This Sunday during both services The New Generation team will be celebrating stories about what God has been doing. We are very excited about sharing these stories from each of our ministries. This will be a service that will be kid friendly. Feel free to bring your three year old through Kindergarten to service with you. You will not want to miss this service.
August 5th will be our Promotion Sunday. Be on the look out for a card in the mail to let you know which class your preschooler will be promoting to.
Also don't forget about our Back To School Bash for Preschoolers on Wednesday, August 1st.
This Sunday, July 29, 2012, your preschooler will hear this story -
Friends Helped a Paralyzed Man (Mark 2:1-12)
Bible story brief -
• Jesus traveled to the city of Capernaum. The people gathered in the house where Jesus was. They wanted to see Jesus and hear what He would say. Many people crowded into the house until there was no more space for anyone else in the house.
• Four men walked toward the house. They were carrying their friend on a mat. The man on the mat was paralyzed. He could not walk. He could not even stand up. He had to stay in his bed all the time.
• The four men carried their friend to the house to see Jesus. But they could not get through the crowd. They could not get through the door into the house.
• The four men decided to try another way to get inside the house. Very carefully they carried their friend up the steps and onto the flat rooftop. They made a hole in the roof, above the place that Jesus stood. They lowered their friend down through the hole and into the room where Jesus was.
• Jesus said to the paralyzed man, “Get up. Pick up your mat and go home.” • The man stood up, picked up his mat, and walked out of the house. Jesus had
healed the man who could not walk. Now, the paralyzed man could walk! • How surprised the people were! They praised God and said, “We have seen
wonderful things today.”
Bible Verse - Help people in need. Deuteronomy 15:11
Life Application - My actions can help other people.
Bible Truth - We can help people with special needs.
Your parent challenge this week - At home help your child practice opening a door for someone. Arrive at church a little early. Choose a door and work together to open the door for others as they come into church. Say: “You are helping other people. The Bible says, ‘Help people in need. Deuteronomy 15:11.’ ”
Save these dates:
* Back to School Bash - August 1 We will have activities for all ages that include dinner at no cost. While your children are having with us you will be able to enjoy the "Taste and See". For cost and more details here is the link for the Taste and See event http://www.gladevillechurch.
*September 21st Kids Night Out
If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.
Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.
Bridget :)