Hi Parents and Grandparents!
Spend time outdoors with your child. Look for things God has created. Ask: “Who created this?” Review the Bible story at bedtime.
Spend time outdoors with your child. Look for things God has created. Ask: “Who created this?” Review the Bible story at bedtime.
This Sunday, March 3, 2013, your preschooler will hear this story -
God Created the World Genesis 1:1-19
Bible Story Brief -
• In the beginning, there was only God. God chose to create the world. The earth was dark and empty and covered with water. There were no plants, trees, or flowers; no animals, birds, or fish; and no people.
• On the first day, God said, “Let there be light.” Light began to shine. God separated the light from the darkness. He called the light day and the darkness night.
• On the second day, God separated the waters. He called the space between the waters sky.
• On the third day, God said, “Let the water on the earth gather together and dry ground appear.” God called the dry ground land. He called the gathered water seas. Then God said, “Let plants and trees grow on the land.” Each kind of plant had seed to make more plants like it grow. Each kind of tree had fruit with seed.
• On the fourth day, God made lights in the sky. The lights separated day from night. They showed the seasons and years. God created the bright sun for day and the moon and stars to shine at night.
• God looked at everything He had created. He saw that all of it was good.
Bible Verse - In the beginning God created the world. Genesis 1:1
• In the beginning, there was only God. God chose to create the world. The earth was dark and empty and covered with water. There were no plants, trees, or flowers; no animals, birds, or fish; and no people.
• On the first day, God said, “Let there be light.” Light began to shine. God separated the light from the darkness. He called the light day and the darkness night.
• On the second day, God separated the waters. He called the space between the waters sky.
• On the third day, God said, “Let the water on the earth gather together and dry ground appear.” God called the dry ground land. He called the gathered water seas. Then God said, “Let plants and trees grow on the land.” Each kind of plant had seed to make more plants like it grow. Each kind of tree had fruit with seed.
• On the fourth day, God made lights in the sky. The lights separated day from night. They showed the seasons and years. God created the bright sun for day and the moon and stars to shine at night.
• God looked at everything He had created. He saw that all of it was good.
Bible Verse - In the beginning God created the world. Genesis 1:1
Life Application - I can thank God for the world He created.
Bible Truth - God created all the world.
Save these dates:
* Wednesday night, March 27th Preschool Egg hunt
If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.
Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.
Bridget :)