Thursday, July 26, 2012

FAMILY PLUS Preschool - July 26

Hi Parents and Grandparents,

This Sunday during both services The New Generation team will be celebrating stories about what God has been doing. We are very excited about sharing these stories from each of our ministries. This will be a service that will be kid friendly. Feel free to bring your three year old through Kindergarten to service with you. You will not want to miss this service.

August 5th will be our Promotion Sunday. Be on the look out for a card in the mail to let you know which class your preschooler will be promoting to.

Also don't forget about our Back To School Bash for Preschoolers on Wednesday, August 1st.

This Sunday, July 29, 2012, your preschooler will hear this story -
Friends Helped a Paralyzed Man (Mark 2:1-12)
Bible story brief -
• Jesus traveled to the city of Capernaum. The people gathered in the house where Jesus was. They wanted to see Jesus and hear what He would say. Many people crowded into the house until there was no more space for anyone else in the house.
• Four men walked toward the house. They were carrying their friend on a mat. The man on the mat was paralyzed. He could not walk. He could not even stand up. He had to stay in his bed all the time.
• The four men carried their friend to the house to see Jesus. But they could not get through the crowd. They could not get through the door into the house.
• The four men decided to try another way to get inside the house. Very carefully they carried their friend up the steps and onto the flat rooftop. They made a hole in the roof, above the place that Jesus stood. They lowered their friend down through the hole and into the room where Jesus was.
• Jesus said to the paralyzed man, “Get up. Pick up your mat and go home.” • The man stood up, picked up his mat, and walked out of the house. Jesus had
healed the man who could not walk. Now, the paralyzed man could walk! • How surprised the people were! They praised God and said, “We have seen
wonderful things today.”

Bible Verse - Help people in need. Deuteronomy 15:11
Life Application - My actions can help other people.
Bible Truth - We can help people with special needs.

Your parent challenge this week - At home help your child practice opening a door for someone.  Arrive at church a little early. Choose a door and work together to open the door for others as they come into church. Say: “You are helping other people. The Bible says, ‘Help people in need. Deuteronomy 15:11.’ ”

Save these dates:
* Back to School Bash - August 1 We will have activities for all ages that include dinner at no cost. While your children are having with us you will be able to enjoy the "Taste and See". For cost and more details here is the link for the Taste and See event 
*September 21st Kids Night Out

If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.
Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.

Bridget :)

Thursday, July 19, 2012

FAMILY PLUS Preschool - July 19

Hi Parents and Grandparents,
I want to give you a few details about our Back To School Bash for Preschoolers. On Wednesday, August 1st, from 6 to 8 PM - your preschoolers will join in age-appropriate events like inflatables, trackless train, Jurassic adventure, and rock wall. Of course, no kids night at our church is complete without a visit from Anthony the Balloon Kid, face painting, bubbles and sidewalk chalk. Hot dogs, chips, and snow cones provided at NO COST!! While your children are having with us you will be able to enjoy the "Taste and See". For more details here is the link for the Taste and See event

This Sunday, July 22, 2012, your preschooler will hear this story -
“Paul and Silas Told About Jesus” Acts 16:22-32,34
Bible story brief -
• Paul and Silas loved Jesus. They were missionaries. Everywhere they went they told people about Jesus. Some people did not want them to talk about Jesus. Paul and Silas were put in prison. The jailer locked their feet in chains.
• Paul and Silas began to pray and sing songs to God. The other prisoners listened to them. Even the jailer must have heard them before he fell asleep.
• Suddenly, at midnight, while Paul and Silas were praying and singing, there was an earthquake. The ground shook so hard that the prison doors opened and the prisoners’ chains came loose.
• The earthquake woke the jailer. When he saw the prison doors wide open, he thought the prisoners had left. The jailer knew he would be punished if the prisoners were gone. He was scared. Then the jailer heard Paul call out in a loud voice, “We are all still here! Do not be afraid!”
• The jailer rushed in to see Paul and Silas. He asked them to tell him about Jesus. They told him and any prisoner that could hear about Jesus. The jailer took Paul and Silas to his home. Paul and Silas told everyone in the jailer’s house about Jesus. The jailer and everyone in his house listened to what Paul and Silas said about Jesus.
Bible Verse - Go and tell others about Jesus. Mark 16:15
Life Application - I can tell people about Jesus.
Bible Truth - We can tell people about Jesus.
Your parent challenge this week - Talk with your child about what we can tell others about Jesus. (He is God’s Son; Jesus helped people; Jesus healed people; Jesus loves all people; Jesus loves children.) Guide your child to choose two facts to tell about Jesus. Lead him to tell these facts to a baby sister, grandparent, friend, or Sunday School teacher. Say: “You can tell others about Jesus!”

Save these dates:
* No Wednesday night activities in July. Enjoy your time with your family.
* Summer Nights For Families - July 22 Movie Night, we will be showing Ice Age 4 at the Roxy.
* Back to School Bash - August 1 We will have activities for all ages that include dinner at no cost.

If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.
Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.
Bridget :)

Friday, July 13, 2012

FAMILY PLUS Preschool - July 13

Hi Parents and Grandparents,

We had a wonderful week at Preschool Day Camp. Each day was filled
with Bible Stories, Worship, crafts, and fun themes. We had an average
of 118 preschoolers and leaders every day. We were able to make new
friends and build relationships in and around the community. Fun was
had by all. I heard lots of giggles and saw lots of smiles. I even
heard several children cry only because it was time to go home.

This Sunday, July 15, 2012, your preschooler will hear this story -

“A Church Helped”  Acts 11:27-30
Bible story brief -
• Some prophets left the church in Jerusalem and came to the church in
Antioch. A prophet is a person who speaks for God and tells other
people what God wants them to know. One of the prophets was Agabus.
• Agabus talked to the people in the church at Antioch. He told them
that God wanted them to know that there would be a famine in
Jerusalem. The people in Antioch knew that many people in Jerusalem
loved Jesus. They were sad that the people in Jerusalem would not have
enough food.
• The people in Antioch wanted to help the people in Jerusalem. They
worked together to plan how they could help during the famine.
• The people of the Antioch church brought offerings for the people in
Jerusalem. Each person brought as much as he could bring. People who
were poor brought small offerings of food and money. People who were
rich brought large offerings. The people in Antioch knew their
offerings would help the hungry people in Jerusalem.
• The people gave their offerings to their teachers, Barnabas and
Saul. Barnabas and Saul took the many offerings to the people in the
church in Jerusalem.

Bible Verse - All the people helped. Acts 11:29
Life Application - I can give to help people.
Bible Truth - We can give to help people.

Your parent challenge this week - Review the Bible story on the way
home from church. Talk as a family about ways your church helps other
people. Help your child decorate an empty plastic container. Cut a
slit in the lid. Collect leftover change for the rest of the month.
Convert the change to bills and place them in an offering envelope.
Lead your child to place the offering in the offering plate at church.

Save these dates:
* No Wednesday night activities in July. Enjoy your time with your family.
* Summer Nights For Families - July 22 Movie Night, we will be showing
Ice Age 4 at the Roxy.
* Back to School Bash - August 1 We will have activities for all ages
that include dinner at no cost.

If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your
family please let me know.

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.

Bridget :)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

FAMILY PLUS Preschool - July 5

Hi Parents and Grandparents,

I hope that you were able to enjoy the 4th of July with your family. I had time to relax and enjoy the day with my family. We had no plans and sometimes its just nice to sit back and relax. I hope that some time during the summer you and your family will find a couple of days to do just that.

This Sunday, July 8, 2012, your preschooler will hear this story - People Prayed for People  Acts 12:1-17
Bible story brief -
• God wanted Peter to tell others about Jesus, so that is what Peter did. King Herod did not want Peter to teach about Jesus. The king put Peter in prison. Peter’s church friends began to pray for God to help Peter.
• One night when Peter was asleep, an angel appeared. He woke Peter up. “Hurry!” the angel said. “Get up! Get dressed! Put on your sandals and your coat and come with me.”  Peter did what the angel told him to do.
• Peter and the angel walked past the prison guards, through the open gate into the city. Then the angel left. Peter thought he had been dreaming but realized he was not. He said, “God sent the angel to help me.”
• Peter went to Mary’s house, where his church friends were praying. He knocked on the door. Rhoda came to the door. When she heard Peter’s voice, she was so excited that she forgot to open the door and let Peter in! “Peter is at the door!” she told the friends who were praying, but they didn’t believe her. Peter kept knocking. Finally someone opened the door. The church friends were surprised to see Peter standing there!
• Peter told his friends how God had helped him. Peter said, “Tell our other friends what has happened tonight. Tell them how God helped me.”

Bible Verse - Pray for one another. James 5:16
Life Application - I can pray for people.
Bible Truth -
I can pray for people.

Your parent challenge this week - If you and your child are in the car and see an ambulance, say: “We can pray for others. The Bible says we can pray for one another.” Say a prayer aloud, with your eyes open, for the person in the ambulance. As other times arise during the week, pray with your child for others. Find time to talk together about the Bible story.

Save these dates:
* No Wednesday night activities in July  Enjoy your time with your family
* Preschool Day Camp - July 9-13 - 9 to 3 - Ages 3 years to completed Kindergarten. Cost $45
* Summer Nights For Families - July 22 Movie Night, we will be showing Ice Age 4 at the Roxy.
If there is something that I can help you pray about with you or your family please let me know.   

Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in guiding your child spiritually.
Bridget :)