Thursday, April 25, 2013

FAMILY PLUS Preschool "Peter Told About Jesus" - April 25

Dear Parent & Grandparents,
Have you ever told your preschooler about Jesus? I mean have you ever sat down and told them the story of Jesus. This week you can tell that story simply by reviewing this weeks lesson with them. There is nothing sweeter than having a conversation about Jesus with a preschooler . Personally, I can not wait to tell my grandson. While you are reviewing the story tell them, "Peter told others about Jesus and we can, too."

This Sunday, April 28, 2013, Your preschooler will hear this story -
Peter Told About Jesus
Matthew 28:16-20; Acts 2:1-2,6-11,14,22,37-41
Bible Story Brief -
• The disciples traveled to the mountain in Galilee where Jesus had told them to go.When they reached the mountain, they saw Jesus waiting for them, and they worshiped Him.They were happy to see Jesus.
• “Go and teach others about Me,” Jesus told them. “Teach people all the things I have told you. Tell them what God wants them to do. I will be with you always, wherever you go. ”The disciples listened and did what Jesus told them to do.
• One thing Jesus told them to do was to wait together in Jerusalem. People from different lands came to Jerusalem for Pentecost (a special celebration). The disciples and other believers gathered in one place.
• Suddenly, a sound like a loud wind was heard everywhere. All the people could understand in their own languages what the disciples and other believers were saying.
• Peter stood up and told people that Jesus had done miracles and other good things. He said that they needed to obey God. About 3,000 people were baptized that day after Peter spoke.

Life Application -
I can learn that people told others about Jesus.
Bible Truth - People told others about Jesus.
Bible Verse - Tell people everywhere about Jesus. Matthew 28:19-20

Save these dates:
*Preschool DayCamp July 8th - 12th  Ages 3 to completed Kindergarten

If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.
Bridget :)

Thursday, April 18, 2013

FAMILY PLUS Preschool "Fishing wih Jesus" - April 18

Dear Parent & Grandparents,

I have extended the deadline to April 24th for our Preschool Kids Night Out. It is Friday, April 26th. Cost is one child $13, two children $18 for three or more $23. We always have a blast!

This week sing “Jesus Loves Me” with your child. Comment: “Jesus loves you and is your friend.”

This Sunday, April 21, 2013, Your preschooler will hear this story -

Jesus Cooked for his Disciples
John 21:1-17
Bible Story Brief -
• Peter,Thomas, Nathanael, James, John, and two of Jesus’ other disciples were near the Sea of Galilee. “I’m going fishing,” Peter said. “We’ll go with you,” said the others. They took a boat into the lake and fished all night. But they did not catch any fish.
• Early the next morning, the men saw Jesus standing on the shore, but they did not recognize Him. Jesus called, “Don’t you have any fish?”
• “No,” the disciples answered. “Throw the net on the right side of the boat,” said Jesus. “You’ll find fish there. ”The men did what Jesus said; so many fish were in the net that they could not pull it into the boat.
•Then John said to Peter, “That man is Jesus!”As soon as Peter heard
that, he jumped into the water.The other disciples followed in the boat, towing the net full of fish.
• On the shore, they saw a fire. Fish were cooking, and there was bread. Jesus said, “Bring some of the fish you have caught.” Peter dragged the net to the shore.The disciples counted 153 large fish in the net.
• Jesus said, “Come and eat breakfast.” Jesus showed He loved the disciples by cooking breakfast for them. After breakfast, Jesus gave Peter a special job to do. Jesus wanted Peter to tell others about Him.
Life Application -  I can discover that Jesus is my friend and loves me.
Bible Truth - Jesus loved His friends.
Bible Verse - “Come eat with Me,” said Jesus. John 21:12

Save these dates:
* Preschool Kids Night Out - April 26th, 6pm-10pm for Birth - Kindergarten 
   Cost $13, $18 or $23 Deadline is fast approaching! April 24th is the very last day you can sign up.

If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.
Bridget :)

Thursday, April 11, 2013

FAMILY PLUS Preschool "No Doubt!" - April 11

Dear Parent & Grandparents,

Continue your discussion from last week with your preschooler about the fact that Jesus is alive. Use conversation to help your preschooler understand that people saw Jesus after He was crucified and buried. They realized He was the Son of God and was alive.

This Sunday, April 14, 2013, Your preschooler will hear this story -

Thomas saw Jesus John 20:19-29
Bible Story Brief -
• Jesus’ disciples were afraid. They thought the men who had hurt Jesus might hurt them, too. In the evening, the disciples went to a room in a house and locked the doors. While they were in the room, Jesus came in. He was in the room with them!
• The disciples were happy to see their friend Jesus! Jesus told the disciples not to be afraid. Then He said, “God sent Me to tell people that He loves them. Now I am sending you to go many places and tell people about God’s love. God will help you. He wants you to forgive people when they do wrong things. ”The disciples listened to everything Jesus told them.
• Not all of Jesus’ disciples were in the room that night. The disciple named Thomas was not there. When the other disciples saw Thomas later, they told him what had happened. “We have seen Jesus!” the disciples told Thomas. Thomas said, “I won’t believe that Jesus is alive until I see Him and touch Him!”
• Eight days later, all of the disciples were in a room together, including Thomas. Again the doors were locked, but Jesus came into the room and stood with the disciples. He told them not to be afraid. Then Jesus told Thomas, “Reach out your hand and touch Me. I want you to know that I am alive.”
• Thomas looked at Jesus and replied, “You are Jesus, God’s Son!”
• Jesus told Thomas, “You believe that I am alive because you can see Me. Many people believe I am alive even though they have not seen Me.”
Life Application - I can know that Jesus is the Son of God.
Bible Truth - Jesus is the Son of God and is alive.
Bible Verse - Jesus is the Son of God. John 20:31

Save these dates:
* Preschool Kids Night Out - April 26th, 6pm-10pm for Birth - Kindergarten Cost $13, $18 or $23
If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.
Bridget :)

Thursday, April 4, 2013

FAMILY PLUS Preschool "It Was Jesus!" - April 4

Dear Parent & Grandparents,

Here is an idea that will help you share this week's story with your preschooler:
When you see people walking beside the road, comment: “Those people are walking along the road. Your Bible story is about two men who were walking along the road.” Review the Bible story from Luke 24. Emphasize that the men realized that Jesus was alive.

This Sunday, April 7, 2013, Your preschooler will hear this story -
Two Men saw Jesus Luke 24:13-35
Bible Story Brief -
• Two men were walking to a village near Jerusalem called Emmaus (eh MAY uhs). They were talking and arguing about what had happened to Jesus during the past week.
• As they walked, Jesus joined them, but they did not recognize Him. Jesus asked why they were arguing. Cleopas (KLEE oh puhs) said, “You must be the only one who doesn’t know what has been happening in Jerusalem.” The two men began to tell Jesus what had happened in the last few days.
• “Jesus was performing miracles and telling people about God,” they said. “The government leaders decided He should die. He died on a cross. Three days later some women went to the tomb. It was empty. An angel said that He was alive! Other people went to the tomb and did not see Him.”
• Jesus then began telling the two men all that was written in the Bible about Himself. The men invited Him to stay with them in Emmaus. They still did not recognize Jesus.
• As the three men sat at the table, Jesus took the bread, prayed over it, and tore a piece for each one. Then the men recognized Him. It was Jesus! Suddenly, He was gone.
• The men hurried back to Jerusalem that night to tell the disciples. They had seen Jesus—alive!
Life Application -  I can learn that people told others that Jesus was alive.
Bible Truth - People told that Jesus was alive.
Bible Verse - The men said that Jesus was alive. Luke 24:33-34

Save these dates:
* Preschool Kids Night Out - April 26th, 6pm-10pm for Birth - Kindergarten 
     Cost $13, $18 or $23

If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.

Bridget :)