Thursday, June 20, 2013

FAMILY PLUS Preschool "Work Together" - June 20

Hi Parents & Grandparents!

As you review the Bible story this week about the building of the tabernacle, emphasize that the people worked together to provide materials needed for the building. Involve your child in planning a time to work with people from your church. It could be a cleanup day or a mission activity helping at another church. Use the Bible verse “We work together with God.”

This Sunday, 23, 2013, Your preschooler will hear this story -
The People Built the Tabernacle  Exodus 35:1-35; 36:1-6
Bible Story Brief -
• Moses gathered all the people together. “Listen,” said Moses. “God wants you to bring an offering to build the tabernacle. Bring gold, silver, and bronze. Bring blue, purple, and red yarn. Bring animal skins and oil. Bring spices and wood.”
• Moses continued, “Then people will use their skills to build the tabernacle. Some will make the tent, with its posts and poles and covering. Some will build the ark of the covenant, the lamp-stands, and the altars. Some people will weave and sew curtains and clothes for the priests.”
• The people began to bring offerings—purple, blue, and red yarn; gold jewelry; silver; bronze; cloth; animal skins; oil; spices; and wood. Then the skilled people began to work. Builders made the tent posts and poles. Artists made designs with the gold, silver, and bronze. Women who sewed well made curtains and special clothes for the priests.
• The people wanted to use their skills and offerings to worship God. They kept bringing offerings until Moses told them not to bring anything else. They had enough offerings to build the tabernacle.
Life Application - I can obey God by working with others.
Bible Truth - God wants people to work together.
Bible Verse - We work together with God. 1 Corinthians 3:9

Save these dates:
* Wacky Wednesday - June 26 - Movie night - Wear your p.j.'s

*July 8 - 12 - Preschool Daycamp ages: 3 year old - completed Kindergarten cost:$45
*NO Wednesday night activities in July
*July 31 - Back to School Bash

If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.
Bridget :)

Thursday, June 13, 2013

FAMILY PLUS Preschool "Rules" - June 13

Hi Parents & Grandparents!
This Sunday is Father's day. Just a reminder that Sunday we will not have any adult groups meeting. For your preschooler we will have Wee Worship and Wee Care during the one service at 10:30.
We have had a great week of Summer Jam learning about "God's Big Story!" God's big story tells us about God's BIG love for us all.
To help your preschooler with this week's story, review the rules you have in your home. Talk about why you have those rules. Explain that God gave rules to people for the same reasons—so they would be safe and happy. Help your child come up with some special rules that apply only to him.

This Sunday, June 16, 2013, Your preschooler will hear this story - God Gave the Ten Commandments Exodus 19:1–20:20
Bible Story Brief -
• Moses led the people of Israel out of Egypt. They camped at the bottom of a mountain. Moses went up the mountain. God said, “Remind the people how I have helped them. Tell them I want them to obey Me. I am coming in a cloud to speak to you. The people will see the cloud and hear Me speak to you. Tell them to wash their clothes and not to touch the mountain.” Moses told the people what God had said. They replied, “We will do what God tells us to do.”
• On the third day, there was thunder and lightning, a thick cloud appeared, and a loud trumpet sounded. The people were afraid. They gathered at the bottom of the mountain. Moses went up the mountain to talk to God again. God wanted the people to know what they should do to obey Him. God told Moses and the people to obey these ten special rules, or Commandments.
– Do not worship anyone but God. God is the only God. – Do not worship anything you have made. – Always say God’s name in a respectful way. – Work on six days. On the seventh day, rest and worship God. – Honor and respect your father and mother.
– Do not kill anyone. – Husbands and wives should keep their wedding promises to each other. – Do not take something that belongs to someone else. – Do not tell lies about other people. Always tell the truth. – Do not wish for things that belong to other people.
Life Application -  I can begin to understand why God gives us rules.
Bible Truth - God gave us rules because He loves us.
Bible Verse -  Do what God says. Deuteronomy 5:32

Save these dates:
* Wacky Wednesday's in June....
    - June 12 - Ice Cream Sundaes
    - June 19 - Water night - Wear clothes you can get wet & don't forget your towel & dry    
    - June 26 - Movie night - Wear your p.j.'s

*July 8 - 12 - Preschool Daycamp ages: 3 year old - completed Kindergarten
*NO Wednesday night activities in July
*July 31 - Back to School Bash

If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.
Bridget :)

Thursday, June 6, 2013

FAMILY PLUS Preschool "Stone Pillow" - June 6

Hi Parents & Grandparents!

While you are driving this week with your preschooler in the car, make a point to say a prayer for God’s protection as you travel. If you are going across town or across the country, help him/her understand that God is with you. Talk about Jacob’s journey and God’s promise to always be with him.

This Sunday, June 9, 2013, Your preschooler will hear this story -
God Cared for Jacob Genesis 28:10-22
Bible Story Brief -
• Jacob was traveling to Haran. Soon it began to get dark. Jacob stopped for the night. He found a smooth stone to use for a pillow and lay down to sleep.
• As Jacob slept, he dreamed that he saw a ladder or stairway. It reached from the earth up into heaven. Jacob saw angels going up and down the ladder.
• Jacob heard God speak to him. “I am God. I will give you and your children this land where you are sleeping. I will be with you everywhere you go. I will not leave you. I will always be with you and will help you.”
• Jacob woke up. He felt afraid. He thought, How awesome this place is. He knew God would be with him wherever he went. God would help him have food to eat and clothes to wear and would keep him safe.
• Jacob wanted God to know how thankful he was for the promise. He set up the stone he had used for a pillow. He poured oil on the stone. The stone would help Jacob remember where God had talked to him.

Life Application -
I can begin to understand that God is always with me.
Bible Truth - God is with me wherever I go.
Bible Verse - I am with you everywhere you go. Genesis 28:15

Save these dates:
* Wacky Wednesday's in June....
    - June 12 - Ice Cream Sundaes 
    - June 19 - Water night - Wear clothes you can get wet & don't forget your towel & dry    
    - June 26 - Movie night - Wear your p.j.'s

*July 8 - 12 - Preschool Daycamp ages: 3 year old - completed Kindergarten - $45
*NO Wednesday night activities in July
*July 31 - Back to School Bash

If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.
Bridget :)
