Thursday, October 31, 2013

FAMILY PLUS Preschool "You Is Important!" - October 31

Hi Parents and Grandparents!
This week Sunday, November 3, 2013,  your preschooler will hear this story:

Peter and Cornelius
Based on Acts 10
Cornelius and his family loved God. One day Cornelius was praying. An angel gave him a message from God. Cornelius was to find a man named Peter.
Cornelius sent some men to find Peter. When the men found Peter, they explained what the angel had told Cornelius. The men said, “Cornelius wants to hear what you have to say.”
The next day Peter and the men went to Cornelius’s house. Cornelius was waiting with his family and friends.
Peter began talking to them. “God wants me to tell you that He loves everyone,” Peter said. “God wants me to tell you about His Son, Jesus.” Peter told how Jesus taught people about God and His love.
Cornelius and his family and friends listened carefully to Peter. Cornelius was glad that Peter had told him and his family and friends about God’s love for everyone.

Christ Focus: God wants all people to know and love Jesus.
Life Point: Every person is important.
Life Verse: Love others as I have loved you. John 15:12

Question: Who told Cornelius to send for Peter?
Question: How did Peter know he should go to see Cornelius?
Question: What happened after Cornelius and his family listened to Peter?

Bringing the story home: Encourage your preschooler to make a new friend this week. Ask him to think of someone who is very different from him. Help him think of ways to be kind and reach out to this person.

Upcoming Events
  • November 27th - No Wednesday night activities
  • December 13th - Kids Night Out ages birth - 5th grade

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.
Bridget :)

Thursday, October 24, 2013

FAMILY PLUS Preschool "Letting Others Go First" - October 24

Hi Parents and Grandparents!

This week our lesson will teach us the importance of the choices we make. Abram and Lot faced a challenge and made different choices. At first glance, their differences in their choices seemed very small, but they resulted in a heavy consequence later in their lives.

We have to make choices in everyday life, whether they may be big or small. But the choices we make now can make a huge difference later. We are promised that if we pray and truly rely on God to make the right choice, instead of making a decision on our own, that we will truly be blessed. We may not know what's ahead of us, but we will never regret it because God will guide us and strengthen us through it

This week, October 27, 2013, your child will hear this story:

Abram and Lot - Based on Genesis 13
Bible Story Brief:
Abram loved God very much. He took his wife, his helpers, and all his animals to live in the desert. His nephew Lot went with him. Lot also had a family, helpers, and animals. Abram's family and Lot's family lived in tents so they could move from place to place.
Their animals needed grass to eat and water to drink. It was hard to find enough grass and water for all the animals. The helpers began to quarrel about whose animals should eat the grass and drink the water. 
Abram worked with Lot to solve the problem. Abram said, "Let's not quarrel or fight. Our helpers should not argue either. We are part of the same family."
Then Abram said, "Let's divide the land. You choose the land you want. I will take the land in the opposite direction."
Lot chose the land near the Jordan River for his family, his helpers, and his animals. Abram took his family, his helpers, and his animals in the other direction to Canaan.
God spoke to Abram. God told Abram to look in every direction-north, south, east, and west. God said, "All the land you see will belong to your family. I will give this land to you and your children to have forever. Your family will be so big that you cannot count them. Go and walk through the land I am giving you."
Abram moved his tents near some large trees. Abram thanked God for the land.

Christ Focus: Jesus was kind.
Life Point: Let others go first.
Life Verse: Love your neighbor as much as you love yourself. James 2:8

Question: Why were Abram's and Lot's workers arguing?
Question: How did God help Abram and Lot solve the problem the workers were having?

Bringing the story home: When sharing snacks or taking turns with toys, encourage your child to let his friend have first choice. Remind your child that it is important to take turns. He will not always get his own way. Remind your child that Abram let Lot choose first.

Upcoming Events
  • October 27th - Family Day at Lannom Farms 1pm-6pm Pick up your ticket in the foyer of the Worship Center 
  • November 27th - No Wednesday night activities
  • December 13th - Kids Night Out ages birth - 5th grade

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.   
Bridget :)

Thursday, October 17, 2013

FAMILY PLUS Preschool "A True Friendship" - October 17

Hi Parents and Grandparents!

We all have met and known many different people in our lives. Most of them may simply be acquaintances, while others we might consider friends. Of these, there may be only a few that we would consider close friends.
The story of Jonathan and David is the story of one such friendship. As you read about this friendship, you will find that they shared much in common. There were also things that could have easily destroyed their bond, but instead, they made it stronger.
God wants us to be friends like Jonathan and David were friends. He wants us to love others and care for them.

Saul, Jonathan, and David Based on 1 Samuel 14:49; 18:1-4; 20:1-42
Bible story brief:
David was a special helper for King Saul. When the king felt sad, David played music on the harp to make him feel better.
While at the king’s house, David met Jonathan. Jonathan was King Saul’s son. David liked Jonathan, and Jonathan liked David. Jonathan and David did many things together. Soon they became best friends.
Jonathan wanted to show David how glad he was to be David’s friend. So Jonathan took off his robe and belt. He gave them to David. Then Jonathan gave David his bow for shooting arrows. These things were special to Jonathan, and he wanted David to have them. Jonathan loved David and wanted David to know that. David and Jonathan were always best friends.

Christ Focus: Jesus is our friend and loves us.
Life Point: Be kind.
Life Verse: Be kind to one another. Ephesians 4:32

Question: What gifts did Jonathan give to David?
Question: Why did Jonathan give David gifts?
Question: How did Jonathan warn David that he was in danger?

Bring the story home
:  Draw a smiling face on one paper plate and a frowning face on another. Talk with your child about several situations she might face with her friends, such as sharing toys and being kind or unkind. Ask her to choose which face represents the way she feels in each situation. Explain that being kind and sharing helps everyone feel happy.

Upcoming Events

  • October 27th - Family Day at Lannom Farms 
  • November 27th - No Wednesday night activities
  • December 13th - Kids Night Out ages birth - 5th grade

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.
Bridget :)

Thursday, October 10, 2013

FAMILY PLUS Preschool "Sisters!" - October 10

Hi Parents and Grandparents!

Sunday, October 13, 2013 your preschooler will learn this story:
Mary and Martha
Based on Luke 10:38-42
Bible Story Brief:
Jesus and His helpers were traveling. They came to the town where two sisters lived. The sisters were named Mary and Martha.
Jesus and His helpers walked to Mary and Martha’s house. The sisters were very happy to see Jesus.
Mary sat on the floor near Jesus. She listened carefully as Jesus talked. Mary wanted to hear everything Jesus said. While Mary was listening, Martha was getting a meal ready for Jesus.
Then Martha walked over to Jesus and said, “Jesus, I’m doing all of the work by myself. Don’t You think Mary should be helping me? Tell Mary to help me.”
In a kind voice, Jesus said, “Martha, do not worry about what needs to be done. Mary is listening to Me, and that is very important.”
Jesus loved His friends Martha and Mary. They loved Jesus, too.

Christ Focus: Jesus loves people and wants to be their friend.
Life Point: God comes first.
Life Verse: Be kind to one another. Ephesians 4:32

Question: Why was Martha angry with her sister?
Question: What did Jesus tell Martha?
Question: How was Mary thinking about God first?

Bring the story home: Talk about the following situations with your preschooler this week: eat a cookie or share a cookie; watch TV or read the Bible; go to the park or go to church. Help your child decide which of the choices God would want her to do.

Upcoming Events

  • October 27th - Family Day at Lannon Farms
  • November 27th - No Wednesday night activities
  • December 13th - Kids Night Out ages birth - 5th grade

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.

Bridget :)

Thursday, October 3, 2013

FAMILY PLUS Preschool "Special Dinner" - October 3

Hi Parents and Grandparents!

Sunday, October 6, 2013 your preschooler will learn this story:

The Last Supper Based on Matthew 26:17-30; 1 Corinthians 11:23-26
Bible Story Brief:
One day Jesus told two of His helpers to get everything ready for a special supper. “Where do You want us to prepare the supper?” they asked.
Jesus said, “Go into the city. You will meet a man. Tell him that I want to eat a special supper with My helpers at his house.”
Jesus’ helpers did what Jesus told them to do. They got everything ready for the special supper.
When it was time to eat, Jesus and His helpers sat at the table. As they were eating, Jesus took some bread. He thanked God for it. Jesus tore the bread into pieces. He gave some bread to each helper.
Then Jesus took a cup and said thank you to God. Jesus shared the cup with each helper.
Jesus told His helpers to always remember the things He did. Jesus wanted His helpers to always remember this special supper they had together.

Christ Focus: The Lord’s Supper reminds us of Jesus and what He did for us.
Life Point: Jesus wants people to love one another.
Life Verse: Love others as I have loved you. John 15:12

Question: How did Jesus show love to His disciples?
Question: What is one way you can show kindness to another person?

Bring the story home:
Talk with your preschooler about situations that are difficult for him, such as a friend hitting him or breaking in front of him in line. Provide paper and crayons or markers. Ask him to draw a picture of responding kindly to one of the situations.
Upcoming Events

  • October 27th - Family Day at Lannon Farms
  • November 27th - No Wednesday night activities
  • December 13th - Kids Night Out ages birth - 5th grade

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.
Bridget :)