did John say about Jesus?
Question: What did John do for Jesus?
Question: Who is someone you could tell about Jesus?

Upcoming Events and Announcements
Sign up for any of our events at the child check in station
  • February 21- Pajama Party ages 3 years old - Kindergarten   
  • Please make sure you pick up your 2014 calendar for events at any of our information centers.
Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.  
Bridget :)

Friday, January 24, 2014

Guided and Protected - FAMILY PLUS Preschool

Hi Parents and Grandparents!

Does your preschooler constantly ask to play games on your phone, tablet or iPad? Bible for Kids, is a great app for them. This app will allow your child to interact with the Bible and see it come to life. Through interactive adventures and beautiful animations, kids explore the big stories of the Bible. The Bible App for Kids is a delight-filled experience designed to encourage kids to return again and again. It’s the beginning of a lifelong love of God’s Word.
Click here to learn more.

To help bring the story home this week, talk to your preschooler about a time when your family traveled somewhere. Remind him/her of the trip that the Israelites took. Help your child know that just as God took care of the Israelites, they will always take care of your family.

This week, Sunday, January 26, 2014, your child will hear this story:

God Told Moses to Lead the People Based on Exodus 12:31-40; 13:3,14; 14:10,13-16,21-22
Bible Story Brief -
The king called Moses and told him to lead his people away from Egypt. The people had been slaves of the king for over 400 years.
Moses told the people to get ready to leave. They asked the Egyptians to give them gold and silver jewelry and clothing. They took their families and all their animals and began to travel away from Egypt.
Moses told the people, “Remember this day. Today God has brought you out of Egypt. Tell your children so they will remember what God has done for us today.”
God led Moses and the people to the Red Sea. The people camped there as God told them. The people saw the Egyptians coming after them. “Do not be afraid,” Moses told them. “God will save us.”
God spoke to Moses and told him to stretch out his arm with his staff over the water of the Red Sea. The sea divided into two walls of water. The people were able to cross the sea on dry ground. God had saved His people.

Christ Focus: Jesus guides us and protects us.
Life Point: God loves people.
Life Verse: There is no other God. Isaiah 45:22

What did Moses tell the people to do to get ready to leave?
Question: How did God protect the people?

Upcoming Events and Announcements
  • February 21- Pajama Party ages 3 years old - Kindergarten   
  • Please make sure you pick up your 2014 calendar for events at any of our information centers.
Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.  
Bridget :)

Thursday, January 16, 2014

"Bartimaeus Receives His Sight" FAMILY PLUS Preschool - January 16

Hi Parents and Grandparents!

Close your eyes for a few minutes to sample what it might feel like to be blind and never been able to see. The gift of sight is one of the most precious of all of God's gifts. Just imagine the frustrations blind people face all day, every day. Our story this week is about Jesus healing a blind man named Bartimaeus.  When you open your eyes, think of how Bartimaeus might have felt when he was able to see for the first time.

This week, Sunday, January 19, 2014, your child will hear this story:

Jesus and Bartimaeus Based on Mark 10:46-52
Story Brief:
Jesus and His disciples were leaving the city of Jericho. A large crowd was following them. As they walked down the road, a blind man named Bartimaeus called out, “Jesus, help me!” 
Many people told the man to be quiet, but he kept calling out, “Jesus, help me!”
Jesus stopped and said, “Call the man to Me.”
The people told the man, “Jesus is calling for you. Go to Him.” So Bartimaeus jumped up and ran to Jesus.
“What do you want Me to do for you?” Jesus asked Bartimaeus.
“Teacher, I want to see!” Bartimaeus answered.
Jesus said to Bartimaeus, “Because you believed, you can see.” Bartimaeus was able to see and began to follow Jesus.

Christ Focus: We can turn to Jesus for help.
Life Point: God sent Jesus to help people.
Life Verse: There is no other God. Isaiah 45:22

Question: How did Jesus help Bartimaeus?
Question: What can you do to help people who are sick?

Upcoming Events and announcements

  • February 21- Pajama Party ages 3 years old - Kindergarten
  • Please make sure you pick up your 2014 calendar for events at any of our information centers.
  • Child Check in stations are now at the Plum Information Center
Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.  
Bridget :)

Thursday, January 9, 2014

"Loving Jesus" FAMILY PLUS Preschool - January 9

Hi Parents and Grandparents!

You can help bring the Bible story home by role-playing situations that might occur during the day. Help your preschooler know how to act and react in ways that would show them that she/he loves Jesus.

This week, Sunday, January 12, 2014, your child will hear this story:

Peter Wrote Letters Based on 1 and 2 Peter
Peter was a friend and disciple of Jesus. He learned many things about God and how God wants people to live. He knew that Jesus was the Son of God. After Jesus went back to heaven, Peter taught many people about Jesus. He wrote some letters to the people he had taught. He wanted to remind them of the important things he had taught them.
Peter wrote: “I am a disciple of Jesus. I am writing to you who love Jesus. I know you have heard many stories about Jesus. I want to teach you the things Jesus taught me so you will always remember them. Husbands and wives should love each other. We should obey the laws of the government. Let others see you doing good things. You should love one another and obey the truth that Jesus taught. Keep learning about Jesus. He is our example of how we should live.”
People read the letters from Peter. The letters are part of our Bible today.

Christ Focus: We can show our love for Jesus by what we do.
Life Point: What we do shows we love Jesus.
Life Verse: Do what is good. Romans 2:10

Question: In his letter, what did Peter tell people they should do if they love Jesus?
Question: How can you show you love Jesus?

Upcoming Events and announcements

  • February 21- Pajama Party ages 3 years old - Kindergarten
  • Please make sure you pick up your 2014 calendar for events at any of our information centers.
  • Child Check in stations are now at the Plum Information Center
Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.  
Bridget :)

Thursday, January 2, 2014

"Are You Like Dorcas?" FAMILY PLUS Preschool - January 2

Hi Parents and Grandparents!

Starting this Sunday, January 5th, we have made some changes to our Child Check In Stations. The Plum Information Center has been transformed into our Child Check In Station for Babies - Fifth grade.
The stations are now located near the Worship Center and will be convenient for our Preschool Ministry and Children's Ministry. We will have four unassisted stations and two assisted stations. We are excited about this move and we think this will help with congestion and traffic in both the Preschool and Children's ministry.

This week, Sunday, January 5, 2014, your child will hear this story:

Peter and Dorcas Based on Acts 9:36-43
Story Brief:
A woman named Dorcas lived in the city of Joppa. She was a kind woman who helped many people. One day Dorcas became sick and died. Her friends washed her body and laid it on a bed in a room.
The men there heard that Peter was in a nearby city. They sent two men to find Peter and bring him back to help them. Peter went with the men to Joppa. When they got there, Peter went to the room where they had put Dorcas. The women showed Peter all the clothes that Dorcas had made for them. They were very sad that Dorcas had died.
Peter sent everyone out of the room. He knelt down beside the bed and prayed to God. Then Peter turned to Dorcas, took her hand, and said, “Dorcas, get up.” Dorcas opened her eyes, sat up, and looked at Peter. Peter helped Dorcas stand up. He called all the men and women to see that Dorcas was alive. Many people who heard about this began to believe in Jesus.

Christ Focus: Jesus helps us so we can serve Him.
Life Point: People who love Jesus help others.
Life Verse: Do what is good. Romans 2:10

Question: How did Dorcas help the people in her town?
Question: How did Peter help Dorcas?
Question: Name a person you could help.

Upcoming Events

  • Please make sure you pick up your 2014 calendar for events at any of our information centers.
Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.  
Bridget :)