Thursday, December 19, 2013

"Birthday Celebration" Preschool FAMILY PLUS - December 19

Hi Parents & Grandparents!
 Bring your preschooler this Sunday to help us celebrate Jesus’ birthday. Services are a little different this week. Sunday, December 22nd 9:00am and 10:30am, we will have activities for Babies - Kindergarten in their normal classes, there will be no groups for adults or children 1st-5th grade..
You and your family will also love our special service on Christmas Eve Eve, Monday, December 23rd 5:30pm and 7:00pm.

This week, Sunday, December 22, 2013, your child will hear this story:
Jesus Was Born
Based on Luke 2:1-20
Joseph and Mary were waiting for Baby Jesus to be born. At this same time, all the people had to be counted. People had to go to their hometowns and put their names on a list.
Joseph and Mary traveled to Bethlehem. Bethlehem was crowded with people. Joseph found a place where Mary could rest. Soon Baby Jesus was born.
Mary made a soft bed in a manger, a box where the animals ate. She wrapped Baby Jesus in cloths and laid Him in the manger.
In a field nearby, shepherds were taking care of their sheep. An angel appeared to them. They were afraid. The angel said, “Do not be afraid. I have good news for you. God has sent a special baby. He was born in Bethlehem. You will find the baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”
The shepherds hurried to Bethlehem. They found Baby Jesus lying in the manger, just as the angel had said. When the shepherds left, they told everyone they saw about the special baby born in Bethlehem.

Christ Focus: Jesus came for all people.
Life Point: Jesus was born.
Life Verse: I will do what God says. Psalm 119:34

Question: In what town was Jesus born?
Question: Who were the first visitors to see Jesus?
Question: Why was Jesus special?

Upcoming Events

  • December 22nd - Service times are 9:00 & 10:30 Babies - Kindergarten will be meeting for both services in their regular rooms.  
  • December 25th - No Wednesday night activities. Enjoy the time with family and friends. 

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.
Bridget :)

Bridget Scott, Preschool Minister

Thursday, December 5, 2013

"Forgiven" FAMILY PLUS Preschool - December 5

Hi Parents and Grandparents!
I had a conversation with a few of my friends recently about this very subject "Forgiveness". The question was brought up, how many times should you forgive someone? The answer is quite simple, as many times YOU need to be forgiven. You see, their is no number to measure that. Always forgive! To help your child this week with forgiveness - Try to help your child think of people he or she knows. Talk about how he or she treats those people and how they treat him or her. Emphasize that Jesus taught people how to treat one another. Jesus wants us to love other people....ALWAYS!

This week, Sunday, December 8, 2013, your child will hear this story:

Peter Learned a Lesson Based on Matthew 18:21-35
As Jesus was teaching His disciples, Peter asked Him, “How many times should I forgive someone?” Peter wanted to know how he should treat people who had done wrong things to him. To answer his question, Jesus told a story.
A servant owed the king a large amount of money. When the servant could not pay, the king wanted to take the servant, his family, and all of his belongings as payment for the money he owed. But the servant pleaded with the king to wait. The king felt sorry for the servant and told him he did not have to pay back the money.
The servant left and saw another servant who owed him some money. The first servant grabbed the man and demanded that he repay what he owed. The man pleaded for time to repay the money.  But the servant would not wait and had the man who owed him money put in jail.
When the king heard what the first servant had done, he was angry. “I treated you kindly, but you did not treat the other man who owed you money kindly. You will go to jail like your fellow servant!” the king said.
Jesus said we should forgive others because God forgives us.

Christ Focus: Jesus has forgiven us.
Life Point: We forgive others because God forgives us.
Life Verse: All things work together for good for those who love God. Romans 8:28

Question: How did Jesus teach Peter about forgiveness?
Question: Do you know someone you can forgive?

Upcoming Events
  • December 13th - Kids Night Out ages birth - 5th grade Big fun for all! Deadline December 8th. Click here to register online
  • December 22nd - Service times are 9:00 & 10:30 Babies - Kindergarten will be meeting for both services in their regular rooms.
  • December 25th - No Wednesday night activities. Enjoy the time with family and friends.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.
Bridget :)